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Dennis McKenna talks about his experience with Huachuma (San Pedro Cactus)

Migrated topic.
I think I felt a bit of what he described , in my one mescaline experience -

"... how damn strong it was ..."

"... it knocked me back on my heels ..." (For me, it knocked me into a fetal position a couple of times)

"... it was quite strong, and challenging at some points..." (I'm right there with you, Mr. McKenna)

"... for me personally, I'd probably take 3/4, or a half..." (Indeed)

And I surely agree when he says it's good medicine.

My exploration was 2 months ago already, and for several weeks I continued to process it, in a very positive way.

What I noticed in particular were two things. Maybe only one thing, with different elements. I have felt a sense of clarity in my head, seeing and experiencing life and my relationships. And also, clarity of intellect. Looking at things more analytically, maybe moreso than since when I was a teen, as best I can recollect. I mean, that was a really long time ago.
Is this a result of a mescaline experience? Maybe. Maybe not. But I've done enough adventuring and exploring to know that these teachers can and do allow for perception shifts, and they do open new doors for us.

It's interesting to hear him describe it, and I'm looking forward to more explorations with this medicine.
Great observations Sunnyside. I have also felt mentally sharp and clear after San Pedro trips. During the trip too there is often a feeling of mental clarity for me.
Thanks for sharing! It was cool to hear Dennis McKenna's thoughts on Huachuma, which I haven't heard him talk about much in other interviews.

I thought it was funny how towards the end the interviewer asked him about his morning and evening routine, as if he's some kind of influencer/thought-leader/fitness guru on Instagram.

In actuality, Dennis McKenna is kind of an influencer/thought-leader for a certain demographic, but not because he's trying to be, unlike some other people out there who shall remain unnamed.

Similarly to other interviews with him that I've listened to, my main takeaway from this interview is how grounded and down to earth he seems.
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