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coffee, cacao..the green queen, harmalas and bufotenine

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Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
So I did something new last night..

So I started out with about 1/4 cup of coffee, dumped in some cacao powder and some honey, mixed it all up and drank it,for vasodialation and mental clarity, since bufotenine tends to sedate me and make me sort of tired at times. The xanthenes tend to add a bit of a mental stimulation to the bufotenine trance that I like at times.

Then I sat in the dark with an alter of candles and some burning sage, very mellow music playing quietly, and my window open with the sound of pouring rain outside. I rolled up one large rehydrated salvia divinorum leaf and put in my mouth, while thinking of the devine feminen aspect that flows through all the cosmos, and asked her to open up the space for me.

I lay back with the quid for about 10 minutes until I was feeling very lighty the familiar medative trance like state that I associate with low doses of salvinorin. With eyes closed the penetrating sounds of the raindrops outside seemed to protrude into the space behind my eyelids, and I felt a vast expanse of blackness opening up..it was time for the vilca changa.

I sat up in my wondow cill, after blowing out all the candles, and thought of the masculine nature of the cosmos that compliments then feminen..I asked it to show me..show me what it had to show me. I reminded myself of the love, and of the light..my only mantra.

3 large inhalations were taken and it all began. The constriction wasnt nearly what it usually is..there wasnt much nausea. Right away there was a heavier mental effect than is usually present with bufotenine, and it was pleasant, more psychedelic. I lay down and closed my eyes. At first I was traveling up this corridor..I could tell that the salvia quid added a more concrete dimensional membrane type of effect to the vilca..also the caffine seemed greatly potentiated by the harmalas and I felt a great stimulating euphoria..any more caffine than that 1/4 cup though and it would have been too much and caused anxiety.

I went quite deep into it..the visions were more similar to DMT than to bufotenine changa by itself. The salvia really cleared up the visionary sketchyness of the bufotenine..the quality of the experience was on par with when I combine bufotenine with a light caapi and mimosa brew. It was wonderful..very fractaline and very very intricate and crystaline.

At the peak I came to a place where drigs of energy seemed overlayed over top of each other, there was a depth to it all, like different bandwidths..it's hard to explain. There was an entity there with this giant fractaline complex grid, and it seemed to be made of light. He came up to me and put it over my face, as if trying to allign it with some axis point in my head, and when he finally did he let go and it stayed there as I peered out through this beautiful transparent energy web..

As the peak wore off I expected a normal bufotenine come down..but it was different. The effects lingered for longer than usual..I was hallucinating for the next hour, with mild swirling geometry and colors all around me in lit rooms, and a mental aspect similar to mushrooms, yet different..probabily the caffine, theobromine and salvinorin still having some action with the lingering bufotenine effects.

I think bufotenine is a really great candidate for a tryptamine to use with other admixtures. I find bufotenine actaully somewhat boring when taken alone now, its very visionary, but its best taken with micro doses of other psychactives IMO. When bufotenine is taken with a very very light dose of oral harmala and DMT, or a light predose of sublingual salvia, the experiene is far superior to taking bufotenine alone, its more psychedelic, and much more absorbing..Il be trying all kinds of admixtures with bufotenine and harmalas over the next littel while.

Overall the experience was facinating..I will try again in a week or so.
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