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citrus sinensis alkaloid content

Migrated topic.
The reference is in the article. Also in this thread. Reference #1 from within that paper (by the same research group) is also worth a look. They say orange juice and lemon juice contained about the same concentration of DMT as they reported from bergamot juice (0.03-0.05 mg/kg) though they don't seem to have formally published that data.
I'm curious about the possibility of a larger amount of dmt present in other parts of the citrus plants that were not analyzed.

I assume that mimosa hostilis leaves contain small amounts of DMT yet not enough to be viable for extraction. Maybe citrus trees have larger amounts contained in the inner bark.
Regardless of how you feel about the war on drugs, this issue should cause you serious concern. The Controlled Substances Act is written in a way that makes all sorts of mundane materials illegal. Itā€™s not just orange trees; depending on where you live, there is a reasonable chance that the grass in your lawn contains Schedule I substances. In fact, so many materials contain detectable quantities of controlled substances that nearly everyone is breaking the law all the time.

Yes, true! :lol:

More interesting info.


Volatile properties include: ethyl, isoamyl and phenylethyl alcohols; acetone; acetaldehyde; formic acid; esters of formic, acetic and caprylic acids; geraniol and terpineol. The juice also contains b-sitosteryl-D-glucoside and b-sitosterol.

Orange Peel Oil d-limonene (90%); citral; citranellal; methyl ester of anthranilic acid; decyclic aldehyde; linalool; d-l-terpineol; nonyl alcohol; methyl anthranilate; and traces of caprilic acid esters.

The inner bark, macerated and infused in wine, is taken as a tonic and carminative

I'm happy the leaves and seeds have been discovered. I've found no information regarding inner bark constitutes, however.
thank you! this is really interesting! althou its not the most abundant source of dmt, it sure has an interesting coctail!


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Funny how citrus provides nn-dmt and d-limo in one shot.
The Universe definitely has a sense of humor.

Curious - Does anyone have any info regarding nnn-trimethyltryptamine? Appears to be pretty abundant; especially if it is active. Might be worth exploring further.
MelCat said:
Funny how citrus provides nn-dmt and d-limo in one shot.
The Universe definitely has a sense of humor.

Curious - Does anyone have any info regarding nnn-trimethyltryptamine? Appears to be pretty abundant; especially if it is active. Might be worth exploring further.

Tmt is a quaternary amine AFAIK. Which doesn't allow it to pass the blood brain barrier. I've been reading about quats to try an get a better understanding. I also loosely read that it's possible to change Tmt into dmt.

If only citrus plants had higher amounts you could just blend and pull šŸ˜
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