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cleaning glass pipe

Migrated topic.

Spock's Brain

Rising Star
I'm sure that I'm going to be busted for asking this: But what is the best way to clean out a glass spoon pipe that has been used for smoking tobacco in? How do I dissolve and clean out all the yucky resin residue that's clogging it up? Is there something I can immerse it in, or can I boil it out in something?
Fill the bowl & stem w/ standard table salt, then drop into a glass of isopropyl alcohol to soak over night. All 'uh that shit should slide right on outta there the following morning, leaving you with a spotless spoon.

SWIM's friend got busted with an empty pipe once by a cop. The thing was clogged all to hell. The cop made himm throw it into a bon fire thinking it would melt. Well, when they dug through the ashes after the fire had gone out, his glass was crystal clear and he got the pleasure of clogging it again.
VisualDistortion said:
SWIM's friend got busted with an empty pipe once by a cop. The thing was clogged all to hell. The cop made himm throw it into a bon fire thinking it would melt. Well, when they dug through the ashes after the fire had gone out, his glass was crystal clear and he got the pleasure of clogging it again.

sweet :) i love happy endings
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