This same deity is found on the Gate of the Sun
Some say that the objects in the hands of the deity represent thunder and lightning
the relationship of this figure to Bhairava, a form of Shiva, is remarkable, Shiva is associated with Indra, the wielder of the thunderbolt, likewise as the Bhairava form he has fangs and snakes in his hair.
Note that the Dog and the Deer are sacred to Shiva, as is the staff.
In Tarot we have a card known as the Fool, traditionally shown as having a staff or walking stick and having a Dog. Legba, the master of the crossroad, is depicted with a dog and a walking stick traditionally, and his symbol is the cross. Legba is also represented as Saint Peter!
Note in the representation of Legba the horns and the erect phallus!
now note the representation of Pashupati from the Indus culture, this is a form of Shiva, depicted with horns and an erect phallus!
Legba is also noted as being depicted with a knife, relating to his correlation with Ogun, who in Santería and Palo Mayombe is represented as non other than Saint peter. Ogun is a warrior God, however it is noteable that Shiva is also a god or deity of Martial Arts (representations including Nataraja relate to this and conserve the serpent aspects)
Peyote was given by the same god as deer, however deer are incredibly uncommon in the range of Peyote. Peyote was also used by the Aztec culture.
the Chakana is the Incan cross and has 3 aspects to it, serpent, puma and condor, The staff god has serpent aspects, wings and feathers and fangs! It is notable that it is a cross.
When we examine further the wife of this deity I have (somewhat) addressed above is symbolized in the Catholic symbolism as Mary. She is known also by many names. She is for the moment not the major focus of the topic, but is essentially more important than her male counterpart in many regards.
part of the point here is that across thousands of years, and continents that the same spirits were encountered, represented and worshiped. They have many names, but the symbols remain extremely consistent, the staff, the cross, the dog, the snake etc. This is the San Pedro, far more than the keeper of the gates of heaven he is master of the cross roads, the four winds, the four sacred directions. This deity is central to the so called Shamanic practices associated with Trichocereus cactus, as well as Hindu practices, as well as African practices and is among the oldest of all gods in terms of human representation in both the old and the new world.
There is also a consistent aspect regarding this god where he is associated with the underworld, in all cultures. In Christian symbolism this underworld is hell, and he is the devil, his horned aspect however predates the episode the the scapegoat in the Bible and can be found in ancient representations over 5000 years ago.
Now some other interesting aspects can be noted, as mentioned Shiva is Nataraja, lord of both martial arts (ergo war) and dance as well. he is also depicted as a horned deity with an erect phallus and is lord of the underworld.
In Bolivia they have a dance called the Diablada, the regalia of this dance is extremely psychedelic in nature and it is closely associated with a horned god of the underworld!
this god is called Tiw, Anchanchu, and Wari. This dance is also known from Peru, both Bolivia and Peru are known to have populations of Psychedelic cactus! This dance and the horned "devil" symbolism is known to predate the Spanish arrival, though it was in antiquity known as Llama llama.
We also note that in addition to his horns the devil bears a pitchfork, or rather a trident, the weapon of Shiva!
More on this topic later perhaps.
The relation of the cross and Mary here is vital to employing the deity in Shaman practices.
These symbols are found in all cultures and go far beyond archetypes.
There are two essential possibilities, the first is that all of this descends from a single culture that spanned across the entire planet and that like any empire fell apart, there is a lot to indicate this is a possibility. The second is also strongly indicated and not entirely exclusive to the first and it is that the deities i address are real and appeared to each culture and still do so.