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Deciding which route to take regarding dosage and form


Esteemed member
I am moved by people having great luck with bark alone. I am however recommended by quite a few folks ta, HCL, and bark. If it's a matter of a couple hundred additional dollars I might as well spend it. The following is a protocol recommended which mirrors other recommendations just the same. Open to any insight on the matter. If it becomes even more critical I have extra attention with a greater dose, I will absolutely be willing to pay someone for their time/care. I am not so desperate I would jeopardize my life in an attempt to get better. The last thing I'd like is to become another statistic.

Protocol 165lbs male
Day1: 500mg Ibogaine HCL+500mg TA 4 hours later
Day 2: 2.2-5.2g Iboga TA
Day 3: 500mg Ibogaine HCL
1 gram extra of Iboga TA to be taken as booster doses daily after day 3 .(240mg per dose)
In total you will need 1g ibogaine HCL and 7g Iboga TA
NB: Person addicted to long acting opiates can switch to short acting opiates such as morphine and then stay off it and all other substance for at least 24hrs before you can start the treatment. The concomitant use of various drugs while being detoxed with ibogaine can have extremely dangerous and potentially fatal consequences
  • Day 2 is a flood dose so it’s important you have a sitter or guide by your side to watch over you since you might go through visions, hallucinations and physical discomfort. However you can take Dramamine or something similar to prevent and treat nausea, vomiting, and dizziness caused by motion sickness if possible.
  • Also the dose on this Day 2 should be divided into portions of not more than 0.5g and each potion should be taken within intervals of 30 minutes.
  • The flood dose on day 2 should be taken on an empty stomach and the last meal should not be a heavy one taken at least 5 hours before the dose to avoid vomiting
After ingesting ibogaine, Effects of ibogaine generally will make themselves evident within 45 minutes to as long as 3 hours after administration. In which you will experience a tingling sensation of warmth spreading throughout your body, usually this begins in your solar plexus and spreads through your body. You may hear humming or buzzing sounds, followed by your physical dependence being reset. In most cases opioid withdrawals signs will be reduced within 45 minutes of ibogaine administration.
  • After day 2, you will feel exhausted and may experience difficulty sleeping. This is offset by the fact that most patients will experience no cravings or withdrawal symptoms. Heavily-addicted individuals may still experience minor discomfort at this stage of treatment, but the majority of residual withdrawal symptoms will have been eliminated. Any persisting discomfort will dissipate upon administration of Iboga TA booster dose on day 3. During the day it is important you eat, drink, enjoy complimentary massage , and in general move around. You’re clean, your habit is gone, and start learning to reconnect with your feelings and surroundings.
  • It is however important to have yoga a session on day 3 if possible.

People can’t have any fentanyl in their system like even from 3 days prior because it binds so strong to receptors . So people need to transition to morphine or opium or something. Any short acting with no fentanyl in it.

  • Health Conditions that Disqualify Use of Ibogaine HCL,Iboga TA and Iboga root barks
  • Heart Conditions Individuals with cardiac disorders should avoid ibogaine due to potential risks including:
  • Heart problems
  • Heart rhythm disturbances
  • Heart attacks
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Increased heart rate
  • Note: It is crucial to perform an Electrocardiogram (EKG) test.
  • Hypertension High blood pressure can lead to severe health issues such as heart disease and strokes. While ibogaine treatment may help some individuals, it has been known to increase blood pressure in a small percentage of patients.
  • Liver Disease Ibogaine is metabolized by the liver and can cause liver damage in individuals with pre-existing liver conditions. If you have liver disease or elevated transaminase levels, ibogaine is not recommended. Recent abnormal liver function tests are a contraindication.
  • Seizure Disorders If you have a seizure disorder, consult your doctor before considering ibogaine. Although not a strict contraindication, seizures can complicate the treatment process.
  • Glaucoma Ibogaine may increase eye pressure, cause pupil dilation, iris contraction, cloudy vision, or redness in individuals with glaucoma. Therefore, it is not recommended for those with this condition.
  • Pregnancy Ibogaine is unsafe for pregnant women as it can cause birth defects and miscarriages. Pregnant women should avoid ibogaine due to these significant risks.
  • Hepatitis C Ibogaine is not recommended for individuals with Hepatitis C or other diseases of the gastrointestinal system, liver, or kidneys.
  • Respiratory Conditions
  • Asthma or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Ibogaine may cause respiratory issues, so individuals with severe respiratory conditions should avoid it.
  • Neurological Conditions
  • History of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Individuals with a history of significant head injury should approach ibogaine treatment with caution due to potential neurological impacts.
  • Electrolyte Imbalances
  • Electrolyte Imbalances: Conditions like hypokalemia (low potassium) or hypomagnesemia (low magnesium) should be corrected before considering ibogaine treatment, as these imbalances can affect heart rhythm.
  • Thyroid Disorders: Conditions like hyperthyroidism should be monitored as ibogaine can potentially affect thyroid function.
  • Diabetes: Blood sugar levels should be monitored closely, as ibogaine might impact glucose metabolism.
  • Other Exclusions
  • Persons with active tuberculosis
  • For safety, please consult a healthcare professional before considering ibogaine treatment if you have any of these conditions.
  • Drug Interactions
  • Medications: Ibogaine can interact with various medications, particularly those affecting the central nervous system. It's essential to disclose all medications and supplements to your healthcare provider.
  • Allergies
  • Allergies to Ibogaine or Similar Substances: Individuals with known allergies to ibogaine or related compounds should not undergo ibogaine treatment.
The volume of reports via bark alone are enough to indicate its efficacy and lead me to reduce the ta/HCL are not necessary for me at this time. Staggering the medicine seems sensical. 24-36 hours of help is unavoidable. The prepration as important as initiation as important as integration. I'm glad erowid exists, some of those reports are rather outrageous.
One potential plus from an alkaloidal extract is that it brings the possibility of using an alternative, more sustainable plant source (particularly through conversion of voacangine, obtained from the seeds of Voacanga africana) thereby relieving pressure on an endangered species (Tabernanthe iboga).

Food for thought?
Really like that. Wasn't aware of this as an option.
I feel mixed about the acquisition of this endangered plant.

Is one's mental health superior to the existence of another being..
I feel mixed about the acquisition of this endangered plant.

Is one's mental health superior to the existence of another being..
Well, if people become inspired to help with conservation efforts… and, ethnobotanically, there may be some more plants that are on a par with iboga as initiatory tools (don't ask me, this is speculation based on hunches and snippets of information - plus the risk would always be that the same conservation problem could arise as with iboga).
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