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Darkness Shining Wild, 5Meo-DMT

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Linga Sarira

Rising Star
To anyone interested in 5Meo-DMT I highly recommend a book by Robert Masters called 'Darkness Shining Wild'

I have not tried 5Meo myself but have experienced something close to the hellride he describes in the beginning of the book. My experience was on a very strong pharmauasca trip that took me far beyond out of body, out of mind into a non-self non-space eternity that is still with me today.

The book details his severe experience near death on 5Meo where he literally died twice but was subjected to something I think no-one would ever want to get close to. Being locked into an non-self, infinite chaos of universe eating itself over and over in infinite dimension and timelessness, with no exit. I think anyone wanting to try this should have a read. It is very well written and absolutely real, he even consulted Stan Grof for help at one point.

His dose was 30 milligrams, way too much for anyone trying this substance for the first time.

The book really helped me get through some of my difficulties integrating my DMT trip.
chaliponga did that to me once in an aya brew, everythingwas destroyed and created, destroyed and created looping and looping...scared the hell out of me, and gave me bad anxiety all the next day..5meo tends to give me anxiety after the experience unless I just have a low dose.
Interesting, as I just started a chali extraction. Do you think the craziness of chaliponga would also transfer into extractions?
^yes..I extract from chali as well..it has a good ammount of 5meo..I used to make changa outof just cappi and chali extractions..it's different from mimosa..because of the 5meo and MAOI's..but still worth it..smoking a small dose makes it more DMT-like with lots of euphoria..but shotting for breakthroughs got very weird and dissorientating..make my heart race like crazy and energy pulse and shoot through me real fast..it's a bit nicer with the caapi I think.

I really like to make changa out of mimosa and chali extractions together..and then add a little bufo..that can be VERY powerful.

Try this book for another perspective. I think he even mentions the book you posted. Robert Masters found hell, while Oroc found God. Cool to get contrasting perspectives on the same substance.
5-MeO-DMT has one specific effect, wich is fine in small amounts but incredibly scary in larger doses and that is: aliennes.
The 5-MeO-DMT creates a state where everything, including yourself and your own thoughts become alien to you.
It feels as if something is radically different about every aspect of reality, about your thoughts or places you know very well. But you can never realy tell what that is. You know it's your body, your house, but it feels like it's not. Like somebody build a replica of your house and put you in it without you knowing it.

It does this in even very small amounts.
I don't know anything that can make you literally feel that strange.

I think that 5-MeO-DMT is only for a very small percentage of people or in very small doses.
Seven said:
Try this book for another perspective. I think he even mentions the book you posted. Robert Masters found hell, while Oroc found God. Cool to get contrasting perspectives on the same substance.

This is the book I read first which did lead to me reading Darkness Shining Wild which is referred to in the back part of the book giving the dark side of 5meo.

I found both very good for perspective on the 5Meo experience. Another book mentioned in Tryptamine Palace which I have yet to get my hands on is "Collision with the Infinite" by Suzanne Segal detailing a spontaneous similiar experience but without taking any substance at all.

Anyone read it?
On some level the cycle of destruction and recreation is inescapable, it just takes diffirent scales of time to realise this. Everything right down to galaxies gets created eaten up and spat out as new galaxies. Plants that grow from the soil feeds on plants that lived before and was eaten by the soil, and will themselves be eaten by the soil and that soil will build new plants in future...

The universe is such a fractaly repeating concept, we just need a good look at a small facet, to understand a part of everything else.
Nordic said:
On some level the cycle of destruction and recreation is inescapable, it just takes diffirent scales of time to realise this. Everything right down to galaxies gets created eaten up and spat out as new galaxies. Plants that grow from the soil feeds on plants that lived before and was eaten by the soil, and will themselves be eaten by the soil and that soil will build new plants in future...

The universe is such a fractaly repeating concept, we just need a good look at a small facet, to understand a part of everything else.

Maybe 5-Meo has a unique ability to give the user the direct experience of the eternal history of their own atoms and molecules regenerating over and over for eternity through a unwravelling of quantum memory data dumping of some kind...

I often wonder why some people are very unnerved when you describe the death aspects of these kinds of psychedelics. Is it that some take comfort in the the idea that they die and never live again, and that the actual reality of being eternal and having existed for eternity and will be existing forever is actually too much for a human mind to take and therefore like Robert Masters you kind of enter a deep shock that can take years to work through.

In my own experience the reality of knowing my eternal vastness directly did shock me and conflicted deeply with my human life experience that it changed me forever. That and also realising the illusion of the various aspects of the self becoming no-self shattered the complex programming of my human personality and when it all came back I did not lose the illusion of it. I am now totally aware that my self is just a complex illusion of human personality programs that all together work and function to give myself the impression of my self, but now after the deep DMT realisation the illusion is now blatantly present in my daily life.

For me, It is not uncomfortable anymore, just my life has taken on a sort of deeper-time quality.
I think this is why people with a religious sytem generaly find the final transition so much easier.
Especialy if you had the ability to believe in a childlike way, like old people and small children.

I am now totally aware that my self is just a complex illusion of human personality programs that all together work and function to give myself the impression of my self

You catched SWIM's thoughts. Well said :) !

For me, It is not uncomfortable anymore, just my life has taken on a sort of deeper-time quality

For SWIM, it was uncomfortable for a while and still is a bit... SWIM find that his life is easier when the "complex illusion" is fully operating. Sometimes, "burst" of awareness are coming and it is at the same time amazing and scaring. Occidental way of thinking/educating people is not the best way to integrate that :?
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