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Currently explaining Hyperspace as new Physics underlying Quantum Mechanics

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello DMT-Nexus

It will take much time to explain... I have never been to Hyperspace, but I am absolutely sure it exists because I have explained it.
At the end of my post, there are important culture messages that might be useful to your Hyperspace journeys.

I found DMT-Nexus at the very end of March. I realized that your stories all contained evidence of a more fundamental Physical Law that I had suspected could exist. On April Fool's Day I realized it was absolutely true and have been working out the theory ever since.

The True Law of Physics (the explanation of Quantum Mechanics): All things have free will. This includes electrons, atoms, light, your chair, etc. They do what they want to do.
Aside from that is one other thing: Information (bits, bytes, megabytes) is good money in these parts. It is difficult or impossible to make more of (no turning 10 MB into 11 MB). Most stuff that we know, entities like to know about too, so the prices on information like position, angles, etc, are very tightly determined as measured by Physical "constants".

This, and only this, explains the probability distributions and commutation laws of Quantum Mechanics.


The Information Marketplace is Open
(could someone please buy me a... soda? I'm thirsty)

Very important rule of Hyperspace Culture: Don't be Boring
Caution: Beware of Lies (only your own healthy body will never intentionally lie to you)

As an example, if you keep asking too many questions, aliens will start messing with you and telling you lies because that's more interesting. The entire culture and economy in this area (probably the whole universe as we see it) is based on interesting information. If you are respectful, curious, and most of all interesting, then you will go very far.

also, could someone get me some sleep? I'm quite tired, and I'm trying to pack up boxes and move back home from across the country... I am very stressed out right now.
I think I saw another Physicist on the board. Could we try to get all physicists who know Hyperspace in contact?
Man, I have so many questions, but I have no idea which ones aren't boring or so uniformed that they wouldn't know where to start.
What are people's thoughts on this? Can someone give me an idea of what "the entities" don't find boring?
It's certainly a very interesting theory, LurbQ, but I do not believe many of us are knowledgeable enough in Quantum Mechanics to help you work on this idea. If you need just experience reports, there is a section filled to the brim and beyond with a broad range of unimaginable reports based on hyperspace travel here on the forum.

For the record, I don't think anyone finds the idea boring, it simply put, goes right over most our heads.
Valid&Clear: Haha, very true. I suspect this is doubly true with how badly atrophied most of our senses are and how messed up you are on DMT.

Additionally, I suspect the reason you don't remember much on DMT is because it messes up your brain. It's good that we don't actually think much with our brains - we mostly use them to store information, check patterns, & run organs without conscious thought. You have plenty of other senses and organs that you can't see because they were blinded by countless painful lies. We had to stop listening to them to survive, and I suspect that we developed logic and intelligence as a way to sort out all of the lies and regain our ability to navigate the world.

Because of what I've found, I suspect that I happen to know a fairly secretive mainstream religious group that occasionally uses DMT behind closed doors... I am curious to go check them out.
You have to watch analogies. Just because one makes sense does not mean it is true. For example, lets say someone drinks a lot of alcohol. They begin to get dizzy and see objects moving. So they say "Gee, I'm actually seeing the quantum universe, because quantum mechanics tells us that objects don't occupy a precise location!" You get the point.

Of course, in some cases a well thought-out analogy does turn out to be correct. I'm just saying - don't count on it.

James Oroc has several chapters devoted to a comparison between the DMT state (actually it is 5-MeO DMT he discusses) and modern physics discoveries in his book Tryptamine Palace.

I'm curious how you feel that quantum physics is compatible with electrons and atoms and everything else having free will... wouldn't that obliterate the relationship between the square of the wavefunction and the probability of finding an electron in a given location?
LurbQ said:
Additionally, I suspect the reason you don't remember much on DMT is because it messes up your brain. It's good that we don't actually think much with our brains - we mostly use them to store information, check patterns, & run organs without conscious thought. You have plenty of other senses and organs that you can't see because they were blinded by countless painful lies. We had to stop listening to them to survive, and I suspect that we developed logic and intelligence as a way to sort out all of the lies and regain our ability to navigate the world.

interesting analysis... what exactly constitutes *messing up the brain* and where do you get the idea that we don't actually think much with the brain? I certainly have the strong suspicion that I do think quite a bit with my brain, because a) I think there for I am, b) I think I think a lot and c) I don't know what other organ or apparatus could be doing the thinking aside from the brain. These lead me to think, that thinking occurs in the brain and is a continuous process that is responsible for creating the self, which I identify with consciously...

what other senses are you speaking of? Did I miss something in biology - did some of our organs atrophy? Is there any evidence of this? As far as I know the only real atrophied organ we have is the appendix. Or are you referring to the pineal third-eye kind of thing? Or are you speaking metaphorically?

