Mods: This is just for fun. Please move/delete if inappropriate.
22:48:13 ‹alkan0id›there are traces of NMT in pee are there not?
22:48:13 ‹paperjack›puff puff puff
22:50:17 ‹alkan0id›which would mean that ACRB and jenkem share common compounds
22:53:15 ‹paperjack›not surprised, jenkem is the mother of all drugs
22:53:18 ‹alkan0id›yes
22:53:21Jorkest joined the room
22:53:21 ‹paperjack›the visions of dead people you get...
22:55:50The Grateful One left the room (Timeout)
23:01:52CosmicLion joined the room
23:02:47 ‹CosmicLion›yea but pee in jenkem isnt as "traditional"
23:02:59 ‹CosmicLion›its more of an advanced modern jenjem analogue
23:03:17 ‹CosmicLion›and it takes a little bit of dialing in to get the right poo/pee ratio for proper effect
23:03:27 ‹CosmicLion›and its inconsistent batch to batch
23:03:48 ‹alkan0id›ah
23:03:50 ‹alkan0id›different tek
23:03:51 ‹alkan0id›i see
23:03:53 ‹CosmicLion›best to collect pee for a few days so you have a quart or 3 of it
23:03:57 ‹CosmicLion›so you know the potency of tHAT BATCH
23:04:02 ‹alkan0id›CL you always have the best advice
23:04:10sauSage working left the room (Timeout)
23:04:14 ‹CosmicLion›same with the poo, few days worth, mixed + blended
23:04:19 ‹CosmicLion›then you start with a standard poo dose
23:04:23 ‹alkan0id›lol
23:04:27 ‹CosmicLion›then slowly, session to session, add more of the pee
23:04:34 ‹CosmicLion›so you know how to work with THAT BATCH at THOSE POTENCIES
23:04:42 ‹CosmicLion›lots of trial and error but you can dial it in
23:06:32 ‹CosmicLion›you can also get an amino-acids supplement, that contains all the aminos
23:06:47 ‹CosmicLion›then take over the reccomended dose (if it says take 4, try 6)...
23:06:56 ‹CosmicLion›that makes for some gooood jenkem
23:07:11 ‹alkan0id›lol i didnt realise anyone on here had actually tried it
23:07:22 ‹CosmicLion›just dont take it before work or school, the farting can be quite... embarassing smelling
23:07:23 ‹alkan0id›some of us like to joke about it
23:07:36 ‹Wolfnippletip›.....i......i.......I'm SKEERT.
23:08:20 ‹CosmicLion›yea jenkem is like a mix of whippets, ether and DMT all at once
23:08:31 ‹CosmicLion›its fun to use when on mushrooms or ayahuasca, too
23:09:05 ‹alkan0id›it sounds.. disgusting
23:09:17 ‹Wolfnippletip›CosmicLion Couldn't you just shove your head up a cow's but and let the gas build up?
23:09:17 ‹alkan0id›i wouldnt want to be anywhere near poo while tripping
23:09:41 ‹CosmicLion›i donno that sounds pretty unreasonable
23:09:42 ‹Wolfnippletip›alkan0id mentally or physically
23:09:52 ‹alkan0id›either
23:10:03 ‹alkan0id›just my personal preference cl lol
23:10:08 ‹CosmicLion›lol
23:10:10 ‹CosmicLion›*shrug*
23:10:12 ‹CosmicLion›missin out bro
23:10:12 ‹alkan0id›haha
23:10:25 ‹alkan0id›will probably end up trying it at the rainbow next year
23:10:31 ‹alkan0id›if pj has his way
23:10:44 ‹CosmicLion›underground research heavily indicates jenkem is a pretty powerful nootropic too
23:11:01 ‹alkan0id›whats the active ingredient? just methane?
