I never smoked it but my brother and myself made a tea out of it one night. I didn't like it and wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
It's not a very safe drug and the effects are basically the same effects as atropine poisoning (because really, that's what's happening).
But for the sake of information I'll supply a quick trip report (granted this was some time ago so the details will be vague).
My brother and I ingested and maybe half an hour later we both started to feel like crap. We both went down to my room and he passed out on the couch and I tried to get some sleep on my bed. I put some Paul Simon on to fall asleep too.
At some point I woke up feeling like I had to pee really bad and unplugged the Paul Simon. I made my way upstairs to use the bathroom (very slowly, I could hardly walk because of the disorientation) and tried to pee but couldn't (urine retention is a symptom of atropine poisoning).
I couldn't see very well, I had like the opposite of tunnel vision, everything in the center of my field of vision would be blurry. I laid back down and went back to sleep.
Later on the music woke me up, it had been pervading my dreams as well. Once again I felt I had to pee so again made a trip upstairs. Again I couldn't. I went back downstairs and laid back down.
Again the music woke me up, again I had to pee, again I couldn't. Fed up with listening to Paul Simon I went to turn it off and realized... oh, I unplugged the stereo earlier, the music that I'd been hearing and was waking me up was all in my head.
The night basically continued like this. I felt really terrible the whole time and just wanted to sleep until it was over.
The next day I still had trouble focusing my eyes (atropine!!).
Anyway, I don't mean to preach but there's safer delerients (like eating a box of Dramamine) and I really suggest doing a ton of homework before ingesting this plant in any manner. I've never found delerients fun and the only thing I've felt I've learned from them is not to take delerientes. But that could just be me.
Good luck and stay safe.