Also, I'm a physicst but frankly I have no idea what you are trying to convey with the free will thing. How can you attribute a will to particles? Can you define will? Let's get some clarity into this theory and talk about it!

Enoon said:
LurbQ said:
Additionally, I suspect the reason you don't remember much on DMT is because it messes up your brain. It's good that we don't actually think much with our brains - we mostly use them to store information, check patterns, & run organs without conscious thought. You have plenty of other senses and organs that you can't see because they were blinded by countless painful lies. We had to stop listening to them to survive, and I suspect that we developed logic and intelligence as a way to sort out all of the lies and regain our ability to navigate the world.

interesting analysis... what exactly constitutes *messing up the brain* and where do you get the idea that we don't actually think much with the brain? I certainly have the strong suspicion that I do think quite a bit with my brain, because a) I think there for I am, b) I think I think a lot and c) I don't know what other organ or apparatus could be doing the thinking aside from the brain. These lead me to think, that thinking occurs in the brain and is a continuous process that is responsible for creating the self, which I identify with consciously...

what other senses are you speaking of? Did I miss something in biology - did some of our organs atrophy? Is there any evidence of this? As far as I know the only real atrophied organ we have is the appendix. Or are you referring to the pineal third-eye kind of thing? Or are you speaking metaphorically?

Also, I'm a physicst but frankly I have no idea what you are trying to convey with the free will thing. How can you attribute a will to particles? Can you define will? Let's get some clarity into this theory and talk about it!


I have to agree more with Enoon on this one. I don't think DMT messes with your brain at all in the sense of any damage being done. I honestly believe that we are on DMT all the time at a certain level, and that's our way of even experiencing existence. Our senses and connection with existence heightens dramatically when we flood our brains with DMT, whether it be naturally or through the use of the drug itself. I do believe though, after much experience, that the "I" that I am is something outside of the physical plane of existence entirely. After experiencing your Self as pure white light, having nothing left to attach the "I" to, you really start to question what you really are, and if you are anything at all. We are pure consciousness that has no physical form, yet has the ability to embody any form it chooses. The closest thing I can relate consciousness to, if not being the same thing with a different label, is attention. We are our attention and whatever it is on. We become One when we focus our attention on the same thing, and that which we are focused on is all that exists in that moment. That being said, we come to realize that we empower each other, amplifying each other's energy, as we unite our attention into One thing, whether it be a thought, event, or way of being. We literally bring life to things we focus on, negative or positive. The energy doesn't pick sides it just does what it's supposed to, which is be a magnet to anything we put our attention on, in this case. lol. Didn't mean for that to be that long or get off subject but the flow was coming through. =)
Welcome to the Nexus - this is a place of fairly diverse opinions but that generally holds a hard line on requesting deeper explanations or documentation for extraordinary claims.

DMT is an endogenous neurotransmitter. Though we are taking very large exogenous doses relative to this natural state, I sincerely believe that the body and mind know exactly what to do with it. That's why it's over so quickly. It is a catalyst. We mess our own brains/minds up. Trust me I know based on experience.

Ahhh, experience. My you remind me of a young person pontificating on the finer points of sexuality while being a virgin. Complete with the vagueness. With respect, my guess is that this will not get you far here.

Nexus is not like other Forums. Please take a good, hard look around.
Pandora said:
Welcome to the Nexus - this is a place of fairly diverse opinions but that generally holds a hard line on requesting deeper explanations or documentation for extraordinary claims.

DMT is an endogenous neurotransmitter. Though we are taking very large exogenous doses relative to this natural state, I sincerely believe that the body and mind know exactly what to do with it. That's why it's over so quickly. It is a catalyst. We mess our own brains/minds up. Trust me I know based on experience.

