Welcome curious 1. You've found as great place filled with interesting knowledgeable people. I hope you enjoy the site. BTW, there is an edit function to correct errors & omissions at the top right of your post.
Just out of curiosity, did you try dmt or have any curiosity in extracting or trying it?
and another question, did you try mescaline hcl yet, to compare with mescaline acetate? I only tried acetate so far and am curious about the differences between them
At the moment I am focussing on mescaline extraction.I am hoping to get all the bits and pieces for my next attempt soon.The good people of Nexus have provided me with much needed tips that I am sure will make my next attempt successful.I first read about mescaline many years ago however have never had the oppurtunity to experience it myself yet.So thats where I am at.
I might consider DMT extraction [i have heard DMT extraction is more difficult than mescaline] when I have finished my immediate task.I am not very enthusiastic about ingesting mescaline hcl as I would prefer food safe TEKs.
welll... I have decided to buy some mimosa hostilis so that as soon as my mescaline extraction is successful I can begin DMT extraction.....thanks for the prod endlessness
Welcome!! I think you will find dmt extraction is quite easy. There's just a lot of confusing TEKs out there. Read as many as you can and pick one you understand the best. Goodluck
Hi curious,i welcome you as a new member of this community too. Just like you, i have a natural priority over the chemical more synthesized compound and made some dietary changes that made me not just feel better, but to think better. So i congratulate you and give you the best regards. Peace
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