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diving into DMT

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Good Evening All,

My name is- wait, let's just call me sloth. that works.

Anyway, i'm a former US Marine, i'm 27, i'm married, and i've become intensely spiritual in recent years. I'm an avid astral projector, and I'm always working to hone that craft, and a lot of my research into that has led me to want to better understand dmt. i've pretty much watched every doc and read most books and articles on the subject, and now i'm getting ready to take my first journey.

although i've learned quite a bit, i'd love to have the experience of all the users on this site to lean on as i begin my journey, hence my asking here for full membership.

about why i'm doing this-

like i said, i've become very spiritual and in my meditations and projections, i've been urged to use dmt and more recently ayahuasca specifically. anyone that is interested in the particulars, do ask, i'd love to share them, but the extent of them would be too much for a single essay here. i intend to be brewing my own, and sharing the experience with a close friend, while our 2 other best friends monitor us and keep us safe. any suggestions or recommendations, i'm eager to here. and if anyone is in the VA/MD/DC area and would like to discuss these things and potentially meet up, i'm open to that too.
Welcome 'sloth'!:)

First journeys ,I suppose, are when a certain type of innocence becomes lost for good.Exciting, yet daunting simultaneously. Researching the topic is good but the proof of the pudding has to be in the eating (or vaporising/drinking :) ).

Have you any experience of psychedelics already?

Once more, welcome aboard!!:d

PS-its probably wise, for your and other members' safety, to not attempt to meet up in the 'real' world.😉
Thank you for your welcoming words!

As for my experience- most of my experience with ASCs (altered states of consciousness) are actually based on my experience in astral projection. My first experiences with this were actually quite stressful. For those familiar with the experience, you first have symptoms of 'sleep paralysis' which, if tuned in on, are usually met with 'out of body experiences' or OBEs. I struggled trying to cure my sleep paralysis for years before I decided to cease fearing and embrace it, and see what's on the other side. This led to my first astral projection, and I've been achieving them through meditation ever since. It's still a skill i've far from perfected, and i can't generally do it 'on command', but if i can reach a focused meditative state, it's usually achievable. Other than that, the only drug i've really experimented with was MDMA. I had a pleasant experience, but it's not what I'm looking for in ayahuasca.

One of the most important things I can prove (at least to myself) is whether or not spontaneous release of endogenous dmt is the cause of sleep paralysis and astral projection. In my case, the feeling of leaving my body is absolutely a unique one, and if ayahuasca or smoked dmt causes the same experience, there will be no doubt in my mind.

Lastly, thanks for the tip about meeting up with members. You're right, and it is probably in everyone's best interest that it's avoided, but I genuinely feel that these types of experiences really bond people together in a very significant way. It's nice to be able to discuss these things anonymously here, but there's also something to be said for sharing these things with a close friend.
I'm very interested in what your findings will be. I have many theories on DMT, the afterlife, astral projection, ect. I've done some research over the last several years on the topic of astral projection and obes. I was able to reach a state that (someone can't remember the name) called the vibrational state. That's as far as I have gotten. I would really like to learn more. Interesting. Welcome.
I was able to reach a state that (someone can't remember the name) called the vibrational state.

This is very exciting for you! Whatever you were doing when you reached that state, repeat again and again!

Here's the skinny- the vibration stage is the precursor to any sort of projection/obe! Basically the vibration you experience is (in my best explanation) a state when your consciousness begins to vibrate at a higher frequency than normal. When you feel this (usually coupled with the paralysis) a lot of people experience fear or anxiety and that sucks them right out of it and their journey ends before it begins. I tell you, the best thing you can do is approach it calmly and with the sincere belief that this is in fact a good thing! When you are in the vibration stage you need to immediately will yourself out of your body. This is done by imagining where you want to be. Sometimes it helps to imagine a vehicle (a ball of light, a spirit body, etc), but the key is to imagine yourself somewhere else. Most people leave their body the firs time, but stay in their room. The problem here is when you're in this stage, everything you think becomes reality. So when you leave your body and then turn to look at it, almost inevitably you will be sucked back into it. The best thing you can do is get out and go somewhere else. Maybe a friends house, a previous residence, or just to your backyard. Some people claim to experience space travel by simply willing themselves to the moon or mars. Others venture to the pyramids, back or forward in time, etc. There's a lot more too it, but I dont want to overwhelm you.

