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Cloning and AI

Migrated topic.

Cactus Man

Rising Star
Technology is changing in ways beyond our wildest dreams. Both human cloning and AI are already fully developed and in waiting for full public release as we speak.

The only reason cloning has not become nearly as exposed as AI at this time is because it is illegal in many countries, and lets be honest its illegal because its real, not because its some made up fantasy.

AI as far as I know is not illegal in any countries (or is it?) and actually has been fully made public at this time, the only thing is it hasnt been released to the public en masse.

The future ahead of us is seriously treacherous friends, this stuff is really no joke at all.

Personally I am adamantly against both cloning and AI.

What are your feelings on these topics?

not against either.

cloning is nothing new. stem cell reseach has been around for decades, and while the technology seems new with advancements like CRISPR, it’s really just been a logical progression. Same with AI. These technologies were predicted by prominent futurists like Alvin Toffler, since the late 1950s.

people tend to fear what they don’t understand. that being said, a life of fear is no life at all.
I just bust out the popcorn.
the only thing is it hasnt been released to the public en masse.

It actually has in quite some aspects, but people aren't necessarily aware of it. E.g. all the autonomous cars use NNs (AIs). AIs handle surveillance cameras to judge people's behavior. Also e.g. in the US criminals get rated about their chance of being relapsing, and therefore their custody gets handled accordingly.

E.g. especially the latter gets heavily criticized as it has been shown to be quite non-impartial, as having a too small sample set, and being overfed with too many non-relevant information.

E.g. an exaggerated example: If you feed too much non-relevant information, then it can happen, that e.g. an AI judges your chance of being a terrorist according to your shoe size, just because most terrorists in the sample set have the same size as you have...

The US also uses AIs to judge if people are potential terrorists and then bomb them to death with drones (and the ones to happen to be nearby). No trial, nothing. Only the AI is the culprit...
They claim very low false positive rates officially, but as the Snowden papers have shown these official rates are bare lies. But who cares here in the west, as we're not the ones who get constantly terrorized.

NNs surely give great opportunities, but many people are not aware, that they do not work like the human logical mind, and therefore have totally wrong expectations, which also can make them quite dangerous in this combination (like the famous Tesla drivers ending in horrible accidents, who were so convinced, that the system works like a human driver, that they blindly let the system have full control, even in situations where the mfg clearly declares it shouldn't be used)

Or e.g. take facial recognition. We have pretty high recognition rates with current systems, but people assume theses systems identify faces, according to features, like humans do. But this is very very wrong. They often distinguish faces, by very strange features, which don't make any sense to the human mind. Just because they have learnt in their sample set, that they can distinguish the faces best by these features. E.g. there was once a famous test, where people just wore glasses with a special frame, out of a printer, with a special pattern. And voilà, the people suddenly got recognized by the system e.g. as Brad Pitt...

No human would ever have fallen for this, but the AI did.

Therefore these NNs are usually horrible in making extrapolations, and depending on the problem, sample sets, network topology and learning algo, they can be also horrible already in interpolating...
The experiments around this object are terrible. Heartbreaking sometimes. Stay aware of that. So people are not hurrying to shed it to public. Robots, Drones and Overminds here are though in full effect.

United Society 2018/18/12 3:43AM, 54%. That means critical mass. Whoooooshhh.
The military-industrial complex will find AI too valuable for various applications, to not to use it. I don't know what the implications of this are going to be, but i'm pretty sure that these so-called "killer robots" are going to be build one way or another. It will probably be a very gradual proces, where military technology slowly becomes more and more advanced.

Researchers in the field of AI are calling for a moratorium on the devellopment of "killer bots", but that simply won't happen. China will point at america, america will point at china....etc.

Often, military technology sort of gradually "trickles down" to police forces or "civilian" applications. Maybe future SWAT or riot police units, will include robots.

Maybe all of that is sci-fi right now, but if it is technically possible, it will happen. Probably.
Throw quantum computing on the pile and the average joe doesn't stand a chance. Decision making machinery running at speeds only afforded by the top of the tree and it's good bye to privacy.

I actually am looking at a possible degree in AI when I finish school next year and it has many beneficial properties, but unfortunately that includes to everyone, even the manufactures of Quantum powered, AI driven drones wearing an exact replica of your mothers skin!!!

Somewhere in the world a sex-bot developer is getting even more kinky as we speak.
benzyme said:
the framework is already there, albeit still in its infancy, with metanetworks and IoT.

In response to you I think you would be best apt to understand the people behind the production of these things in contrast to the things themselves.

Im in support of gun rights but not in the hands of people pointing them at me.

Its just like Huxley says about all technology which is basically that its a neutral force under the directive of a not neutral force.

We may be facing serious problems with these things soon. I wouldnt doubt it.

soulfood said:
Throw quantum computing on the pile and the average joe doesn't stand a chance. Decision making machinery running at speeds only afforded by the top of the tree and it's good bye to privacy.

I actually am looking at a possible degree in AI when I finish school next year and it has many beneficial properties, but unfortunately that includes to everyone, even the manufactures of Quantum powered, AI driven drones wearing an exact replica of your mothers skin!!!

Somewhere in the world a sex-bot developer is getting even more kinky as we speak.

Also the notion of mass produced sex bots will do major damage to the future of humanity as well. Even the precedent for the first generations to be exposed to free pornography has had some very interesting implications. So to step it up to sex bots is also interestingly enough yet another one of Huxleys predictions and ideas. "The Feelies" as he would call it.
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