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Dimensional Mind Travel

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Rising Star
Here is an experience I stumbled upon: [quote:d56225daa7]When we arrived we found a gang of kids riding around on BMXs by the exposed roots of an ancient tree, one of them dressed a Darth Vader. The auspices were good. After a little scout about we found the perfect place. A small clearing in a circle of trees. Calder and Fey lit some candles and incense and put them in place at the edge of the clearing while I made a makeshift pipe from a plastic bottle and divided the D.M.T. in two. Lyle sat cross legged and waited. Everything was ready. I filled the pipe carefully and with a salute I lit the pipe and inhaled the smoke deeply. I had know idea what to expect. I held the smoke in my lungs for as long as I could and then began to gently exhale. As I did so it seemed as if I was becoming the smoke itself. My body seemed to be disappearing. I could hear an incredible rushing and popping sound. I seemed to be turning into water. It was like a universal orgasm or a French kiss from the cosmos. I was at the centre of some benign atomic explosion. Cell by cell, molecule by molecule, I was falling apart. I just didn't exist physically any more. I was sub atomic. I was a particle travelling at the speed of light into a space of infinite proportions. I was limitless. I was stretched beyond dimensions, beyond comprehension. I was pure consciousness. I could here a roaring sound everywhere. The music of the spheres. It felt as if all the metaphors and symbols that I thought I understood were being shattered, one by one, in an absolute, apocalyptic and final iconoclastic moment. Here was God, the Devil, Buddha, Allah, Jesus Christ and all the angels, Krishna, Quetzacotl, Yama, Marxism, Fascism, Money, Nations, everything and all of us, all face to face and all together. All exploding. I was all of them and they were me. We were the whole of time, past, present and future. All I could comprehend was revealed as a limitation, as was I, and behind me and all of these convenient myths was a mystery and a reality so immense and so absolute and so real that I thought I would go insane but I was propelled beyond sanity which was yet another myth, another limitation. It seemed to me at this point that I was being asked questions, by whom or what I have no Idea, but my answers to those questions were so important at that moment, there was no room for half truths here. The safety of my very soul and the sanctity of the whole of creation was in the balance. I was screaming now. The scream seemed to come from the depths of oceans, from the depths of the Universe. It came through me. Out of my cells. I was the scream. The monkey roared and was terrified of his own voice. I was aware of my naked soul but I was entering Eden, not leaving. "YES!" I screamed. "YES! FOR EVERYONE! FOR US ALL!" Over and over and over again. The same reply. "YES! YES! YES!" I was not aware of my surroundings at all. with my eyes open or closed It was the same. I was gone man. Really gone. But I was there, if you know what I mean. I was home. What I could see is even harder to explain. The feelings, I can, with some difficulty and thought, just about put into words but what I saw was truly indescribable and to even begin to try would do that vision no justice. I can say it was beautiful but that is not enough. To say it was beauty itself would be closer to the truth but still far from adequate. And this, I think, is the point. There are just some things that you can't explain, things that don't need an explanation. They are what they are. You just can't categorise experiences like this. You can't measure them and log them or put them in a drawer in a museum somewhere. You have to live them. The experience itself is explanation enough. I gradually began to come round. I was lying on my back quite happily blown away. I could see the old familiar world begin to reform itself, layer by layer. The faces of Calder and Fey orbited above me like suns. It was the faces I recognised at first. Familiar features like their eyes and smiling mouths and then gradually everything else. I loved them more than anything else in the world at that moment. In a way they had come to welcome us back from our journey although we had all travelled together. Lyle was lying next to me in the clearing roaring with timeless laughter, staring wide eyed at the tree canopy above. I rolled over and embraced him and kissed his laughing mouth. Slowly we got to our feet and, still in each others arms, ventured out of the clearing onto the brow of a hill that overlooked the Sussex countryside. The BMX kids were all huddled together staring up the hill towards us. There was an adult there with them who I suppose they must have gone to get when they heard the screaming coming from the clearing. After all, in many ways, this was their hill and we were strangers here. They didn't approach us even though I offered them one of the bananas I was now eating. We lingered there for a while in wonder and in play like children, watching the sun go down until Fey, Calder, Lyle and myself made our way down the hill back towards the road that would take us home, no longer the same people that had gone up the hill but, in many respects, still unchanged.[/quote:d56225daa7][/quote]
sounds like it was written by a female... Interesting how the sexual/loving aspect of the trip is expressed more vibrantly than other male-written reports i've read... My g/f is to try some tonight :)
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