Methods, methods, methods...
Honestly, I've tried most of the time honered ways of meditation, themselves born of the myriad world traditions and found that while there are distinct differences betwixt the various paths, the perceivable effects are quite identical. How does one effectively expand further beyond the gross limitations of ones transient form of self? Entheogenic usage aside, there are sure ways to elicit our spiritual growth. As much of our mesmerism is based on data culled from the five senses, intellect, feelings and intuition... there rises an urge to reach beyond and to embrace the ineffable, the undifferentiated core of all manifestation. We are quite like the proverbial moth who is drawn to the self-obliterating flame of Sacred Knowledge.
Whether we concentrate our focus and attention upon a mantra, a visualize a cherished symbol, seek the inner light, listen to internal sounds or by incrementally bringing one's clarity of awareness to an empty state of impartial observation of the natural organic biological functions, as with one's breath or heartbeat...
there is a direct shift in attention taking place. This allows for a far deeper and more expanded perception of one's own existential being (as well as the existential beingness of all that is existent outside of oneself). This leads to a more profound understanding of the interconnectedness and symbiosis, which unites all as one. Stopping the mind often equates to experience in another dimension and/or plane of reality.
Tried n' true techniques to arrive into a moment of sheer transparency of intent, certainly do vary from culture to culture and mindset to alternate mindset... but the essence is the very same in transformation of sudden awakening. What is surely KEY, is to depart from the conditioned patterning of one's illusory dream-world and in so doing, awaken to a primordial state of pure clarity. On the outside looking in, many subtle neurological changes take place within the human brain and it's partner in crime, the mind. All thought ceases and conscious-awareness blooms exponentially. Relative self dissipates within the dreamscape of oneself and upon interphase within the fulcrum of the Absolute cause of all existential being, Ergo, mundane egoism effectively evaporates, wholly transfixed in the eclipsing of the Iso-self and the Omniself... themselves the very same fulcrum seen from opposite vantage points, thus perpetuation a paradox of epic proportions!
For when the mind becomes wholly still (suspended if you will), it's really all the same state of conscious-awareness, itself discovered by the infinite spark of soul-hood residing quietly within each sentient being. At least, I believe that this is so from an experiential point of view. Now, just WHO witnesses this powerful shift in attention is subject to much contemplation! That is, when the ordinary self or ego-self, returns to material consciousness, once more to measure the distinctions between this and that. Furthermore, without one's thinking process perpetuating it's habitual modality, an awareness older than time itself resides freely and unbound, to an awakened level and degree of perceptual knowledge. A new paradigm blooms... to experience existence without corralling the mind within it's customary compressed patterning. And it is not merely a subjective quantification I allude to, it is a pure state of heightened and clear mode of consciousness. :thumb_up:
Thus we meditate for a kind of indescribable release. By finding an empty center deep within the effulgence of the Clear Light of the Void, all notions of finite individuality are shattered. A blossoming of exuberance replaces the dichotomy of oneself and an other. Internal stillness and silence of mind yields complete surrender and in so doing, the witness to all of this universal play is freed of the prison of ego identification. Yet... we still live and breathe as physical entities traveling a seeming labyrinth within the time-space-continuum. It seems a miracle to traverse the gulf and return to compare notes. So, here we are. We reside in this eternal moment, forever, touching souls and reveling in our sheer spiritual symmetry. In this sense, I have come to truly love you all and honor your creation of reality, as we share it's unfolding.
Namaste to you all! 8)