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chronic tolerance mushrooms?

Migrated topic.


Esteemed member
Dear friends,

i have a question i recently took 5gr of mckennaii shrooms with harmala full spectrum hcl 500mg plus 500mg of alcohol extract from harmala and i din't feel anything.
i have taken 5gr of Hawaiian with harmala and on a other occasion 5gr golden teachers with harmala both nothing maybe a very very slight change in feeling. maybe al the recent trips is between 3 months. i have taken in the past 5 gr without harmala and that time i had the feeling that i was dreaming while awake. i dont like it at al to take shrooms and dont feel anything. i have taken very high doses of DMT out of body trips. while using a bong with a vapobowl and a gas burner. one time i had 10gr of DMT and i din't weight it. i thought i dont need to weight it because i had enough. i exalted and took a big hit. than 3 or 4 seconds later i looked out of my window and every tree look dirrent than normal and they a looked at me with red dots on the leaves. i exhale and my body felt very heavy so i instinctively laid down. when my back touch the floor i felt out of my body through the floor and foundation. then the out of body part of the trip began. also i have taken alot of ayehuasca analogues
al most everyday. my 5gr shrooms trip dreaming while being awake was before dmt and ayehuasca.
my question is, is it possible to have a chronic tolerance for mushrooms? and how to fix it.
again i dont take everyday and i take mushrooms between 3 months. i dont want to take 11gr or 22gr and trip to hard and get attack by hostile conscious 'forces' i been through that serval times already and that is not pleasant to say at least. one time i took 288mg dmt and 8 gr harmala pharma style. it was a truly out of body nightmare. and i will not take dmt again never ever not even for a million or a trillion euro or dollar.
Do you mean you leave a three month gap between mushroom trips?

If your "McKennai" mushrooms are a variety of P. cubensis, it's possible that they've lost potency. How were they stored?

It's also possible your recklessly high DMT doses have caused a neurological block against tripping and you need to give all psychedelics a LONG break in order to allow yourself to integrate the experiences.
i stopt with freebase dmt in 2014 as for ayahuasca i stopt in early 2016.
a LONG break? hmm i think after what i have gone to that will mean 3 life times.

i have taken hawaian. golden teachers fresh without any psychadelic effect.
i have made the mckennaii in to powder by using a blender en stuffed in in two zip bags. i put so many mushroom in one zip bag that the bag feels solid. so no air is there inside.

yeah a three month gap some times more ofcourse because why should i take them if there is no effect so there is no incentive fore me to take them.
freebase dmt 3 or 4.5 grams. i think thats a litle bit to high for me or everyone.
and what i said i will never take dmt again.

i quess your talking about mimosa hostilis or acacia confusa powder.
because freebase dmt at 4.5 gr maybe deadly.
josboaz said:
freebase dmt 3 or 4.5 grams. i think thats a litle bit to high for me or everyone.
and what i said i will never take dmt again.

i quess your talking about mimosa hostilis or acacia confusa powder.
because freebase dmt at 4.5 gr maybe deadly.
I think ShamensStamen was saying to have 3-4.5g of *Lemon Balm* with oral DMT...
ommani said:
josboaz said:
freebase dmt 3 or 4.5 grams. i think thats a litle bit to high for me or everyone.
and what i said i will never take dmt again.

i quess your talking about mimosa hostilis or acacia confusa powder.
because freebase dmt at 4.5 gr maybe deadly.
I think ShamensStamen was saying to have 3-4.5g of *Lemon Balm* with oral DMT...

Indeed i did. Also, probably best not to smoke any Cannabis during the come up, due to potentiation of the intensity, though with Lemon Balm involved shouldn't be nearly as bad, at least ime.

As for the OP, only things i can think of when it comes to mushrooms is weak mushrooms, psychological tolerance, or physical tolerance, or a high natural tolerance for Psychedelics in general.
as for cannabis i dont use that any more and thats for a year now.

a high tolerance in general i dont think so. because i took 5gr when i had the experience of dreaming while awake without harmala. so if i take 5gr with harmala i should feel something aleast a little bit but nothing at al. weak strain... mckennaii should be the highest of the p. cubensis as far i know less strong or equal strong as Copelandia mushroom (Panaeolus Cyanescens.

if it is psychological tolerance, or physical tolerance how to fix that?

i orderd san perdo but now i read that people can have a cross substance torelance thats really f up in my case. if its true and that i no longer can get a psychedelic experience. not because i want to get "high" but of the therapeutic and spiritual value.

how do take the LB? and how you prepare the brew? which plants you work with?
banisteriopsis caapi or muricata, Harmala, which dmt plant/tree?
how much gr? do you put it al together or a separate brew ect..
whats your body weight?
ShamensStamen said:
ommani said:
josboaz said:
freebase dmt 3 or 4.5 grams. i think thats a litle bit to high for me or everyone.
and what i said i will never take dmt again.

i quess your talking about mimosa hostilis or acacia confusa powder.
because freebase dmt at 4.5 gr maybe deadly.
I think ShamensStamen was saying to have 3-4.5g of *Lemon Balm* with oral DMT...

