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Discussion: Melatonin 'trips'


Rising Star
Anyone else experience vivid hallucinations with melatonin? I know dreams can get weird and very vivid, But I recently took melatonin to wake up early after a nap. And I felt a near body-high with closed-eye visuals that went away after a bit. Never done dmt, last time I took any psychedelic was in February. What are your experiences? I could go into detail about how weird the dream was.
What was your dose?
I want to do a 40 day-darkness-meditation at some time in the future, just to get a natural melatonin build up. Never thought about 'just ingesting' some.
Can you describe the visuals some more?
Does it look a bit like dmt-trip-visualizations on youtube?
Would be interesting to see if taking a MAOI would prolong/heighten the effect...
What was your dose?
I want to do a 40 day-darkness-meditation at some time in the future, just to get a natural melatonin build up. Never thought about 'just ingesting' some.
Can you describe the visuals some more?
Does it look a bit like dmt-trip-visualizations on youtube?
Would be interesting to see if taking a MAOI would prolong/heighten the effect...
It wasn't an intentional trip but it was one, i would say 6mg? i had a 12 mg tablet and took about half and spit the rest. I can find a good video that looked like some of the visuals, they were short and very brief.
If anyone is considering taking Melatonin alongside Harmalas, just keep in mind Harmalas inhibit both MAO-A and CYP1A2, which metabolizes Melatonin, as such Melatonin can become quite potentiated, at least 2 to 3 times as strong, so adjust/lower your dosages accordingly.
If anyone is considering taking Melatonin alongside Harmalas, just keep in mind Harmalas inhibit both MAO-A and CYP1A2, which metabolizes Melatonin, as such Melatonin can become quite potentiated, at least 2 to 3 times as strong, so adjust/lower your dosages accordingly.
I've thought about trying this combo sometime. Do you have any personal comments on this? I've never felt anything clearly psychedelic from melatonin alone, but I feel like I've scratched the surface of something deeper in there. My doses are usually low (2-3mg) Maybe we're talking about much higher doses?
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