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consecutive unsettling dmt trips...

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
has anyone ever had several trips in a row be unsettling? Not in a disturbing way, but more in a highly trafficked mind kind of way? Ive had 2 trips recently on DMT that didn't leave me feeling alive and awake and happy like my other trips. Its not that it wasn't beautiful and spiritual, that is always there, but it was more like the visuals and experience of the DMT was the background music in my head that was full of rapid moving thoughts that I couldn't clear out. I could almost see words and sentences floating thru my mind at rapid speeds, it impeded my ability to learn from the trip or even enjoy it. Has anyone else had similar experiences? How can I avoid these kinds of trips? (I now meditate before trips for a few minutes to clear my mind, but even then, it will still happen, not all the time but some of the time.) :(
sorry moderators i know i posted this in the wrong forum... i don't know how to move it, guessing it should be in dmt experiences.
I think this happened to me recently. It's like i wasn't completely absorbed in the experience. Almost like my ego was amplified, so i was in hyperspace but still very aware i was in my own head. Only thing i can think to reccomend is meditate for a good while before the trip. Try to clear your mind completely, and especially try to get rid of any anxiety you might have. If you're worried it's going to happen again, that probably just makes it that much more likely to happen.
[quote:51c997db1d="DZ-015"]I think this happened to me recently. It's like i wasn't completely absorbed in the experience. Almost like my ego was amplified, so i was in hyperspace but still very aware i was in my own head.[/quote:51c997db1d] you put it so much better than i do, that is definitely the feeling i got. Not pleasant. Thanks for the input :)
i wish swim could relate more to what your trying to convey. swim is very new to the dmt realm, hes pretty sure he hasnt even made it passed the veil. anyway his experiences are so mixed its kind of unsettling for him. at first he felt he was getting the feel for it and where he might go. he had internal visions but no breakthrough. His last two attempts he cant even really remember what happened. he kind of felt like he almost blacked out for a few minutes, but hes unsure do to not having a sitter with him. this leaves swim discouraged. one time it even gave him an instant headache lol. so im pretty sure he will press on and try to take something from his experiences, but if he cant remember it leaves him thinking that its kind of pointless. any advice or help would be appreciated. thanks
When "set" is changed (ie how you feel in your head/heart/... ) there's a huge variability in trips. And I think this can be explained with a few other observations/experiments related to the "eat-beans-and-bacon first' hypothesis. An idea I have wondered about, is how our body's diurnal (circadian) rhythms affect our sensitivity to dmt - but who's going to do all that 'experimenting' to prove it, huh.?!. With beans and lentils eaten 60 min before you inhale dmt, apparently some people can 'slow-down' the body's MAO enzymes, making the trip qualitatively different, or dmt more potent. We could say that the whole dmt trip is dependant on there being lots of receptors for dmt being 'up and running' in our brains ('HT-5' I think they are called). And those pesky MAO enzymes hanging out right next to the HT-5 receptors, clean up all the dmt. Combine these two principal biochemical reactions going on in our brain, and you get the trip defined in broad terms. Swim once ate enough dmt-freebase (150 mg) while on sufficient MAOI from Syrian Rue to feel something like every HT-5 receptor in the head was 'on', and the peak was intense - a synesthesia and imagination-soup hypnogogic biochemistry lesson all in one. But lower doses (<100mg) would probably not ignite every HT-5 receptor all at once, allowing 'waves' of activity in teh brain-anatomy instead of just everything-ON ! Swim said that the coming on of the 150mg oral-dose trip was absolutely magnificent, as the dmt gradually hit the various HT-5 sensitive areas behind the blood brain barrier (BBB) . So back to inhaling dmt, if the dose is the same all the time, then it's our receptors 'changing' somehow... but how..? I have not tried the beans and bacon thing, but it's apparently true for some folks... Any testimonials to that amongst us here..!?