23:11:01 ‹CosmicLion›i hear its popular among scientists and engineers
23:11:10 ‹paperjack›it has happened, dmt-nexus has now become jenkem-nexus
23:11:23 ‹alkan0id›it's official
23:11:47 ‹CosmicLion›depends on the intestinal flora
23:12:10 ‹paperjack›someone tell trav to remove the trippy visuals on the website and instead put pictures of butts and poop
23:13:07 ‹CosmicLion›advanced high-tech jenkem connoisseurs actually have pretty complex blends of pro-biotics and un-conventional bacterias they ingest to effect the flora of the large intestine to generate ultra-premium jenjem with varrying effects
23:13:10 ‹CosmicLion›kinda like strains of weed
23:13:19 ‹alkan0id›lol
23:13:27 ‹alkan0id›i had no idea
23:14:01 ‹alkan0id›terence would be proud
23:14:06 ‹paperjack›alkan0id, jenkem is the latest biotech
23:14:11 ‹alkan0id›that we finally found the "good shit"
23:14:56 ‹paperjack›some people are even genetically modifying bacteria to produce the fabled "blue jenkem"
23:15:05 ‹alkan0id›lol whats that
23:15:10 ‹CosmicLion›dang!!!!
23:15:17 ‹alkan0id›that like johnnie walker blue?
23:15:19 ‹CosmicLion›that sounds elite
23:16:10 ‹paperjack›it's like in that documentary about blue meth
23:16:23 ‹alkan0id›it sounds like a well-enough established entheogen to warrant asking trav for a /substance icon
23:22:46 ‹JustCurious.›what doc on blue meth
23:22:54 ‹JustCurious.›breaking bad haha
23:23:08 ‹alkan0id›lol thats what i thought
23:23:24 ‹paperjack›yep
23:23:33 ‹JustCurious.›haha that's not a documentary
23:25:12 ‹JustCurious.›imagine going from hal to meth king
23:28:19 ‹paperjack›I'm joking, JC
23:28:53 ‹alkan0id›imagine if they were making jenkem instead of meth
23:29:03 ‹CosmicLion›its really addictive though
23:29:04 ‹alkan0id›"jessie, we need to sh**!"
23:29:10 ‹CosmicLion›it may be frowned upon here at the nexus
23:29:15 ‹alkan0id›really cl
23:29:21 ‹alkan0id›would be good material for a first date
23:29:32 ‹alkan0id›"oh by the way im addicted to inhaling s*** fumes"
23:29:32 ‹CosmicLion›thats why i carry my backpack with me at all times
23:29:43 ‹CosmicLion›gotta a little to-go bottle of portable jenkem
23:29:50 ‹alkan0id›lol
23:29:59 ‹alkan0id›now i know youre trolling
23:30:05 ‹CosmicLion›i retrofitted it with a pretty thick filter on the mouthpiece
23:30:10 ‹alkan0id›lol
23:30:12 ‹CosmicLion›so you dont taste anything weird
23:30:15 ‹alkan0id›should have saved this for april 1 cl
23:31:04 ‹CosmicLion›at home i have a 3-phase jenkem bubbler... with the filter after the last phase
23:31:09 ‹alkan0id›hahaha
23:31:14paulsage joined the room
23:31:20 ‹alkan0id›kikker seen smoalker
23:31:20 ‹Kikker›Check profile of tatt smoalker was last seen on: Sunday 20 September 2015 12:04:17
23:31:24 ‹CosmicLion›its not for dates, lol...
23:31:29 ‹CosmicLion›its more for taking to friends houses, etc
23:31:34 ‹CosmicLion›cant take the whole rig with me everywhere i go
23:31:36 ‹alkan0id›ofc
23:31:51 ‹CosmicLion›plus its pretty delicate, last thing i need is jenkem bubbler water to spill in my car
23:32:21paulsage changed nickname to sauSage
23:32:55 ‹JustCurious.›STB jenkem excretion
23:33:02 ‹CosmicLion›STButt?
