Today I stumbled across this site. I've been exploring it all day and I decided to join. I reside in Baja but in a month I will be moving to central Costa Rica. In my free time I enjoy walking around the desert, climbing, camping, hunting, making art, taking pictures and playing guitar and sitar and percussion and any other instruments I can get ahold of. I tried DMT for the first time about a year ago and now I'm hooked. I have used many psychedelics in my life time and I must say DMT is the best thus far. It is like food for my soul.
I look forward to contributing to and getting to know this community. :d
Today I stumbled across this site. I've been exploring it all day and I decided to join. I reside in Baja but in a month I will be moving to central Costa Rica. In my free time I enjoy walking around the desert, climbing, camping, hunting, making art, taking pictures and playing guitar and sitar and percussion and any other instruments I can get ahold of. I tried DMT for the first time about a year ago and now I'm hooked. I have used many psychedelics in my life time and I must say DMT is the best thus far. It is like food for my soul.
I look forward to contributing to and getting to know this community. :d