I will be participating in my first Aya journey in a couple of weeks and part of the reccommended diet is to avoid beanpods such as lentils, lima fava chick peas snow peas and soy beans. BROAD (FAVA) BEAN PODS - these beans contain dopa, not tyramine, which is metabolized to dopamine and may cause a pressor reaction and therefore should not be eaten particularly if overripe.
I had a string of DMT trips that weren't enjoyable at all. I ended up not smoking any DMT for about 6 months. I'm sure it was due to life events at the time and my own mindset about them - which was pretty much prohibiting me from enjoying [i:3519546f5c]anything[/i:3519546f5c]. My trips were devoid of the novelty they held - I would get some effects but it stopped seeming interesting, refreshing, or insightful. When I first started using DMT I used it pretty often. At least a couple times a week. The most being 5 trips in one day. I find that, just as with all psychedelics, it's better to space it out - unless it 'calls' you to return, which it certainly did when I had 5 trips in a row. Take a break, maybe you have some unresolved stuff in your life...maybe not? It's pretty rare that I smoke DMT now, but it's :shock: :shock: :shock: when I do.
[quote:9f3d452a66]They are SO intense, that when I come to, I can't remember a DAMN THING!!! And the more I try, the more my memory becomes a cluster of patterned psychedelia with no meaning, mixed with my own internal thoughts. But for some reason it seems like I wasn't absorbed in the experience like you described DZ-015. But when I prepare mentally, but at the same time let go, I seem to remember them very well. DMT is such an unpredictable substance.[/quote:9f3d452a66] Sometimes i think there's a point that's reached where it's essentially sensory overload. Too much is seen, too much is experienced, and it just becomes too much to process and thus too much to commit to memory. Hence the blackouts that are common even on normal dosages. [quote:9f3d452a66]An idea I have wondered about, is how our body's diurnal (circadian) rhythms affect our sensitivity to dmt - but who's going to do all that 'experimenting' to prove it, huh.?!. [/quote:9f3d452a66] Try taking melatonin at bedtime for a couple nights before tripping. And after as well.
[quote:96b950b7aa]Sometimes i think there's a point that's reached where it's essentially sensory overload. Too much is seen, too much is experienced, and it just becomes too much to process and thus too much to commit to memory. Hence the blackouts that are common even on normal dosages. [/quote:96b950b7aa] It's interesting that you mention that, because that is exactly the way that SWIM feels. SWIMs 'problem' as it were is that the experience is so fleeting. It feels as though as soon as SWIM regains awareness of his body, he is unable to recall the experience he underwent just seconds before. It feels like the ego-mind is somehow blocked from accessing the experience, but SWIM >feels< the experience was profound, life changing awe-inspiring bliss. He >knows< this to the very core of his being, but as time passes between experiences that feeling is harder and harder to recapture. He's never had a negative experience, every time left feeling positive and reborn. Yet still he doesn't feel any compulsion to consume the spice on the regular, in fact it takes quite some effort to work up the nerve to partake in the experience at all. I relate this again to my ego-mind trying to protect itself and the false reality which creates and sustains it. Every trip into the oneness shows SWIM his true Self, and that is threatening to the ego-mind. SWIM reads trip reports by others where they describe highly specific details of their experience. SWIM couldn't even begin to do this, as he wouldn't be able to put the experience into words even if it was available like a 'normal' memory. It is slightly frustrating, but SWIM is still very new to the spice and he hopes with further excursions he will be able to bring back more traditional memories of the experience. [quote:96b950b7aa]His last two attempts he cant even really remember what happened. he kind of felt like he almost blacked out for a few minutes, but hes unsure do to not having a sitter with him. this leaves swim discouraged.[/quote:96b950b7aa] SWIM can also empathize with this POV, to SWIMS ego-mind the experience is unavailable, like a black out. But SWIM knows he is not just passing out or losing 'consciousness', because even though he cannot remember the experience in the traditional memory sense, after nearly every experience he has this deep feeling, he knows in his heart and body that the experience was real and was a truly important revelation about the true nature of reality aka all is one.
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