23:33:02 ‹sauSage›ew
23:33:05 ‹JustCurious.›straight to bog
23:33:12 ‹CosmicLion›ohok
23:33:16 ‹sauSage›wouldn't it technically be SFB
23:33:20 ‹sauSage›straight FROM butt
23:33:33 ‹JustCurious.›yeah, if you wana get technical
23:33:39 ‹sauSage›
23:33:43 ‹CosmicLion›i thought you engineered some kinds of filtered butt-catheter jenkeming device
23:33:51 ‹sauSage›rofl
23:34:26 ‹JustCurious.›nope, that is beyond the scope of this forum
23:34:41 ‹JustCurious.›jenkem-nexus has all that info
23:34:58 ‹JustCurious.›pioneers of the trade
23:34:58 ‹paperjack›I love you guys
23:35:13 ‹paperjack›alky
23:35:23 ‹paperjack›we should make a "jenkem temple" at boom or at the rainbow
23:35:29 ‹paperjack›but it's really a dmt temple
23:35:49 ‹JustCurious.›that's disgusting pj
23:36:03 ‹CosmicLion›lol...
23:36:16 ‹CosmicLion›its to keep teh noobs away
23:36:19 ‹alkan0id›lol pj
23:36:23 ‹alkan0id›it's to keep the ladies away too
23:36:28 ‹CosmicLion›only the brave enter the temple of jenkem
23:36:54 ‹paperjack›we'll tell people to drink the jenkem
23:37:01 ‹paperjack›when it's really ruehuasca
23:37:09 ‹paperjack›it does taste horrible so I guess it will work
23:37:20 ‹JustCurious.›the Jemple
23:37:43 ‹JustCurious.›pj and the jemple of doom
23:37:55 ‹paperjack›hahaha
23:38:08 ‹JustCurious.›paperjenkem though
23:38:36 ‹paperjack›how would a jenkem temple look like?
23:38:46 ‹paperjack›who was the architecture student
23:39:04 ‹JustCurious.›muskojenk jenkman
23:39:31 ‹alkan0id›lol
23:39:47 ‹alkan0id›we arent right in the head
23:39:52 ‹paperjack›Muskogee Herbman are you online??
23:39:59 ‹paperjack›nahh I'm just a lil drunk
23:40:05 ‹alkan0id›
23:40:09 ‹CosmicLion›jemplo, LOL!
23:40:10 ‹alkan0id›im going to bed now
22:48:13 ‹alkan0id›there are traces of NMT in pee are there not?
22:48:13 ‹paperjack›puff puff puff
22:50:17 ‹alkan0id›which would mean that ACRB and jenkem share common compounds
22:53:15 ‹paperjack›not surprised, jenkem is the mother of all drugs
22:53:18 ‹alkan0id›yes
22:53:21Jorkest joined the room
22:53:21 ‹paperjack›the visions of dead people you get...
22:55:50The Grateful One left the room (Timeout)
23:01:52CosmicLion joined the room
23:02:47 ‹CosmicLion›yea but pee in jenkem isnt as "traditional"
23:02:59 ‹CosmicLion›its more of an advanced modern jenjem analogue
23:03:17 ‹CosmicLion›and it takes a little bit of dialing in to get the right poo/pee ratio for proper effect
23:03:27 ‹CosmicLion›and its inconsistent batch to batch
23:03:48 ‹alkan0id›ah
23:03:50 ‹alkan0id›different tek
23:03:51 ‹alkan0id›i see
23:03:53 ‹CosmicLion›best to collect pee for a few days so you have a quart or 3 of it
23:03:57 ‹CosmicLion›so you know the potency of tHAT BATCH
23:04:02 ‹alkan0id›CL you always have the best advice
23:04:10sauSage working left the room (Timeout)
23:04:14 ‹CosmicLion›same with the poo, few days worth, mixed + blended
23:04:19 ‹CosmicLion›then you start with a standard poo dose
23:04:23 ‹alkan0id›lol
23:04:27 ‹CosmicLion›then slowly, session to session, add more of the pee
23:04:34 ‹CosmicLion›so you know how to work with THAT BATCH at THOSE POTENCIES
23:04:42 ‹CosmicLion›lots of trial and error but you can dial it in
23:06:32 ‹CosmicLion›you can also get an amino-acids supplement, that contains all the aminos
23:06:47 ‹CosmicLion›then take over the reccomended dose (if it says take 4, try 6)...
