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Digitalis purpurea

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Swim have lots of plants of it and would know if someone ever used it to make changa/enanced leaves i remember i tried smoke it with tobacco sometimes and i remember a bit of euphoria/tachycardia.. what do you think?
yeah Digitalis purpurea have many substances called cardioactives glycosides:there is lots of plants containings theese substances as Convallaria majalis,Nerium oleander,Strofantus and more
there's two classes of theese compounds that are :cardienolides containing 30 carbon atoms and bufadienolides containings 27 carbon atoms.Digitoxin the most important compound of Digitalis has several medical uses as cardiotonic,for angina pectoris and other deseases and his terapeutic dose is very close to the toxic one,so must be carefull with theese plants expecially couse theire cardienolides concentrations can range a lot.
The other class of toxins are bufadienolides,27 carbon atoms, contained on Bufo toads to hence the name.

they acts on muscle tone of heart acting on Ca++ canals..

here a short abstract fo who intereste
The inotropic effect of cardioactive glycosides in ventricular myocytes requires Na+-Ca2+ exchanger function - PubMed

so..be carefull with this stuff! XD
Digitalis have a very hard action on the heart, with decreased heart rate and increased blood pressure. I really can't see any reason why that should ever be attempted in changa, nor in any other preparations. It lacks any entheogenic qualities. It is a great medicine for certain disorders with the heart, but nothing more, I think everyone should leave it at that. Playing with these plants IS a huge danger, one could easily die from it.
Thanks for that EG, always good to know how plants will affects us once smoked.

This one sounds like it should be left alone!!
yeah it's dangerous not more than eating stramonium seeds,anyway i smoked it sometimes in cigarette,not a lot i dunno how much i think about half teaspoon or less and icreaded my heart beat a bit in power and head a sort of adrenaline rush but very light. i just asked couse as smokable matter seems good,not harsh,but i dunno if it could iproove dmt effects it would be experimented i think it's not dangerous if very little dose,anyway it could accumulate in organism and smoking it often could became a problem.
i think there's bufadienolides too in alvarius latex
DiMiTriX said:
yeah it's dangerous not more than eating stramonium seeds
That is not true. The poison isn't in the substance, it is in the dosage. If consuming less than 10 D. stramonium seeds, you are - even with extremely potent and heavy seeds - way below the possible limit for toxic side-effects. The same also applies to Digitalis, of course, but you got to understand that we really don't know anything about the potency of them. A dose that is okay the first time may possibly be lethal the next time. That is a very good reason to not do it!

Also, the substances are used in medicine for treating some heart disorders. They are not known for any recreational or entheogenic effects. They are, however, known for causing deaths. Why should you then smoke it? The rush you got may be because of the change in blood flow and thereby oxygen transportation to your brain. You could strangle yourself or huff paint to get a similar reaction.
yeah i think effects are due to its cardiac actions too. I dont' think small doses are dangerous but it's better don't smoke it. i don't want someone hurt himself
Digitalis contains Digitaline which in high doses 70mg and over will produce a heart attack and death.
Swim recommends to forget about this plant.Too risky for someones health.
This is ESPECIALLY considering that my heart is usually pumping out my chest on a heavy dose of spice anyway. There are a dozen reasons not to go there.
more toxic in general than datura(if your looking at weight etc)...seriousily..they dont call this stuff witches bells for no reason..

the ammount needed to have interesting effects with foxglove I should think could very easily kill a person, where with datura, henbane etc people take mid sort of doses all the time and are usually ok(dont quote me on that, people still do alot of weird and dangerous things on tropanes)..comparativly speaking though, its probly easier to dose datura than foxglove, which is saying alot concidering daturas history.

From my understanding of european witchcraft and magic, foxglove was an admixture used in many ointments and also as a heart medication, but I never came across any literature of its use alone, ingested for magical purposes..unlike datura, toe, henbane etc..soooo BE DAMN CAREFUL!!!!

I found tons of this stuff while wildcrafting this year..thought about adding it to one ointment I made with other psychoactive plants..but decided against it, for now anyway..I would never ingest the stuff though..or smoke it..transdermal only..and dont even think about this if you dont know what you are doing. These are plants of hardcore witchcraft that can just as easily kill you dead as they *may* do something interesting..
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