Rising Star
Hello, have been off on other ventures after my first extraction and subsequent experiences.
I recall some time ago I had briefly introduced myself, and shared some experiences on here, but those threads are gone now.
Since, I have witnessed some of both the most beautiful to the most shaking visions of my life.
From seeing my flesh dissolve from my bones, to more recently becoming the beating heart of my yet to be born child.
(My wife is in her 39th week
I feel compelled to share some thoughts to nexus members, and I hope it may cause smiles and intrigue.
The experience of caapi, psilocybin, and a boost of spice brought myself into a beautiful, connecting moment with the very core of life.
I was in my shallow bath (safely propped to prevent potential mishaps), when I fell into the vision of my body becoming a galactic pump for the energies of the universe.
I was rooted in the earth, like a mighty tree reaching to the skies. I was channelling forces both in and out from the skies to the molten rock below.
Interestingly, it was more than just a perception of my being, my mind in this. It was my body, my arteries and veins. My heart and my mind that were working as one large heart.
It was at this moment of realisation that this heart became contained within another body. I felt flesh around me, warm and encompassing, but also with the firm knowledge that I was profoundly connected with this flesh. I panned out in the vision to a fetus curled up inside a womb. Further still, moving to a larger scale where I viewed outside of the body holding this child.
It was my beautiful wife.
I awoke, speechless, in disbelief. My body was shaking with excitement and energetic glee. I laughed out loud, I wept, I sang.
I am a father!
Fast forward.
There had been multiple occasions where under the influence of mushrooms that I would recognise some of the aural and visual aspects of DMT surfacing in the experience, despite having taken none recently at all.
It is very distinct, always in environments where I am alone and very relaxed. I would begin to feel incredibly heavy, like I had to lay back. I would do so and see the world in front of me pixellate in the way DMT causes. I would hear the worbles and zaps inherent in breakthrough.
The first times I had it happen I fought it. It brought fear as this was not familiar with mushrooms.
The most recent time it happened, I let go. Surrender.
I broke through. Not to a mystery land away from my body, but instead I was an energetic representation of my body in darkness.
I began feeling tightness in a few areas around my body, my stomach, my liver, my heart. As I felt this, insect like creatures materialised over the areas that were having these feelings. They were reaching in, draining, taking, from the organs.
I felt that these were visual manifestations of the manner in which we become diseased in our body.
As I realised this they loosened their grip and hovered away, message delivered.
I immediately felt a pressure in my head. It wasn't painful, but was a fullness of sorts. A large creature became visible directly over my body, and was the full length of my body. It was connected at my third eye, sharing my brain, along with the rest of my body.
This creature, almost wasp like, gave a squeeze. It felt like the life was being squeezed out of me.
Fortunately, it only wanted to show me. This was the one responsible for taking it all. For sucking all the life from my current body.
Would it be the one to carry my soul, or is that done in other ways?
As it lifted off my body and looked at me, I felt a relief, and a communication. I told it "Thank you for showing me. I am grateful for your lesson, and I will see you again, much later, when I am ready.
Now, I repeat the fact that this was not DMT. This was psilocybin.
Any thoughts on the capability for our body to become attuned to the mechanism of DMT so much, that it could be opened with other substances?
I have not heard of anyone speaking of this before. It wasn't even a large dose, only around 1.5g.
All other circumstances have mushrooms being an entirely external experience (visually at least).
Any feedback, thoughts, suggestions, or just other's reflections are most welcome.
This forum has held my awe for some time now, and I hope to contribute in the future (especially after the first several months following my child's birth
, I am sure I will be busy then! ).
I look forward to joining in and offering my inputs as life allows.
Thanks for listening.
- H
I recall some time ago I had briefly introduced myself, and shared some experiences on here, but those threads are gone now.
Since, I have witnessed some of both the most beautiful to the most shaking visions of my life.
From seeing my flesh dissolve from my bones, to more recently becoming the beating heart of my yet to be born child.
(My wife is in her 39th week
I feel compelled to share some thoughts to nexus members, and I hope it may cause smiles and intrigue.
The experience of caapi, psilocybin, and a boost of spice brought myself into a beautiful, connecting moment with the very core of life.
I was in my shallow bath (safely propped to prevent potential mishaps), when I fell into the vision of my body becoming a galactic pump for the energies of the universe.
I was rooted in the earth, like a mighty tree reaching to the skies. I was channelling forces both in and out from the skies to the molten rock below.
Interestingly, it was more than just a perception of my being, my mind in this. It was my body, my arteries and veins. My heart and my mind that were working as one large heart.
It was at this moment of realisation that this heart became contained within another body. I felt flesh around me, warm and encompassing, but also with the firm knowledge that I was profoundly connected with this flesh. I panned out in the vision to a fetus curled up inside a womb. Further still, moving to a larger scale where I viewed outside of the body holding this child.
It was my beautiful wife.
I awoke, speechless, in disbelief. My body was shaking with excitement and energetic glee. I laughed out loud, I wept, I sang.
I am a father!
Fast forward.
There had been multiple occasions where under the influence of mushrooms that I would recognise some of the aural and visual aspects of DMT surfacing in the experience, despite having taken none recently at all.
It is very distinct, always in environments where I am alone and very relaxed. I would begin to feel incredibly heavy, like I had to lay back. I would do so and see the world in front of me pixellate in the way DMT causes. I would hear the worbles and zaps inherent in breakthrough.
The first times I had it happen I fought it. It brought fear as this was not familiar with mushrooms.
The most recent time it happened, I let go. Surrender.
I broke through. Not to a mystery land away from my body, but instead I was an energetic representation of my body in darkness.
I began feeling tightness in a few areas around my body, my stomach, my liver, my heart. As I felt this, insect like creatures materialised over the areas that were having these feelings. They were reaching in, draining, taking, from the organs.
I felt that these were visual manifestations of the manner in which we become diseased in our body.
As I realised this they loosened their grip and hovered away, message delivered.
I immediately felt a pressure in my head. It wasn't painful, but was a fullness of sorts. A large creature became visible directly over my body, and was the full length of my body. It was connected at my third eye, sharing my brain, along with the rest of my body.
This creature, almost wasp like, gave a squeeze. It felt like the life was being squeezed out of me.
Fortunately, it only wanted to show me. This was the one responsible for taking it all. For sucking all the life from my current body.
Would it be the one to carry my soul, or is that done in other ways?
As it lifted off my body and looked at me, I felt a relief, and a communication. I told it "Thank you for showing me. I am grateful for your lesson, and I will see you again, much later, when I am ready.
Now, I repeat the fact that this was not DMT. This was psilocybin.
Any thoughts on the capability for our body to become attuned to the mechanism of DMT so much, that it could be opened with other substances?
I have not heard of anyone speaking of this before. It wasn't even a large dose, only around 1.5g.
All other circumstances have mushrooms being an entirely external experience (visually at least).
Any feedback, thoughts, suggestions, or just other's reflections are most welcome.
This forum has held my awe for some time now, and I hope to contribute in the future (especially after the first several months following my child's birth
I look forward to joining in and offering my inputs as life allows.
Thanks for listening.
- H