Rising Star
I like to bring to the masses attention, that there is a way to treat and reverse cancer. To my understanding, they call it the The Rave Diet, basically is just a plant based diet. I would like to add, my FOAF has prostate cancer. He has changed to this plant based diet, and already he is going to the toilet like normal. So far from what i understand, within just two weeks this diet can start to reverse cancer. My FOAF is getting tests again 10 days before he gets the operation, but already he is pissing normal, after doing this diet for half a week. He sead he would have to piss every 10 min, he would piss and feel like he would need to go again. He sead now he pisses MUCH less.
So what dose this tell you? It is not hes body fighting it (there is a word for it). Because to many people have been cured from this diet. People with stage 4 cancers have lived for 5 years when on this plant based diet, and are training.
Now correct me on this information. The Asian country's many many years ago (and to this day), smokes tobacco A LOT (to my understanding). Yet there rate of cancer was pretty low. Then along came western foods, greasy, fatty foods. Before western foods came, the Asian country's would eat lots of plant stuffs, and some fish. Things like Smoking, drinking, and other chemicals are the seeds of cancer. But these foods that are RICH with animal fats and protein are the fertilizers. Just because you have a bad gene that will cause cancer dose not mean it will activate, you need something to activate it. On this plant based diet/rave diet people would show improvement within 1-2 weeks.
Other things like Vitamin B17 will fight cancer. But it's not permitted importation into Australia, because of an obvious reason. They don't WANT to cure cancer, they want to find a way to TREAT IT, to make MONEY off it. And for that reason, the "eating a plant based diet to cure cancer" is looked down apon, saying that its impossible. Do you have any idea how much the pharmaceutical industry makes by keeping the population sick? Only this morning they was talking about the two genes they found that doubles you chance to get melanoma, they sead this will help to find a TREATMENT. And that's all they want to find, a treatment to sustain illness. They don't want to find a cure, they want to find a way to sustain and treat sead illness to make as much money as they can.
I beg everyone to check out this site - http://www.ravediet.com/
And I urge you ALL you get the DvD! I have it, and I can see it's the biggest eye opener I have seen. And it all makes perfect sense that it would be looked down apon because there is no way to make money on such a cure!
http://www.ravediet.com/caHealingcancer.htm - DVD here
I will keep you all updated on my mate who is going to attempt to cure hes cancer with this diet and use of B17 and other herbs. I would REALLY like to see everyone's take on this! And I beg you all to get the DVD, you won't be disappointed.
EDIT: preview of the DVD - http://www.ravediet.com/caPreview.htm
EDIT2: Here is a torrent file for anyone who does not want to pay for the DVD
UPDATE - positive results, diet or needle :?:
So my mate got hes results back today. Hes PSI has went from 3.6 down to 2.6. This news is great, but there is a hitch. He had some needle before he went on this diet. It's unknown if this diet is doing it's thing, or if it was the needle. I will point out he only had the needle ONCE!. But again this dose not matter to much, as it works for 3 months. It has been 5 weeks to my understanding, so in another 6 weeks he will get another blood test.
I am really happy that the results were good, be it from some needle or the diet. I will report the results in the next 6 weeks or so. Although, I am pretty sure seeing PSI going down is not enough to say the cancer is dieing? I am sure you need to have other tests. And they will be done next time, when we see what the blood tests say.
So what dose this tell you? It is not hes body fighting it (there is a word for it). Because to many people have been cured from this diet. People with stage 4 cancers have lived for 5 years when on this plant based diet, and are training.
Now correct me on this information. The Asian country's many many years ago (and to this day), smokes tobacco A LOT (to my understanding). Yet there rate of cancer was pretty low. Then along came western foods, greasy, fatty foods. Before western foods came, the Asian country's would eat lots of plant stuffs, and some fish. Things like Smoking, drinking, and other chemicals are the seeds of cancer. But these foods that are RICH with animal fats and protein are the fertilizers. Just because you have a bad gene that will cause cancer dose not mean it will activate, you need something to activate it. On this plant based diet/rave diet people would show improvement within 1-2 weeks.
Other things like Vitamin B17 will fight cancer. But it's not permitted importation into Australia, because of an obvious reason. They don't WANT to cure cancer, they want to find a way to TREAT IT, to make MONEY off it. And for that reason, the "eating a plant based diet to cure cancer" is looked down apon, saying that its impossible. Do you have any idea how much the pharmaceutical industry makes by keeping the population sick? Only this morning they was talking about the two genes they found that doubles you chance to get melanoma, they sead this will help to find a TREATMENT. And that's all they want to find, a treatment to sustain illness. They don't want to find a cure, they want to find a way to sustain and treat sead illness to make as much money as they can.
I beg everyone to check out this site - http://www.ravediet.com/
And I urge you ALL you get the DvD! I have it, and I can see it's the biggest eye opener I have seen. And it all makes perfect sense that it would be looked down apon because there is no way to make money on such a cure!
http://www.ravediet.com/caHealingcancer.htm - DVD here
"The most important contribution to the cancer battle in the last several decades."
Brian Clement, Ph.D., Director, Hippocrates Health Institute
"This film will shake you to your foundations."
Thomas Lodi, M.D.
Director, An Oasis of Healing
From viewer reviews...
"The information in this film is both stunning and priceless - powerful and empowering."
"Your film is brilliant and will bring hope to cancer patients all over the world. Thank you so much for creating this wonderful work."
"Your Healing Cancer DVD might be one of the most important messages ever made."
"I needed to pick my jaw up off the floor!"
"You deserve a Nobel Prize!"
Participants in the DVD
T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D.
The China Study
Brian Clement, Ph.D.
Hippocrates Health Institute
Brenda Cobb
The Living Foods Institute
Mirea Ellis
The Kushi Institute
Charlotte Gerson
The Gerson Institute
Matt Lederman, M.D.
Transition to Health, Inc.
Thomas Lodi, M.D.
An Oasis of Healing
John A. McDougall, M.D.
Dr. McDougall’s Health & Medical Center
and many more...
I will keep you all updated on my mate who is going to attempt to cure hes cancer with this diet and use of B17 and other herbs. I would REALLY like to see everyone's take on this! And I beg you all to get the DVD, you won't be disappointed.
EDIT: preview of the DVD - http://www.ravediet.com/caPreview.htm
EDIT2: Here is a torrent file for anyone who does not want to pay for the DVD
UPDATE - positive results, diet or needle :?:
So my mate got hes results back today. Hes PSI has went from 3.6 down to 2.6. This news is great, but there is a hitch. He had some needle before he went on this diet. It's unknown if this diet is doing it's thing, or if it was the needle. I will point out he only had the needle ONCE!. But again this dose not matter to much, as it works for 3 months. It has been 5 weeks to my understanding, so in another 6 weeks he will get another blood test.
I am really happy that the results were good, be it from some needle or the diet. I will report the results in the next 6 weeks or so. Although, I am pretty sure seeing PSI going down is not enough to say the cancer is dieing? I am sure you need to have other tests. And they will be done next time, when we see what the blood tests say.