Hey BundleflowerPower,
BundleflowerPower said:
yet at the same time big on the idea that the Roman Church and Othodox Church can one day be one church (which I still feel btw).
The Catholic Church, which can be seen as a big branch from the Orthodox Church, lies not far away from the stem, despite the Great Schism in 1054. This is comes mainly from the fact that the Catholic Church kept the Apostolic succession – the bishops form a direct, uninterrupted line of descent from the Apostles of Jesus Christ. In practice, it means that any member of the Catholic Church can be re-united with the Orthodox Church by means of a confession and partaking in the Holy Communion. There is no need to re-do the baptizing and the Chrismation (confirmation), while the clergy (lectors, subdiacons, diacons, priests and bishops) retain their respective order.
BundleflowerPower said:
Then I found the plants, and people like us, and shamanism, and have had an awesome spiritual experience in which I’ve found that there is realness in Christianity.
Indeed - through the use of psychedelics people can rediscover, unintentionally, their faith.
BundleflowerPower said:
My spiritual experience relative to all these people has been very challenging at times, given all the things that I have heard people say about each other during the course of my life
This is because people are inclined to turn outwards, while our whole attention should be turned inwards: to know yourself, to fight the preternatural evil forces (demonic thoughts) and to find God.
BundleflowerPower said:
And healing the fear of hell that I grew up with has been challenging.
There are three types of fear: the fear to get a punishment, the fear of not getting a reward and the fear to upset somebody you love. Of course, it is not possible to really “upset” God, because He is the Absolute Love, but the fear of doing the things He did not intend (as outlined in the Gospel commandments) is the only constructive fear one should have. Thus, the fear of hell is actually the fear of intentionally performing actions that separate us from the Source of all love (God). Even here, on earth, we experience a great sorrow and inner torment when we learn that we will never see again somebody we love. Along this lines, an eternal separation from the Absolute Love implies an absolute sorrow and torment (=hell).
BundleflowerPower said:
Or the fear that sexual energy is wrong or bad or evil.
Is electrical energy good or bad? It depends on the use: you can use it to illuminate the house or to electrocute somebody. So is the sexual energy: it can be used in a negative way (violent rape), in a positive way (the love making between a man and woman who love each other) or anything in between (drunk sex with a stranger, orgies, blackmail etc.)
BundleflowerPower said:
I don’t really know Jesus
Then maybe it’s time to get to know Him? Repeat during the day, particularly at times of discontent, the Jesus prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me." or the long version: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.", and the Holy Spirit will illuminate you. Reading the Gospel also helps.
BundleflowerPower said:
yet I’ve found the Virgin Mary to be very real in my experience, and spiritually feel the devotion to her that exists my community amounts the Catholic and orthodox churches.
True, but you still need to know Jesus better
BundleflowerPower said:
And that’s what’s been challenging. To heal the rifts in my soul that exist between various religions
During those challenging questions, you should ask: “What relevance does it have to my salvation?” The answer is: none. Your mission on earth is not to heal rifts, but to turn your attention inside in order to know yourself, to fight the demonic influences on your mind and to find God.