Rising Star
well i have to say having extracted my own then smoked it with people that extracted it theres a huge difference i would say mainly its just vibes. :roll: wondering if any one knows what i mean about that iv been a long time shroomery person and have recently met people that i told them to check out shroomery and they said check out dmt nexus and well i personally hold dmt as the regaurd as any other psyhcedelic and dont see it as any more powerful jus you have to take way less to get the same effect thats all. but while in a clear psychedelic mind i find any psychedelic and the right enviroment the mind can be taken to those lengths and things can be expanded that much. the way i see it is things cause only be expanded as for as they can stretch as wells be compressed
i think this is a nice post to start my entery into this world you guys got going over here. personally i extracted dmt back in 05 and found ayahusca to be way better and stopped now im going to do it again upon the request of people so shrug. i have to say alot has changed in my world veiw of dmt, back when i did it the only people i knew that did were the people i gave it to. :idea: which then goes back to the very first thing i stated, its a totally differnt trip when someone else extracts it and its relative to vibes. any who meow
i think this is a nice post to start my entery into this world you guys got going over here. personally i extracted dmt back in 05 and found ayahusca to be way better and stopped now im going to do it again upon the request of people so shrug. i have to say alot has changed in my world veiw of dmt, back when i did it the only people i knew that did were the people i gave it to. :idea: which then goes back to the very first thing i stated, its a totally differnt trip when someone else extracts it and its relative to vibes. any who meow