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CWE of MHRB - curious question

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Right now I'm working on a CWE of MHRB. It's in the fridge at the moment but I've had a thought that's tickling me.

How exactly does the water work to extract the needed ingredients for the drink?

Recalling from my STB adventures, I had to use lye + water + MHRB + naphtha in order to extract DMT from the sludge. Why is it that these things are not needed in a CWE?

If the tea we drink does contain DMT, among other things, why do we have to use other chemicals to reduce it to base form in a STB? Is there something that prevents us from pulling DMT straight out of the water/tea?


If I had to guess, I'd say the goodies bind together differently with something in a CWE. Which might allow it to be ingested orally and still be active on it's own.
Could someone enlighten me please?

Thank you.
ALthough SWIM is not chemist, the DMT in the plant is in the DMT tannate salt.
That salt is quite water soluble, and since the product is dried then the DMT is very attracted to the outside water.

Adding an acid (citric/lemon juice, acetic/vinegar, Hydrochloric/muriatic... lol all have 2 names :p) to the mix attracts it even more since most acids are stronger than tannic acid and the DMT wants to bond with it.

SWIM has been working with cold and warm water extractions of cactus lately.
That being said SWIM has observed a large difference in brewing MHRB and cactus.

With the cactus 20g of hot water brew produced effects greater than 20g eaten raw with less than 1/3 the nausea.

-While 120mg of pure spice gave SWIM a VERY strong trip.

-3x hot water extraction over 3 hours of 12g of MHRB gave almost nothing when he could extract at least 110mg or more from the 12g, he reduced it at barely a simmer, but SWIM guesses heat seems to kill DMT quickly...

(SWIM kinda rambled a lot... lol)
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