Electric.Sight said:
If someone were to live forever, their physical composure probably wouldn't change that much compared to 100s of generations across the same amount of time, all adapting to new environments.
Perhaps death is only necessary for earlier forms of evolution and that it's not a universal constant.
This would mean that one day it could be possible to evolve beyond the need for death entirely!
Nice concept
Have some questions/comments about this concept though,
1) If someone were to live forever, are we speaking just naturally never dieing? (other words not accounting for any man-made deaths such as bullets, bombs, etc)
2) If that is the case, from what I see is a weakness towards infection from disease and viruses. Evolution widdles out the weak and makes way for the strong. If someone were to live forever (while of course still increasing population
), that person IMO would have a greater chance of dieing from disease since viruses, bacteria, etc evolve at a greater speed than humans do already. 100's of generations though would probably be more affective against the disease though faster than the person who lives forever. As I see it, evolution through death is quicker change then through living. Thus, the person "living forever" vs the average person would probably die on average at the same time by disease.
....or are u just neglecting all forms of death?? (natural and man-made)
3) When you are talking about "all adapting to new environments", are you including the "forever living" person into that too or just the 100's of generations?
4) "death as not a universal constant" - So if you look at death as a physical state, it seems to me as though death then would have to flow with the change of the universe. Going with the concept that "energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred", if one were to be brought into this life as a human , then following natural flow of energy, they should die as a human (thus completing the transfer of energy). To me, not dieing would disrupt natures balance/transfer of energy.... so i would think death would be a constant. :idea:
Not tryin to bash your concept, just adding thought provoking ideas