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Deep Breath

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Esteemed member
Hi, over the last few days/sessions I've noticed some thing that isn't normal.

First off I'm smoking Changa with Truno Alks and its strong stuff.

It sends me into deep meditation, blindfold, bed, etc. .

I just had a session so I'm not totally normal yet by the way.(My excuse for poor English)

So I'm in a deep state and I cant now recall what was going on but near enough zero visuals just pure healing . When all of a sudden I take a deep involuntary breath.
This happened yesterday also .

I cant help but think that it must mean that my breathing had slowed down so much that my bodily instincts took over and forced me to take a deep breath.

I would say it was in the middle of the experience and some times my experiences can last for about half an hour.

Just wondering if others have experienced this involuntary deep breath.
It makes me think about the first breath we take at birth for some reason.
Cheers everyone :love:
I've had something similar for sure, i've found my greatest DMT experiences have been when i resist the urge to breathe deeply on the comeup and as soon as i'm back it's as if my breathing had slowed right down during the peak. Also on LSD, psilocybin and very often in meditation my breathing slows down to the point it feels it even ceases, i try to not pay attention to it as i find watching the breath a distraction and just allow it to self-regulate. I've observed something similar where my body automatically takes a deep breath every now and then.
Interesting . I have had times in the past when I started to slightly panic because I thought I wasn't breathing at all but that was beginners nerves I think.

I've also noticed that when I don my blindfold and lay down, if I start taking deep controlled breaths the effects, visually or otherwise come on stronger and faster. So I always do around 5 deep inhales exhales to start off with.
very interesting

I have had more than a couple DMT experiences that weren't optimal because I noticed I wasn't breathing and had to force myself to. it was really distracting to think about; though I never got to the point you mention where seemingly your autonomic nervous system took over.

I've had to make a point and ritual in my experiences to breathe deeply and regularly as soon as the experience starts so that I don't have the unpleasant experience of loss of breath. One I consciously start the pattern of deep regular breaths through my nose the rhythm sort of continues on its own and as a result I've had somewhat less chaotic and even dreamier meditative trips.
Vector said:
very interesting

I have had more than a couple DMT experiences that weren't optimal because I noticed I wasn't breathing and had to force myself to. it was really distracting to think about; though I never got to the point you mention where seemingly your autonomic nervous system took over.

I've had to make a point and ritual in my experiences to breathe deeply and regularly as soon as the experience starts so that I don't have the unpleasant experience of loss of breath. One I consciously start the pattern of deep regular breaths through my nose the rhythm sort of continues on its own and as a result I've had somewhat less chaotic and even dreamier meditative trips.
I don't want to sound like a know it all but what your describing sounds to me like some thing I experienced a few times and my brother also has the same experience.

It's when you think, " hang on a minuet, I'm not breathing " and then start to panic a bit.
What is actually happening is that your breathing a has slowed down, maybe you couldn't feel your chest expanding/contracting .
I think if you stopped breathing fully then you really would know about it.

What you say about a pattern of deep breaths leading to deeper trips I get.

My trips now, even the one I had an hour ago have turned into deep meditational sessions .
I don't know why , I'm assuming the how is because of the vine I'm smoking.
Todays trip (I don't like using the word trip) had zero visuals and some beautiful physical sensations.
I'm totally grateful :)
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