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Curing cacti rot... Have I done enough?

Migrated topic.


illudium Q-36
I had a couple pups rooting..... Or as it turns out ROTTING.

I don't think the scab had formed thick enough. Or maybe I missed some shipping damage ( spines from other cuttings )

In any case. The rotting was barely noticable. I just happened to check for roots and found very small spot on 1 cutting that when touched, was gooey. I cut it off and after words all I saw was clean material. I put a fan on it and while nothing soft is happening, a couple dark spots ave appeared. Not in the immediate area of the rot, but in some of the " collateral damage" area that was cut off whilst ridding the cutting of rot. I think it may just be bruised?

It's been scabbing up fine now for 5-6 days no soft spots. Just 2 lightly dark spots. I am just worried that the rot may be lying dormant and will re-emerge when I attempt to root again.

Thanks in advance.
It could be just a bruise but you probably want to cut that off and let them harden again. Use a very clean knife. You could consider using Rootone (a fungicide and rooting hormone) to insure the rot is gone for good (but Rootone is a chemical product and that may be undesirable for you). Make sure your potting mix drains very well and consider putting a few inch layer of gravel in the bottom of the pot to promote drainage.

Let them callous over well, and don't water them for a few weeks after potting. To be safe, gradually move them out into the sun and only give the slightest bit of water after they are in full sun until you see some growth. After they start growing, give them plenty of water as long as it is hot and sunny. In cool weather, give them almost no water. You can wait for them to shrivel a little between watering.

If you use fertilizers, only use one that is meant for cacti. This usually means a low nitrogen content and a high phosphorous content. Don't use normal plant food as this will cause rot.

They really can tolerate little water but have a problem with too much.
Thanks forth response.

No water ( except maybe morning dew collecting ). I really only had it in the pot for a week before noticing the rot. I normally wouldn't even had disturbed it that soon but I just sorta " felt it " in my gut. Low and behold....

I will wait tobsee who / what else chimes in. But, I will most likely cut more off just to be safe. Really hate taking knives to these guys.... Unless I'm harvesting tips.

Sad, but at least I caught it really early.
Sulphur works very well. Cut out the rot until you see really healthy tissue and then coat it fully with sulphur. Any cut you make on a trich can be sealed and scabed up with some sulphur. It's kinda cool!
It's humid as a mofo here.

I will try sulphur to help things along. I thinkim going to try my luck and not cut any more off. It's really firm everywhere.

We'll see soon enough. I will let it continue to scab well frca couple weeks.

Thanks for the advise!
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