Rising Star
Many moons ago I was not who I am now. My travels through time, both physical and mental, have had a profound impact upon the individual I recognize as myself living this this life in this mortal coil. Along the way I have met a few others that seemed to be searching for or walking on portions of the paths that are of interest to me. That is mostly why I enjoy reading (and slowly starting to write) within this forum. You all look at the world with the right kind of eyes, even if more and more of it seems out of focus of late.
Many moons ago I found my way out into the dusty deserts of Nevada. I visited "a world where everything is different" and very suddenly found the lines between imagination, dreaming and reality to be so much more blurry. I returned several more times over the decade not-so-commonly-known as 'the naughties'. Every time I set foot upon the playa I thought I had an understanding of how reality was meant to be. Every time new experiences sent a wrecking ball crashing through my brain. Black Rock City became my spiritual home regardless of where I might call my physical home within this default world.
Many moons ago it became far too complex a challenge to make such pilgrimages to Burning Man on a regular basis. I still have a lust for the dust, but the reality of my reality is that I have recognized the life worth living is one in which I try to maximize enjoyment in the times between the most memorable times. Make the lows a little less low and make the highs last a little longer by being more present in those moments. If going to the desert helped me unlock my experimental energies, I had since learned that making use of them every day in every way I could was an equally important piece of the puzzle. I enjoy finding artful ways to connect conversations with others onto random / philosophical topics to see how solid their grasp upon reality truly is.
Not so many moons ago I discovered spice and ever since life has been more than twice as nice. I've enjoyed so much in my few forays around the great beyond. It still seems so strange to me that such a natural substance which is in almost everything can shake the fabric of "this reality" away so easily. Reality ripping at the seams indeed Sphongle! I consider myself lucky to be able to construct even partially reasonable linguistics representations of that which I have experienced, including:
-Micro-flashes of a skull-shaped faces warning me about paths not worth pursuing
-The luminous hyper-realistic colour of everything flowing through tinker tubes constructed by....fraggles?
-Friends cosmically incarnated as interstellar spaceships
-Tribal mothers dancing above me as I was but a mote of dust inside a blue energetic bubble of protection?
-Aztec princes of the stars welcoming me to their world by dancing in the dust.
-Infinite individuals traveling through interstellar space inside ships as small as pixels
-Bubbles of creativity breaking free from the field of consciousness in the great beyond to share with others
Or my personal favorite thus far, fractal reality giant jelly fish filled full with universes flying amongst the stars being sliced apart by Occams' razor representing the movement of time. Each slice a projected unique fragment of 'now' and unique reality waiting to be experienced by all those who explore its' edges in search of centering themselves through that existence. The most odd thing is that for all the extremely intoxicating visuals I have enjoyed from the spice of life, I feel like I can almost form a coherent narrative out of those experiences. Like I'm seeing fractal flashes and my mind is working ahead of the curve of my own consciousness to form a narrative which I could coherently share with others.
Many moons from now I hope to have had some insightful conversations with you seemingly wonderful Nexussians? Nexussers? Nexai? Nex-folk The announcement in this thread suggested that "You write an essay why you want a full membership, this essay doesn't have to be long or without spelling errors, it just has to be genuine" I guess my succinct answer to the question of 'Why?' in this case would be: connect, contemplate, converse and co-inspire.
"If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe. ~Carl Sagan
Many moons ago I found my way out into the dusty deserts of Nevada. I visited "a world where everything is different" and very suddenly found the lines between imagination, dreaming and reality to be so much more blurry. I returned several more times over the decade not-so-commonly-known as 'the naughties'. Every time I set foot upon the playa I thought I had an understanding of how reality was meant to be. Every time new experiences sent a wrecking ball crashing through my brain. Black Rock City became my spiritual home regardless of where I might call my physical home within this default world.
Many moons ago it became far too complex a challenge to make such pilgrimages to Burning Man on a regular basis. I still have a lust for the dust, but the reality of my reality is that I have recognized the life worth living is one in which I try to maximize enjoyment in the times between the most memorable times. Make the lows a little less low and make the highs last a little longer by being more present in those moments. If going to the desert helped me unlock my experimental energies, I had since learned that making use of them every day in every way I could was an equally important piece of the puzzle. I enjoy finding artful ways to connect conversations with others onto random / philosophical topics to see how solid their grasp upon reality truly is.
Not so many moons ago I discovered spice and ever since life has been more than twice as nice. I've enjoyed so much in my few forays around the great beyond. It still seems so strange to me that such a natural substance which is in almost everything can shake the fabric of "this reality" away so easily. Reality ripping at the seams indeed Sphongle! I consider myself lucky to be able to construct even partially reasonable linguistics representations of that which I have experienced, including:
-Micro-flashes of a skull-shaped faces warning me about paths not worth pursuing
-The luminous hyper-realistic colour of everything flowing through tinker tubes constructed by....fraggles?
-Friends cosmically incarnated as interstellar spaceships
-Tribal mothers dancing above me as I was but a mote of dust inside a blue energetic bubble of protection?
-Aztec princes of the stars welcoming me to their world by dancing in the dust.
-Infinite individuals traveling through interstellar space inside ships as small as pixels
-Bubbles of creativity breaking free from the field of consciousness in the great beyond to share with others
Or my personal favorite thus far, fractal reality giant jelly fish filled full with universes flying amongst the stars being sliced apart by Occams' razor representing the movement of time. Each slice a projected unique fragment of 'now' and unique reality waiting to be experienced by all those who explore its' edges in search of centering themselves through that existence. The most odd thing is that for all the extremely intoxicating visuals I have enjoyed from the spice of life, I feel like I can almost form a coherent narrative out of those experiences. Like I'm seeing fractal flashes and my mind is working ahead of the curve of my own consciousness to form a narrative which I could coherently share with others.
Many moons from now I hope to have had some insightful conversations with you seemingly wonderful Nexussians? Nexussers? Nexai? Nex-folk The announcement in this thread suggested that "You write an essay why you want a full membership, this essay doesn't have to be long or without spelling errors, it just has to be genuine" I guess my succinct answer to the question of 'Why?' in this case would be: connect, contemplate, converse and co-inspire.
"If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe. ~Carl Sagan