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Conflicting Views About When To Take Harmalas

Migrated topic.


So I’ve always taken my harmala tea 30min before the brewsky. But there are several conflicting posts. What’s better?

Same time
I go for 30 minutes to an hour apart, but i use capsules. I think liquid is absorbed faster and so has a shorter waiting period, but i'm not sure since i haven't used liquid Harmalas but a couple times or so, mainly stick to capsules since it works pretty well. Taking things at the same time is less effective because you want gut MAO-A to be inhibited so that the DMT doesn't break down, combining the Harmalas and the DMT it's likely that at least some DMT will be broken down, so i prefer full MAO-A inhibition before the DMT to ensure full oral activity.
The correct answer is E. All of the above. 😁

I treat DMT like the president. First I send in secret service to case the joint, scan the perimeter, place the snipers, and just tightly lock everything down. Then I send in his Fordship surrounded by a team of body guards as escort.

Dose 3/4 of harmala dose, wait till you are unquestionably feeling effects. If you aren't thoroughly stoned, you need to take moar till you are. When you are properly pancaked, toss down that last 1/4 with the spice to keep it protected till it slips through the mucosa and into the bloodstream.

There is a critical mass dose necessary to fully inhibit MAO enzyme. This is highly individual and variable, but in general, if you can't stand up, you've hit it. MAO preferentially binds to harmalas before it binds DMT, so in case you didn't hit it, the escort keeps it busy while the tryptamine breaks for the blood.
dreamer042 said:
I treat DMT like the president. First I send in secret service to case the joint, scan the perimeter, place the snipers, and just tightly lock everything down. Then I send in his Fordship surrounded by a team of body guards as escort.

Haha hilarious I love it 😁

I had 5g Syrian rue tea last night, 8 minutes later, 35g ACRB tea (4 days preparation) with 8 lemon essential oil drops, then chewing on 8 datura stramonium seeds. Totally different experience then dosing 30 minutes apart. I laughed at my naïveté. I’ve been a little bit ignorant. Also I purged like never before, about 12 times, last 8 produced no emesis or a white foam. Can anyone shed some light?

I have 50g of Chacruna. So you recommend I take 3.5g Syrian rue tea, which I’ve condensed into sublingual tincture drops, then 10min later the tea of 50g Chacruna and 1.5g Syrian rue?
Sublingual isn't gonna cut it, you want to get the harmalas into the gut to bind the MAO there if you taking the tryptamine orally.

Also moar than 10 mins, let the harmalas kick in fully before you take the second dose.
I know people who have had the ceremony in Peru. They said that they just drunk the tea in one bowl. But they had three journeys over five nights. That’s why I’m a little confused. Biochemically it makes sense to drink the harmalas 30 minutes beforehand. But 8 minutes apart was completely different to 30 minutes. It was real instead of visionary. However, I do see your point in saving a quarter of the harmalas for the spice.
It's typical of ceremonies to last late into the night with multiple administrations over the course of the experience, which moar or less has the same effect as what I'm proposing here as the doses stack.

You can get effects taking them together and dosing only once. You can get effects by taking harmalas then taking the DMT alone later. Depending on your endogenous MAO levels, the speed of your metabolism, the fullness of your belly, and a variety of other factors, you may or may not get strong tryptamine effects or even any effects at all from a single administration.

I've just found in my personal experimentation this route has been the most effective and surefire for me. Experiment on your own wetware and see what works best for you. :thumb_up:
20 minutes prior cuts it for me. But anything between 15-60 minutes is okay I guess.

Also depends on factors like stomach fullness.
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