23:06:56 ‹CosmicLion›that makes for some gooood jenkem
23:07:11 ‹alkan0id›lol i didnt realise anyone on here had actually tried it
23:07:22 ‹CosmicLion›just dont take it before work or school, the farting can be quite... embarassing smelling
23:07:23 ‹alkan0id›some of us like to joke about it
23:07:36 ‹Wolfnippletip›.....i......i.......I'm SKEERT.
23:08:20 ‹CosmicLion›yea jenkem is like a mix of whippets, ether and DMT all at once
23:08:31 ‹CosmicLion›its fun to use when on mushrooms or ayahuasca, too
23:09:05 ‹alkan0id›it sounds.. disgusting
23:09:17 ‹Wolfnippletip›CosmicLion Couldn't you just shove your head up a cow's but and let the gas build up?
23:09:17 ‹alkan0id›i wouldnt want to be anywhere near poo while tripping
23:09:41 ‹CosmicLion›i donno that sounds pretty unreasonable
23:09:42 ‹Wolfnippletip›alkan0id mentally or physically
23:09:52 ‹alkan0id›either
23:10:03 ‹alkan0id›just my personal preference cl lol
23:10:08 ‹CosmicLion›lol
23:10:10 ‹CosmicLion›*shrug*
23:10:12 ‹CosmicLion›missin out bro
23:10:12 ‹alkan0id›haha
23:10:25 ‹alkan0id›will probably end up trying it at the rainbow next year
23:10:31 ‹alkan0id›if pj has his way
23:10:44 ‹CosmicLion›underground research heavily indicates jenkem is a pretty powerful nootropic too
23:11:01 ‹alkan0id›whats the active ingredient? just methane?
23:11:01 ‹CosmicLion›i hear its popular among scientists and engineers
23:11:10 ‹paperjack›it has happened, dmt-nexus has now become jenkem-nexus
23:11:23 ‹alkan0id›it's official
23:11:47 ‹CosmicLion›depends on the intestinal flora
23:12:10 ‹paperjack›someone tell trav to remove the trippy visuals on the website and instead put pictures of butts and poop
23:13:07 ‹CosmicLion›advanced high-tech jenkem connoisseurs actually have pretty complex blends of pro-biotics and un-conventional bacterias they ingest to effect the flora of the large intestine to generate ultra-premium jenjem with varrying effects
23:13:10 ‹CosmicLion›kinda like strains of weed
23:13:19 ‹alkan0id›lol
23:13:27 ‹alkan0id›i had no idea
23:14:01 ‹alkan0id›terence would be proud
23:14:06 ‹paperjack›alkan0id, jenkem is the latest biotech
23:14:11 ‹alkan0id›that we finally found the "good shit"
23:14:56 ‹paperjack›some people are even genetically modifying bacteria to produce the fabled "blue jenkem"
23:15:05 ‹alkan0id›lol whats that
23:15:10 ‹CosmicLion›dang!!!!
23:15:17 ‹alkan0id›that like johnnie walker blue?
23:15:19 ‹CosmicLion›that sounds elite
23:16:10 ‹paperjack›it's like in that documentary about blue meth
23:16:23 ‹alkan0id›it sounds like a well-enough established entheogen to warrant asking trav for a /substance icon
23:22:46 ‹JustCurious.›what doc on blue meth
23:22:54 ‹JustCurious.›breaking bad haha
23:23:08 ‹alkan0id›lol thats what i thought
23:23:24 ‹paperjack›yep
23:23:33 ‹JustCurious.›haha that's not a documentary
23:25:12 ‹JustCurious.›imagine going from hal to meth king
23:28:19 ‹paperjack›I'm joking, JC
23:28:53 ‹alkan0id›imagine if they were making jenkem instead of meth
23:29:03 ‹CosmicLion›its really addictive though
23:29:04 ‹alkan0id›"jessie, we need to sh**!"
