I had just done a re-x and sodium carbonate wash on some ARCB extract that was contaminated with a bit of the base mixture. After cleaning up I precipitated via freezing. I was left with a bunch of white crystals and a little bit of goo after fanning off the excess naphtha.
I then redissolved the white spice and clear goo in ethanol to get rid of any excess hydrocarbons in the crystalline structure and now I am left with a yellowish/brownish substance almost identical to your second picture.
I doubt there are many actives left in that baking soda water you evaporated, but you could always do a mini extraction on it and see if you can manage to pull something but I think generally if you use hot solvent and properly basified water that any weight use lose is polar impurities and the like. If there are any goodies in there at all I'm sure the amount is very small.
Why do you wish that you hadn't cleaned your spice since the first batch has now dried and is easier to handle? Are the effects noticeably different than the cleaned product? Product #2 certainly looks cleaner; I'm all for full spectrum product but if I had to choose between #1 and #2 I'd take the latter. The first stuff kinda looks like cookie dough.
Enjoy your ACRB extract. Such lovely stuff.