Indeed i did. Also, probably best not to smoke any Cannabis during the come up, due to potentiation of the intensity, though with Lemon Balm involved shouldn't be nearly as bad, at least ime.

As for the OP, only things i can think of when it comes to mushrooms is weak mushrooms, psychological tolerance, or physical tolerance, or a high natural tolerance for Psychedelics in
as for cannabis i dont use that any more and thats for a year now.

a high tolerance in general i dont think so. because i took 5gr when i had the experience of dreaming while awake without harmala. so if i take 5gr with harmala i should feel something atleast a little bit but nothing at al. weak strain... mckennaii should be the highest of the p. cubensis as far i know less strong or equal strong as Copelandia mushroom (Panaeolus Cyanescens.

if it is psychological tolerance, or physical tolerance how to fix that?

i orderd san perdo but now i read that people can have a cross substance torelance thats really f up in my case. if its true and that means i no longer can get a psychedelic experience. not because i want to get "high" but of the therapeutic and spiritual value.

how do take the LB? and how you prepare the brew? which plants you work with?
banisteriopsis caapi or muricata, Harmala?, which dmt plant/tree?
how much gr? do you put it al together or a separate brew ect..
whats your body weight?
Im not sure about your specific case, but just to share an anecdote.. I had a batch of mushrooms I'd take regularly 5-6g dried for a good but totally manageable trip. I took a 4 years break, had many life changes in the meanwhile, and after those 4 years I took 2.5g of the same batch of mushrooms I still had in my freezer and had an overwhelmingly powerful trip.

So yeah, maybe a long break and dedicating to other things in life could help...

Good luck!
OK, from the chronology of your usage we see that it was before your thoroughly whopping DMT dose when you had your significant mushroom+harmala experiences. This is reminiscent of other instances where people have reported a similar long-term induced intrinsic tolerance to psychedelics. This differs from the usual tachyphylactic tolerance that psychedelics exhibit, which is usually more or less gone within a week.

The long-term tolerance phenomenon is quite intriguing and deserving of further study, although subjects might be a little thin on the ground. It would seem to be worthwhile trying San Pedro or, indeed, extracting and purifying mescaline in order to see if phenethylamines are also part of your spectrum of intrinsic tolerance.

josboaz said:
not because i want to get "high" but of the therapeutic and spiritual value.
Could you clarify how you distinguish between (merely?) "getting high" and what your therapeutic and spiritual value manifests as? And... why not both? 😁 (Yeah, I know - "If only," you will say!)

Also, going back to the storage of your mushrooms, it's possible that room temperature storage of P. cubensis mushrooms will lead to surprisingly rapid loss of potency under some circumstances - particularly in the absence of a desiccant. Polyethylene (which is fair to guess is what your ziplock bags are made of) is somewhat permeable to oxygen. But it still seems most likely that you've inoculated your brain against responding to (tryptamine?) psychedelics.

But mostly, what endlessness said.

Regarding lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), it is prepared like any other standard herbal tea: that is to say, the amount mentioned above is placed in some suitable brewing vessel (cup - with or without straining device, teapot, jam jar, pan, can, crucible, cauldron) about 300mL (10oz) boiling water is poured on. The tea is left to infuse for 5 minutes (300 seconds) and then the liquid is strained off the herbs. When the tea is cool enough, drink it. In absence of any other straining device you can use your teeth, although even that's not strictly necessary as lemon balm is edible.
Tolerances are a funny thing.

I had the same problem with aya/pharmahuasca. I have taken 500mg harmala and 250mg DMT to just get barely threshold effects.

Weekend just gone I took 1.5g Mckenna and 1g Liberty Caps followed by 280mg harmalas and 120mg DMT an hour or so later to experience a wonderful pharma experience. I find the only way aya/pharma works for me is with a moderate pre dose of shrooms beforehand. It took years or failure to work this out.

As for shroom tolerance I use to take Liberty Caps pretty much every weekend for years in my youth with no signs of building tolerance up. I did always end up taking more and more but to a stronger and stronger result.

I have always had a great relationship with shrooms.

I think what I'm trying to say is everyone has to work out their own physiology.

The other thing I always do is a 24 hour dry fast and on aya/pharma I still piss like a fountain, where does it all come from?

Hope you find your way
Some people just have an extreme tolerance.

On the other hand there are many factors that could affect a persons sensitivity for psychedelics.

For some people, antidepressants reduce the effects of psychedelics. Especially MAOI's.
Some synthetic cannabinoids can also cause an extreme, very long lasting tolerance.
There is also a cross tolerance between many psychedelics. Both short-term as well as on the longer term when you very regularly use LSD or mescaline over a long period of time.

I think that in some cases, a major depressive disorder of some sort could also reduce sensitivity for some of the effects of psychedelics.

There are some herbs that could reduce the effects of psychedelics mildly, like ginger, but you would have to take excessive amounts of it to get any realy significant effect.

But any substance that is a serotonin agonist or antagonist will affect your sensitivity in some way. 5-ht-2 antagonists directly counter the effect of psychedelics, and agonists can simply "compete" with a psychedelic over the available receptors.

I personally believe that the microbiome can also have an effect on psychedelic experiences, given that most of the serotonin in the body is produced there.
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