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Confused but Enlightened

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello fellow travelers,

I'm Pyschonaut7x and I'm here to join in the fun and hopefully contribute to understanding hyperspace. SWIM has been there twice but have yet to try DMT. SWIM made SWIM's journey using THC Brownies and has learned to enjoy both SWIM's experiences after reflecting upon them. SWIM plans to try DMT in the future but thought it wiser to prepare SWIM's self using other psychedelics beforehand.
SWIM has used LSD, Mescaline and Marijuana to some varying degrees and may have the pleasure of using marijuana, mescaline, Salvia, lsa, lsh, lsd, psilocybin, and DMT in the future. SWIM's experience with LSD is a onetime event which included a bad trip about ten years ago and SWIM looks forward to giving it another try with SWIM's current state of mind, setting and support group. SWIM has done mescaline five times and always in a good setting with good people. At the moment mescaline is SWIM's preferred drug due to its gentle nature but that could be due to SWIM's last hyperspace experience.
SWIM has traveled to hyperspace on two occasions now. Both of these occasions involved a marijuana brownie at the level of around 0.40-0.50 gram. SWIM has tried astral projection in the past and felt on the verge of breakthrough on numerous occasions. SWIM's first marijuana brownie broke SWIM through to the other side and has changed SWIM's life forever. Both trips started out in the same way; SWIM lying down and focusing on the intense visuals SWIM was receiving and then feeling the pulling coming from outside forces. SWIM had been reading the Spirit Molecule by Rick Strassman at the time and was not ready to be pulled from SWIM's body but as SWIM became aware of what was happening SWIM welcomed it and eventually succeeded in freeing himself. SWIM will say that this was absolutely the single most difficult task SWIM has ever accomplished in SWIM's life.

Trip #1: The light side of hyperspace
On this initial journey SWIM experienced entities trying to pull SWIM from SWIM's body as SWIM pushed from it. It felt as if they knew SWIM was coming and SWIM even joked with them about it stating "We all knew I was going to be a difficult one." as they helped pry SWIM from SWIM's body. On this journey SWIM went through all the stages from the intense visuals to interacting with entities and becoming God. SWIM felt as though there was a guide showing SWIM along the way and eventually passing SWIM on to others including one of SWIM's friends who interacted with SWIM although the friend claims he has never been to hyperspace himself. This trip was filled with light and positive energies. SWIM got answers to some of the biggest questions plaguing mankind and was asked and answered questions on a universal level. Questions such as "Do you want to remember this much?", "Do you want to go back?", "Are you willing to die to see more?" SWIM experienced becoming a God and creating life from nothing and SWIM left this experience with a calm and a sense of purpose to SWIM's life.

Trip #2: The dark side
The dark side trip was not fun at all. SWIM did learn some valuable lessons on this trip but felt the terror that can come from such and experience. SWIM received answers to questions much like the first time but also felt a confusion much like the first trip. Some of the entities contradicted each other. As SWIM has taken a couple days to reflect on this experience SWIM thinks that they we arguing over the method with which this information was given, much like parents might discuss whether or not to tell a child of Santa Claus or God. They did not want to lie to SWIM but did not want to jeopardize SWIM's innocence either. On this dark trip SWIM felt horrified, terrified and felt utter despair. SWIM feels that SWIM was shown this dark side for a reason and will address it in more detail in a later trip report.

Ultimately SWIM wanted to take this opportunity to say hello and hopefully to interact and learn more about this other level of consciousness. SWIM thanks you for reading and graciously await your thoughts.
Welcome to the dmt-nexus!

That's quite interesting that you had such intense and visual experiences on space-brownies. They say MJ is hallucinogenic but I've always felt that aspect of it was too subtle compared to the blurriness of being stoned. Were you doing any special meditative or other technique while under the influence or did these trips *just happen*?

You say you are interested in trying the spice, do you have a preference concerning administration? vaped or oral?
Either way you will probably never be fully prepared for the experience. Even with acid or shrooms I never feel I am, it always hits me with a surprise, feels novel and staggering. And dmt is quite extreme in this way, because it is severely unpredictable. This does not mean that one should not at least try to prepare.
One thing that helps tremendously in all situations is to remember that it will be over soon... staying calm even when it hurts, even when the panic is choking you... Well basically you have to be able to adapt to inconceivable situations in the flash of a moment, but the rewards are great. The depths that you can explore are endless, hence our fascination with it, and the myriads of views on it.

I hope I haven't been stressing the *hard* side too much, but I feel this essentially what people are afraid of when they consider *preparing* first. But aside from basically training yourself to accept strange and otherworldly experiences by using other entheogens, preparation should also consider having yourself in the right state of mind and being, finding the right moment, creating the right space. A seemingly simple thing like an open closet door, an untidy desk or an unwritten letter can initiate very negative processes during a journey and while they can be overcome if you're lucky, you can prevent them by sensible preparation. For this you need to follow your intuition.

