I made a post about someone going violent after smoking 35mg in one hit out a GVG in this thread
This happened 3 days ago, the reaction was extremely violent and he had supernatural strength. Enough to move a queen size bed across a carpet floor with the side of his arm while laying on his back on the floor not propped up against anything. This event caused intense physical damage to himself - there's pictures of some of the wounds in the thread. There was nothing I could do to restrain him.
This topic deserved it's own thread.
I feel like I'm telling some fairy tale bullshit. The guy who smoked DMT is mid 20's, he's been color blind his whole life. Everything is black and white and he could only see two colors - red & green. He saw colors in the experience and that's not all, now he sees all colors perfectly fine! He is not the type to make that kinda thing up, we tested him for fun and he proved himself. I know for a fact he sees color for the first time in his life. Where he worked products are color coded so people couldn't say "green one" to him he'd have em point, now he goes right to it. We showed him a yellow highlighter, he didn't know names but he'd say "it's bright". He compared blue on his shirt to the blue in the sky, "it's darker and it's the same color as that sign in the distance."
Who knows how long it will last. What caused this? Is it possible these spirits were real and decided to give him sight of colors? I just can't imagine a physical reaction would repair you're eyes or visual cortex. I almost think the spiritual implication seems more logical. Perhaps it's psychological, he saw colors for the first time in the trip and couldn't unsee them? Nah... That's stupid lol...
Whatever it is, it's a miracle. There's no rational explanation. People who read this can't be sure I'm telling the truth and that's lousy. I wish you could see things from my perspective, how positive I am that this is real as I'm typing this. It's my first real experience with a miracle.
As astonishing as seeing colors for the first time in your life may be, he said the experience of the trip was 1,000 times more astonishing. He spent a hour and a half explaining it which proved to be the most intense trip report I've heard - not just in person - but including Joe Rogan and Terrence Mckenna reports. I talk more about that in the other thread.
This thread I want to focus on sharing this miracle with you guys.
This happened 3 days ago, the reaction was extremely violent and he had supernatural strength. Enough to move a queen size bed across a carpet floor with the side of his arm while laying on his back on the floor not propped up against anything. This event caused intense physical damage to himself - there's pictures of some of the wounds in the thread. There was nothing I could do to restrain him.
This topic deserved it's own thread.
I feel like I'm telling some fairy tale bullshit. The guy who smoked DMT is mid 20's, he's been color blind his whole life. Everything is black and white and he could only see two colors - red & green. He saw colors in the experience and that's not all, now he sees all colors perfectly fine! He is not the type to make that kinda thing up, we tested him for fun and he proved himself. I know for a fact he sees color for the first time in his life. Where he worked products are color coded so people couldn't say "green one" to him he'd have em point, now he goes right to it. We showed him a yellow highlighter, he didn't know names but he'd say "it's bright". He compared blue on his shirt to the blue in the sky, "it's darker and it's the same color as that sign in the distance."
Who knows how long it will last. What caused this? Is it possible these spirits were real and decided to give him sight of colors? I just can't imagine a physical reaction would repair you're eyes or visual cortex. I almost think the spiritual implication seems more logical. Perhaps it's psychological, he saw colors for the first time in the trip and couldn't unsee them? Nah... That's stupid lol...
Whatever it is, it's a miracle. There's no rational explanation. People who read this can't be sure I'm telling the truth and that's lousy. I wish you could see things from my perspective, how positive I am that this is real as I'm typing this. It's my first real experience with a miracle.
As astonishing as seeing colors for the first time in your life may be, he said the experience of the trip was 1,000 times more astonishing. He spent a hour and a half explaining it which proved to be the most intense trip report I've heard - not just in person - but including Joe Rogan and Terrence Mckenna reports. I talk more about that in the other thread.
This thread I want to focus on sharing this miracle with you guys.