Well the pulls are snow white, as your mixture of both will not be really warm, causing not much impurities to get pulled also. As this is a good point on one hand, it may still be the fact on the other as I mentioned, that you MAAAYYY need much more pulls than neccessary.
Why I think your way is not a good option, if you want to pull at the highest temperature - but only IF you want to pull at the highest temperature, which I always recommend:
You have 500 ml of H2O-Soup at 20 °C
You have 100 ml of Pulling-Solvent at 60 °C
Now you mix your 500 ml H2O (20 °C) + 100 ml Naphtha (60 °C) and this will surely be somewhere like
20 - 25 °C in temperature.
1. You have much more water, but even more important
2. Water has a much higher heat capacity 4,12 kJ/kg*K
= to heat 1 kg of water by 1 K or °C you need 4,12 kJ
than Hexane (I take this as Naphtha) with 2,30 kJ/kg*K
= to heat 1 kg of hexane by 1 K or °C you need 2,30 kJ
This means that a 50:50 Mixture of Water and Hexane will already be at 2/3 of the temperature towards water. And a mixture of 500:100 ml will be nearly only as warm as the water itself.
By this calculation you see that you should always pull nearly with room temp, when you do it that way AND if you also use those volumes.
If you have 500 ml Soup and 500 ml Nephtha and you have 20 and 60 °C, then it will be like 30 °C.
Still pretty low. But if you can control the temperature of the soup, then I guess you can also just check the temperature of the mixture when you threw it together? You should just make a quick check the next time.
Yes - pulling at low temperature gives the purest crystals.
But to check if you are missing some yield because of that low temperature or if you need toooo many pulls to get the maximum, then you know yourself, that you COULD heat it more and make less pulls with a recrystallization.
Let's say it like this:
In my case I have that experience, considering Yield with max heating:
1. Pull at max. Temp = 80 %
2. Pull at max. Temp = 17 %
3. Pull at max. Temp = 3 % or less
A 4. Pull is not necessary at the max Temperature. And IMO a 1:0,2 ratio of Water-soup to Pulling agent is good, so for 1 L this would be 3 x 200 ml of pulling agent.
I see people do 5 or more pulls, but with max temperature even the 3. one will nearly already be not worth it and just to be sure to get everything out.
Check your own numbers then you can see if you should change something, or if its already pleasant for you = ) :thumb_up: