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Days long nausea after changa

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Rising Star
I've had a couple of forays with my home grown changa. The first time I felt as sick as a dog after for a good week. My partner did not. The second time I felt as sick as a puppy (not quite as sick as the full grown dog), also tried to smoke a bit less due to the previous time, and actually vomited the evening of (several hours later). I couldn't face coffee, sweet things, normal stuff. Even thinking about it now, six days later, makes me feel a bit queasy. My first-timer compadre for that experience had a bit of a headache but nothing like what I experienced.

I've always considered myself a tough old bag of bones with a fairly strong constitution. I'm wondering if next time I should keep the banisteria caapi leaves out of the equation and make some enhanced leaf. If I still get nausea after that, I'll have to decide it ain't for me.

I'm making bong-smokable matter for a few reasons, including my extractions are from ACRB and a bit gooey (so easier to mix into leaf) and I'm not going anywhere near a crack pipe. I'm just not :) I'm a very careful pipetter.

My partner says the nausea may be the lesson (and in a way it has been as I'm off smokin' the weed most nights since then), but just surprised it has made me feel so ill.

Normally when I read "oh I felt sick when I ate a shroom" I think "toughen up!", and here I am. Serves me right.

Any thoughts, any one?

I agree this is very interesting. I am only SPECULATING here, but a couple ideas come to mind immediately.

You said homemade changa. Did you also extract your own DMT? And regardless of the answer, could there still be some sort of gross trapped solvent in that goo? Not smoking what you think you're smoking, smoking solvent and things like that could make a grown man ill.

Are you burning the DMT? I'm not sure that would account for your level of illness but the one time I vomited on a massive dose was one of the many times in my early days where I burned the crap out of the spice.

And then there is your partner's idea. The lesson. I gotta say, I'm gravitating towards that. It sounds like the spirit molecule has its' grip on your soul and decided to attempt a little reprogramming while you are still in a meat suit. You basically wrote that you are being programmed via classical conditioning away from coffee, sweets, weed. That does not sound like a bad agenda for change in my book.

The only thing about DMT that is predictable for me is that it will always be a surprise. For example, lately when I ask entities for help with my husband they seriously go to WORK on me.

I will finish up with a little bit on my feelings of the importance of integration. I would like to encourage you to eat a bit more (good food, if you can), sleep more, be intimate more, get out in nature more, meditate more and most importantly journal everything.

Be kind to yourself as you attempt to learn and grow at an accelerated rate. Understand that people pay a LOT of money to therapists and specialists and religious leaders for YEARS before they even get close to where you are on the potential change front.

Things are moving fast as is, so please don't try to rush it more. Be kind with and to yourself.

Thank you for sharing and I hope you will feel better and continue to keep us updated.
Nausea with just DMT tends to be from nerves in my experience.

However, in your instance, I'm wondering if it's the harmalas. For a while I too would vomit almost any time that I'd smoalk changa. After working with rue as well as smoking freebase harmalas, it's actually rare for me to throw up during a changa journey now, and if I do it tends to be very clearly a purge.

Try smoking freebase harmalas and see how you feel. Maybe start around 30mg (I'm up to about 50mg now).

One love
Maybe it's just not your ally. I've not been impressed with DMT in any of it's shapes and forms so far. Changa made my heart thump and gave me a headache after. I did experience a shift in reality and saw my partner who was sitting in a single couch chair, sitting in a rocking chair. I noticed a crystal like thing hovering above her in the room and felt/heard a vibration. I kind of felt like I was at the peek of an LSD experience in a way, I thought I might vomit but didn't, it lasted around an hour and then I had a headache as if someone had shoved poppers up my nose. I wasn't impressed by my experience. It was a blue lotus blend. I don't think it's my ally.
Wow! Thank you for the above info from everyone, really a lot to think about. I think the two experiences I've had, have an impact that feels quite different to shrooms. I'm musing on it all a lot.

I was concerned that my extractions weren't clean. The only thing that reassured me was that the other two that have used it have felt more or less fine.

I used banisteria caapi and passionfruit flower leaves first time, banistieri caapi and mint leaves second time.
Transition said:
Maybe it's just not your ally. I've not been impressed with DMT in any of it's shapes and forms so far. Changa made my heart thump and gave me a headache after. I did experience a shift in reality and saw my partner who was sitting in a single couch chair, sitting in a rocking chair. I noticed a crystal like thing hovering above her in the room and felt/heard a vibration. I kind of felt like I was at the peek of an LSD experience in a way, I thought I might vomit but didn't, it lasted around an hour and then I had a headache as if someone had shoved poppers up my nose. I wasn't impressed by my experience. It was a blue lotus blend. I don't think it's my ally.

I'm curious about your interest in the nexus if you're not into DMT. I'm interested in the potential learnings I might get through DMT, but don't feel great about consuming DMT (for the moment).
Transition said:
Maybe it's just not your ally. I've not been impressed with DMT in any of it's shapes and forms so far. Changa made my heart thump and gave me a headache after. I did experience a shift in reality and saw my partner who was sitting in a single couch chair, sitting in a rocking chair. I noticed a crystal like thing hovering above her in the room and felt/heard a vibration. I kind of felt like I was at the peek of an LSD experience in a way, I thought I might vomit but didn't, it lasted around an hour and then I had a headache as if someone had shoved poppers up my nose. I wasn't impressed by my experience. It was a blue lotus blend. I don't think it's my ally.

What are all the methods that you've tried? It could be the harmalas that gave you the headache if they were included in your changa blend.

It really is worthwhile to take time to familiarize oneself with harmalas. It can take time, but there's a lot there. IIRC, in South American cultures that use Aya stipulate that the vine (which contains harmalas) is a "bigger" medicine than whatever DMT containing plant is added.

MercedesMam said:
Wow! Thank you for the above info from everyone, really a lot to think about. I think the two experiences I've had, have an impact that feels quite different to shrooms. I'm musing on it all a lot.

I was concerned that my extractions weren't clean. The only thing that reassured me was that the other two that have used it have felt more or less fine.

I used banisteria caapi and passionfruit flower leaves first time, banistieri caapi and mint leaves second time.

Try smoking some of the cappi leaf by itself and see how you feel.

One love
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