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Colors that start the trip

Migrated topic.


Esteemed member
After a year taking DMT regularly I have noticed something.

If the intro of the journey starts with yellow, orange or red colors, the trip evolves as a pleasant and peaceful trip. But if I am blasted off in a blue cloud of dust, I know the trip is a frightening one.

Perhaps it only relates to me but I am curious about your experiences. What does color tell you?
It's funny you should talk about the intro colors. It reminds me of something that I haven't thought about (or experienced in a while - I don't smoke very often anymore). You see, the way I like to start my journeys is by holding in the DMT, and ideally focusing on a wall or something with a blank surface (ceiling works too). Patterns will coalesce on the surface, and as the energy behind them builds, they grow more sophisticated until they rupture into the 3D+ plane. They then start making their way over to me. If these free-floating holograms align perfectly with my visual perspective, then they receive this kind of a phase boost, where the energy/vibration that composes them increases. The colors tend to glow bright neon in contrast to some of the more "subdued" colors (using the word subdued very lightly). As a result the phase boosted geometry seems to have more "DMT magic" behind it, allowing it to grow even more sophisticated or do the stunning visual magic tricks it can do. If the entire vision does not align, then just the segments of geometry that did will receive the phase boost. In my experience, creating the phase boost tends to be quite ideal. Connection with the geometry feels quite strong as well.
[This just pertains to my experience/s]

Blues and greens [occasional mixes] were always uplifting, powerful, moving, ancient.

Reds and yellows would typically correspond with pressure, the sensation of being ripped apart and/or operated on, fixed, etc. [There were a few occasions though where the initial hyperspace gauntlet gave way to this highly orgasmic red/orange/yellow fluid, like a massive lake of orgasmic jello which you could feel penetrate every level of your awareness and being].

Then a few of my strongest experiences were pure blinding white light [white as in a clear simultaneously changing infinitude of color, prismatic] and with those few experiences I guess you could say that I felt anything, everything and nothing, all raised a million-fold. "Strongest experience" doesn't even come close to what I experienced with those. The curtains came back big-time on those ones.. [Gone for about 25 minutes in Hyperspace on those ones]

EDIT: To add to this, the color/s seemed to correspond to the architecture of the space. Hard to remember obviously, but I know with a certain degree of certainty that the blues/greens [for me] gave the most beautiful architecture in that space, often very pharaoh style pillared, snaking/twisting structures, vaulted catacomb halls, all interconnected. (though these are pale reflections of what i had seen)
Speaking of dmt colors i havent noticed much of them for quite a while while still it still puts me in a good dmt head space.. my awareness greatly boosted but something seems missing...?

But i have been dosing ..lightly.. only in the 15 to 18mg range ...also using acacia sometimes with a ..crude cappi extract.. that i ..[recently realized]... i was i was smoking it the wrong way trying to vape it with the spice..

Ive vaped DMT quite a while now... but less experiance smoking cappie extract...

But when i first started with a acacia confusa goo.. i did infuze it in cappi leafe and combusted it and it was harsh.. but the visions were wonderfull!... in one vision.. i remember a bone white

steers skull with horns like one would see laying in an american desert... and in the middle of its fore head.. on the skull was a crack that slowly opened up as i drifted towards it .. i then went through

it into a beautyfull blue sky with flying birds desert sceens.. this was experianced listening to native american spiritual music..

But i miss the the extreemly collored jewled basketball type images and fractals trans lucent windows in every color in the rainbow floating through dmt space ..is my doseage too low ?

I may need to get some cappi leaf again ...
starway6 said:
But i miss the the extreemly collored jewled basketball type images and fractals trans lucent windows in every color in the rainbow floating through dmt space ..is my doseage too low ?

I may need to get some cappi leaf again ...

DMT giveth and DMT taketh away (oft too quickly).
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