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Concentrating Passiflora incarnata (passion flower) for changa

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi Nexus,

After some researching of the forums here I still haven't found the answer to my question....

AFOAF is considering making some changa using only spice and some Passiflora incarnata leaves/flowers. My friend is well aware that Passiflora incarnata is not the most potent MAOI in the world (and that it is also somewhat unpleasant to smoke/vap), and that caapi leaf and syrian rue are far more effective, but he is working with what he has available.

That being said, couldn't one potentially prepare a concentrated batch of Passiflora incarnata leaves/flowers in the same way that one prepares salvia divinorum extract, and hence enhance the potential of this material to act as a smokable MAOI? i.e. dissolve the actives from 10g of material and evap this onto 1g of material in order to prepare a x10 extract.

I've read numerous posts relating to attempts at extracting the actives from Passiflora incarnata, but none relating to the (assumably) simpler process of preparing a more concentrated material.

Does anyone have any firsthand experience in preparing such a material and can suggest an effective method of preparation?...

cheers :)
Well, I don't have any first hand experience with extracting this plant but I do have a couple of ideas to throw around that might get you on the right track.

First thing is since passion flower is such a weak source of an MAOI, you'd have to use a lot of material so you'd want to defat that as much as possible.

From what I understand, harmalas are very insoluble in acetone, so I would first soak the plant matter in that a few times to get out any excess fat and chrorophyll. I would then soak the plant matter in some methanol for awhile to make the 10x extract. I'd do at least 2 methanol pulls, each at least 2 weeks.

There is another passionflower tek out there but it has been repeatedly de-bunked, so I wouldn't waste my time with it.

I hope this helps and good luck. :D
Yes I came across the refuted tek several times. In regards to your suggested TEK I was thinking along the same lines, but was hoping I could reduce the process time to hours rather than weeks. Cheers though :)

What suprises me about passion flower is that it is accepted to be low in concentration of MAOIs, yet it seems to be commonly reported as an effective means of lengthening the DMT experience when used as an enhancement herb.

I've heard the opinion that material of low MAOI concentration can still be quite effective when smoked rather than consumed orally, but is there a general consensus on the effectiveness of spice/passion flower changa? i.e. Is a changa blend of 1:1 spice/passion flower accepted to be a significantly different smoking experience to that of smoking pure spice? Is the MAOI influence noticeable to any appreciable/significant extent?...

i think that one could do an A/b extraction of a lot of it...
One could probably make a very strong 20x extract of it and that could give effects. I would look at Gracie and zarkovs research on it. There are links on the changa web site.
I made a pretty potent 50x passionflower extract just as you described doing it (soaking 50grams in acetone for a few days, filtering and then evapping the resulting liquid onto 1 gram of leaf)

It works like a charm, but I have since gotten some Caapi leaf, and it definitely has stronger MAOI effects.

That been said the passionflower works pretty well. Just read up about cyanogens in the passionflower, although I have not noticed any bad effects from 1 joints worth daily.

good luck
I don't have any thing to back up my claims but I remember a trusted member here (aka pH-Lux) was wary of health safety of some compounds in Passiflora incarnata.
The plant is safe to ingest but not necessarily to smoke.
I'd ask him when I cross his internet path.
Cheers for all the replies.

My friend's friend's friend sourced some extra materials, including aya vine. So now he thinks he might follow Gibran2's tek for caapi alkaloid extraction (Pictorial Guide to Caapi Vine Alkaloid Extraction - Harmalas - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus) and then make a "Mega Mekong" Changa by depositing the alkaloids from the caapi vine on a mix of passion flower, blue lotus and spice in a ratio of;
0.5g caapi alkaloids : 0.5g blue lotus : 0.5 passion flower : 1.0 g spice

He's very keen to try it :)
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