Ahhh, experience. My you remind me of a young person pontificating on the finer points of sexuality while being a virgin. Complete with the vagueness. With respect, my guess is that this will not get you far here.

Nexus is not like other Forums. Please take a good, hard look around.

Enough said, Pandora. At least some endogenous positivist between agnostics. Peace.
Gotta agree with Pandora on this.

I was really excited when I read your title, specifically because I have seen things during experiences that strike me as relating to fundamental physical laws/properties. I lack the physics knowledge to do anything more than compare them with what rudimentary physics/quantum mechanics I am aware of...but it creates tremendously delicious food for thought. I had one friend who encountered me on a pharmahuasca experience and later informed me that I was literally spewing out "grand theories of reality and existence" based on the things I was seeing/experiencing. Having read your post...I don't find it to say anything...and this saddens me...I find Pandora's metaphor to be perfectly fitting...I still remember my shock/awe at the sensations, the first time I had sex......and DMT?!?!????!!!! Well...DMT was an entirely different level of :shock:
Richard Feynman said "I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics." Some else who I can't recall said something like that anyone who says they understand QM is a liar or an idiot.

Also QM says nothing about anything having free will. Some philosphoers and mathematicians have claimed that the indeterminism of QM suggests freewill. However many systems, even simple ones can only be modeled by statistics. This does not prove freewill. We may just not fully understand all of reality to rule out unknown factors.

QM describes the behavior of sub-atomic particles and the systems they make up. What it says is that Bosons and fermions (particles of matter and force) require the presence of an observer (or rather more specifically to be measured) to exist as the measurable particles we know and love, otherwise they exist as waves, the distribution of these waves (the term wave is used loosely here) and their physically measurable properties (as waves and/or particles) are represented via the Schrodenger wave equation which can only state the probabilities of certain forms and properties "manifesting themselves" once measured.
LurbQ said:
I have never been to Hyperspace, but I am absolutely sure it exists because I have explained it.

I have to side with the last three posters - and I'm not a scientist, but your ideas sound like a lot of half baked gobbledygook to me. Beyond this though, how can you be "absolutely sure" of the nature of ANYTHING you haven't experienced? The virgin analogy is pretty spot on. First take the plunge, then educate us.

LurbQ said:
I think I saw another Physicist on the board.

Are you saying that you are actually a physicist? Can you share your background/credentials?
I another fellow physicist here (I work in Theoretical High Energy Physics).

I don't believe that freewill is suggested by Quantum Mechanics.
Just because before measurement the wave-function of an electron is not collapsed doesn't mean it has got free will.

A crude analogy is when you flip a coin it can have either head or tail as an outcome. That doesn't mean the coin is an aware being and has a mind and freewill of it's own and decides whether to fall head side up or tail side up.
I know that it's not an exact analogy, because flipping a coin is a classical phenomenon and the outcome is determined based on the initial conditions which can be measured precisely - a case which is not true for quantum mechanical phenomenon. That's why it's a crude analogy.
But, then what is a wave-function? It's a guideline given by nature that tells the particle of it's possible options and puts weight on them. As bufoman already pointed out quoting Feynman, we don't understand what the logic is behind this guideline called QM (if at all there is a logic behind it and there is a good chance there is none because QM is an axiomatic theory in itself and is not derived from classical mechanics), we just know it workd and we know how.

Bottom-line is (yet another similar analogy)
Say, your boss tells you that you can either take the Monday or the Tuesday off but you have to flip a coin for it. Does that mean you have freewill?

Saying that QM implies freewill, injects unnecessary mysticism to the carefully and very methodically treaded beautiful pasture of physics and makes it impure and ugly (though outsider might find it novel and interesting - it's just bad and misleading advertisement).

On a side note:
Let's agree that electron has freewill. So what?
Can it use it for it's own benefit?
Can you/I use it for your/mine or the world's benefit?
No to both the questions. And this I am very CERTAIN of.
Then freewill is just a tag - a name - that we are giving to QM which I don't really mind except for that fact that freewill has other connotations and it just confuses the shit out of people who aren't physicists and/or don't understand physics very well.

Shit, I have been rambling for a while now. Sorry about that.

Love, peace and happiness on your journey,
A fellow traveller
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