23:29:10 ‹CosmicLion›it may be frowned upon here at the nexus
23:29:15 ‹alkan0id›really cl
23:29:21 ‹alkan0id›would be good material for a first date
23:29:32 ‹alkan0id›"oh by the way im addicted to inhaling s*** fumes"
23:29:32 ‹CosmicLion›thats why i carry my backpack with me at all times
23:29:43 ‹CosmicLion›gotta a little to-go bottle of portable jenkem
23:29:50 ‹alkan0id›lol
23:29:59 ‹alkan0id›now i know youre trolling
23:30:05 ‹CosmicLion›i retrofitted it with a pretty thick filter on the mouthpiece
23:30:10 ‹alkan0id›lol
23:30:12 ‹CosmicLion›so you dont taste anything weird
23:30:15 ‹alkan0id›should have saved this for april 1 cl
23:31:04 ‹CosmicLion›at home i have a 3-phase jenkem bubbler... with the filter after the last phase
23:31:09 ‹alkan0id›hahaha
23:31:14paulsage joined the room
23:31:20 ‹alkan0id›kikker seen smoalker
23:31:20 ‹Kikker›Check profile of tatt smoalker was last seen on: Sunday 20 September 2015 12:04:17
23:31:24 ‹CosmicLion›its not for dates, lol...
23:31:29 ‹CosmicLion›its more for taking to friends houses, etc
23:31:34 ‹CosmicLion›cant take the whole rig with me everywhere i go
23:31:36 ‹alkan0id›ofc
23:31:51 ‹CosmicLion›plus its pretty delicate, last thing i need is jenkem bubbler water to spill in my car
23:32:21paulsage changed nickname to sauSage
23:32:55 ‹JustCurious.›STB jenkem excretion
23:33:02 ‹CosmicLion›STButt?
23:33:02 ‹sauSage›ew
23:33:05 ‹JustCurious.›straight to bog
23:33:12 ‹CosmicLion›ohok
23:33:16 ‹sauSage›wouldn't it technically be SFB
23:33:20 ‹sauSage›straight FROM butt
23:33:33 ‹JustCurious.›yeah, if you wana get technical
23:33:39 ‹sauSage›
23:33:43 ‹CosmicLion›i thought you engineered some kinds of filtered butt-catheter jenkeming device
23:33:51 ‹sauSage›rofl
23:34:26 ‹JustCurious.›nope, that is beyond the scope of this forum
23:34:41 ‹JustCurious.›jenkem-nexus has all that info
23:34:58 ‹JustCurious.›pioneers of the trade
23:34:58 ‹paperjack›I love you guys
23:35:13 ‹paperjack›alky
23:35:23 ‹paperjack›we should make a "jenkem temple" at boom or at the rainbow
23:35:29 ‹paperjack›but it's really a dmt temple
23:35:49 ‹JustCurious.›that's disgusting pj
23:36:03 ‹CosmicLion›lol...
23:36:16 ‹CosmicLion›its to keep teh noobs away
23:36:19 ‹alkan0id›lol pj
23:36:23 ‹alkan0id›it's to keep the ladies away too
23:36:28 ‹CosmicLion›only the brave enter the temple of jenkem
23:36:54 ‹paperjack›we'll tell people to drink the jenkem
23:37:01 ‹paperjack›when it's really ruehuasca
23:37:09 ‹paperjack›it does taste horrible so I guess it will work
23:37:20 ‹JustCurious.›the Jemple
23:37:43 ‹JustCurious.›pj and the jemple of doom
23:37:55 ‹paperjack›hahaha
23:38:08 ‹JustCurious.›paperjenkem though
23:38:36 ‹paperjack›how would a jenkem temple look like?
23:38:46 ‹paperjack›who was the architecture student
23:39:04 ‹JustCurious.›muskojenk jenkman
23:39:31 ‹alkan0id›lol
23:39:47 ‹alkan0id›we arent right in the head
23:39:52 ‹paperjack›Muskogee Herbman are you online??
23:39:59 ‹paperjack›nahh I'm just a lil drunk
23:40:05 ‹alkan0id›
23:40:09 ‹CosmicLion›jemplo, LOL!
23:40:10 ‹alkan0id›im going to bed now