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Desperate times.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Currently "harvesting" all the discarded micro-buds from last years crop, waste not want not. 😁

I would like to hear some stories from fellow nexians. What things have you done when the pusher-man isn't answering the phone?



Sphorange said:
I would like to hear some stories from fellow nexians. What things have you done when the pusher-man isn't answering the phone?

I am never really in this situation any more, but I would just take a break from it. I like to do this a few times a year anyway. It's good for tolerance and it's good to have the crystal clarity of thought back when off of it for a week.

joedirt said:
Sphorange said:
I would like to hear some stories from fellow nexians. What things have you done when the pusher-man isn't answering the phone?
I am never really in this situation any more, but I would just take a break from it. I like to do this a few times a year anyway. It's good for tolerance and it's good to have the crystal clarity of thought back when off of it for a week.
True indeed. I smoked from waking up until sleep for just under 20 years before I came to the conclusion that taking breaks is the most sensible way to work. I think a few days break on a regular basis is important now. Pot should not control you, and as joedirt says it is great for tolerance. 2 or 3 days off brings me down to baseline and makes weed effective again. A few tokes of a spliff actually works!
@joe & DLB

That is very sensible, and I wholeheartedly agree with both of you especially considering the quantities and duration in which you described. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that a good portion of active nexians will find that situation quite relatable, with varying levels of resolve of course.
For myself, I find that a regimented sceme of moderation to be the best technique to utilise the sweet embrace of Mary Jane to its fullest extent. I keep my doses extremely low (>.2g) and regular (first thing in the morning). Over time I have discovered that from between waking up (5:30am) and around 9:30 (effects have well and truly worn off) I am at my most productive and creative headspace.
Because of the particulars of this system, I can go for days/weeks/months without requiring any weed, although my level of distraction at the times I described is greatly enhanced.
This has not always been the case though, I too at times have indulged and sustained incredibly large amounts for weeks/months at a time in my past.

I was feeling nostalgic when I started this thread, regarding all those times when I have done "questionable" things to aqquire the sweet, or not so sweet stuff.
I don't think I am the only one here who has scraped the Black Death from the stem of a well used bong, dried it out in the oven and smoked that incredibly nasty combination of the various strains used over the past months. :lol:

I also understand that this subject might be a little touchy for some, and I thank you both for replying with earnestness and respect.

Omg, i did a lot of stupid things when it comes to my THC abuse. Smoking big male leaves (works if you have 0 tolerance and only the first spliff), the bark (doesn't work 😁 ), male flowers (even worst 😁 ), collect dead joint buds (disgusting :sick: ) and the worst : hang out with bad peole :thumb_dow .

One time with a good friend, we were all sad and gloomy so we thought let's go to the attic where we used to let dry our weed. On the floor (rockwool), we were picking up some tiny bits of weed in hope to be able to roll a stick and as he moved a piece of rockwool, a branch with 2 beautiful purple buds appeared. OMFG, We had the most crazy joy dance (howling, hooting, stamping, jumping, high fiving) for 30 minutes. Neighbors probably though we were totaly nuts but it was a magic moment. 20 years after, we still talk about this moment with huge grin on our face. No need to say the high was magic also as our tolerance was close to nothing 8)

But, after a long, long way, i'm glad to be less addict to weed. For 10 years i smoked from morning to evening AND from evening to morning. Another 10 years, only after work and week-end. The last 5 years, only in the evening and to sleep. And now, i have the first break (choosen!) from weed. I don't want to not smoke (vape !) anymore but i want to be able to choose when and really appreciate the real high of this beautiful plant.
Ha, Dans, you reminded me of something i forgot long ago:grin:

Ah, the great weed drought of '86,(yes, NINETEEN86) they were rough, rough times. So bad, i went so long without getting stoned that I'd actually cleaned the whole house and was re organizing my closet. I found an old jewelry box, that i recalled having, but didn't recall putting a big fat 7" long sativa sensie bud in it!

There were two dances that day, one, me alone in my room at my parent's house, the other at my friend's, who was happy to see me that day!

And oh yeah, take a break man, next thing you'll be picking stuff outta the carpet that looks green. 😁
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