And finally, start low, work your way up. Low doses of spice are pleasant and shouldn't be frightening. If you are planning to use oral dmt make sure you know what harmalas are like on their own...

Nice meeting you.
Much love
MJ defo has travelling qualities to it. Try reducing a large amount of bud, stick, bush > the whole plant into some butter, say 1/4 of an oz butter.

very good
Welcome to the Nexus!:)

Hashish orally is unquestionably psychedelic and it seems it spanks some people harder than others.How may of the 0.4-0.5g containing brownies did you eat and what type of hash was it, if you know?

I once ate 3.5g of quality Afghan black and that was properly psychedelic but more along the lines of standard LSD/psilocybin tripping (but clearly not the same).Ive never seen entities on hashish even after the dose just mentioned.I wonder how hyperspace will present itself to you when you get there via DMT?:d :d

In any case, welcome once more and happy travels!!
Thanks for the warm welcomes,

SWIM was admittedly a little nervous about the reaction SWIM would get since SWIM hasn't seen many posts relating to reaching hyperspace with MJ brownies. To answer a few of your questions regarding SWIM's experiences SWIM will begin by describing the method with which traveling took place.
After consuming 1 (0.4-0.5g) brownie (type unknown) SWIM turned on the radio to listen to some classical music and laid back in a recliner. The high was so intense that SWIM sat there and focused on some of the pictures/banners that SWIM has hanging on the wall. Staring at some of SWIM's favorite sports team's flags was a great experience in itself but soon became a little too difficult as SWIM's visuals were mixing with what SWIM was actually looking at and SWIM felt as if SWIM's vision was breaking up and appeared to have an interesting puzzle like pattern to it. Once this happened SWIM felt a little uncomfortable with SWIM's eyes open so SWIM decided to get comfortable and close them. The visuals poured into SWIM's mind as if being forced to SWIM by something else. Intense and beautiful visuals filled SWIM's mind but soon they took more of a relaxing tone and SWIM felt more of a meditative state coming on. As this happened SWIM remembered the attempts at astral projection and everything SWIM had been reading in the Spirit Molecule book and decided to give it a try.

SWIM let SWIM's mind go as much as SWIM could and allowed SWIM's body to relax to the point that it felt exactly the same as it did when SWIM attempted projection.
SWIM concentrated and attempted to move SWIM's spiritual arms or legs to free them from SWIM's physical body but everytime SWIM did SWIM felt SWIM's muscles tightening up and SWIM would have to decide to relax or risk slipping out of this state.

Finally SWIM started to notice "others" in SWIM's presence, SWIM could not see them but just knew they were there and felt as though they were going to help him. The entities started communicating with SWIM telepathically and began pulling on his head as SWIM tried pushing himself out of his body. SWIM felt as if there were three of them but cannot be sure as he never saw these ones due to SWIM's concentration SWIM thinks.
They eventually succeeded in freeing SWIM and that is when my amazing journey began.

Getting back on topic; SWIM is unsure on the technique SWIM plans to use for the DMT. SWIM initial plan was to go on one of those South American Ayahuasca trips but having discovered some of the teks on this site SWIM plans to extract his own and is open to suggestions on administration.

Thanks for the advice on set and setting. SWIM knew these things were important but wasn't aware of how much "minor details" could affect the trip until recently. SWIM's last experience took him down a very dark path and SWIM was practically ready to swear off hallucinogens forever but as SWIM took some time to ground himself and reflect on the experience SWIM felt that he was never really in danger. SWIM had a guide with him showing him these things and SWIM thinks it was his way of teaching him a lesson. SWIM will go into more detail on his experience at a later time as he am still collecting and writing out his thoughts on the subject. SWIM have decided to give it another go but is going to give himself ample time to recover and process everything that happened. SWIM looks at it from an explorer's perspective in that it may have been terrifying but then again SWIM wouldn't expect something of this magnitude to come easy.

Thanks again and I looks forward to more dialog in the near future.
That's really cool that one can journey with MJ :)
I've tried a few times eating etc. but other than feeling dizzy and sick and getting really low blood pressure to the point that it was unpleasant, or on lower doses just feeling stoned, I never quite hit the mark I guess. I suppose MJ is just not for me. I'm glad to hear that other people (you) have better success at it.
I'm also interested to hear how dmt treats you once you get around to it, and how you like it. I can tell you one thing, she sure is special. So far I've only tried it vaped but think the real potential lies in oral dosing, which I will be pursuing as soon as I can find the proper time and mental state. The vaped experience is thrillingly fast and intense and can be quite overwhelming, but if you start with low doses you can get the hang of being shot out into orbit, though I guess you'll never be fully at ease with it. And if you are, you probably won't be for long... :)

So anyway cheers and happy mid-winter festival
Much love
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