This book
was really helpful to me. It seems a little cheesy and 'new-age' and i guess it kind of is, but the results i got after reading it were undeniable. Astral projection is amazing, and i hope you continue to work at it! I use meditation to reach it myself, but I'm eager to try aya and eventually smoked dmt as well.
A funny thing- when i'm meditating and reach the vibration stage now, i get so eager and excited about it that I'm often smiling from ear to ear. I have actually lost my focus by being too excited! You have to find some sort of happy medium between "I am focused and ready to project" and "If it happens, it happens."

On more than one occasion i've lost my concentration just thinking how silly i must look to any onlooker being in a deeply meditative state (what would look like sleep to others) but with a HUGE grin on my face, lol.
What is the general waiting period to reach full posting privileges? I'm so eager to interact with the rest of the people on the boards and share my experiences with them!
Well you can post in any of the sections under welcome area. I assume that once you have posted enough to show what kind of person you are that's when it happens.

Question. Do you use breathing techniques to achieve OBEs? That's how I reached the vibe state. I had accidentally stumbled upon learning how to slow my breathing to an almost non existent point when I was very young. Didn't really understand what was going on until readin about controlled breathing. I find it difficult to do again but I've decided to start working on it again due to the anxiety I get before taking a dose of DMT. I want to be able to calm my self down before going in to hyperspace.
Do you use breathing techniques to achieve OBEs?

The answer to that is sort of loaded. But in short, yes. Here's a brief summary of my meditation routine, but keep in mind, I'm still learning myself, and I am constantly tweaking it. Everyone is different, and what works for me may not necessarily work for you.

First thing I usually do is strip to my underwear. Any clothing that is binding or restrictive makes it hard for me to get completely relaxed.

Next I lay in bed, completely covered up to my neck by a blanket. (Even when it's warm- during/after an astral projection you get very cold, presumably from a slowed heart rate) I lay flat on my back, with one pillow under my head/neck. I blindfold myself (using a sleep mask) to have as little light as possible getting through.

Here's where breathing comes in. I don't slow my breathing to a stop, but i do control it. It is recommended that you learn to breath in and out of your diaphragm. This is evident when your breathing causes your stomach to raise up and down and not your chest. Breathing through my diaphragm (only through my nose, mouth closed) I breath in deep, hold for 4 seconds, breath out, hold for 4 seconds. I do this the entire time i'm attempting to reach my meditative state, sometimes up to an hour.

After I've got my breathing down (usually 5 minutes or so) I move on to relaxation techniques. You can will each part of your body to relax individually, or you can focus on chakras. I've had success with both.

If all the conditions are right (and they seldom are) I am able to achieve the vibration stage. From there, what you do with it is up to you. I generally am able to project about once per 10 attempts through meditation, but meditation has a whole host of value on it's own, so it's always worth it to keep practicing.

So yes, controlling your breathing is important, but it's not the only factor. Really, it's about achieving total relaxation. You can google various relaxation techniques. It also involves being absolutely still. When i'm completely relaxed I literally cannot tell where my body ends and my bed begins without moving, and again, i'm completely still. Somewhere i read of a buddhist senior who said something along the lines of 'the mind is quiet, and the body is still. only then can you acheive (relaxation?)' these things are obviously much harder to achieve than they sound.

lastly, i just want to say that there are also various tools people use to achieve this level of relaxation or an ASC. some examples are deprivation chambers, binaural beats (google them, it's free), candles, oils, crystals, repetitive drumming, etc. All i've ever used is darkness, silence, and the occassional candle, so I can't comment on the effectiveness of anything else, but some people swear by their respective products.

Good luck, and do share your experiences!
one more thing. i've been diagnosed with something called 'nightmare disorder' or 'dream anxiety disorder'. generally speaking, i have horribly vivid intense nightmares every night. i wont get into details here, but just know that they are incredibly vivid, intense nightmares.

anyway, since stumbling into meditation i've found that when i meditate (and reach a deep state) i generally dont have any nightmares for up to several days afterward! something in my meditation allows me to let go of that anxiety that haunts my dreams. it's very therapeutic stuff, regardless of whether you reach an ASC.

just thought i'd share!
I've messed around with binaural beats, but not enough to actually do anything with it. I can tell it definitely allows for a trance like state easier.

I have used a sensory deprivation tank, and I have to say wow. Those things are amazing. Im actually in the planning stages of building my own. I just don't have a place to put it yet and have to figure that part out. However there are a few places near me where you can pay around $40 per hour. I recommend anyone interested go for an hour and a half. It's way better. After enough times I believe I could achieve an obe or a dmt like state just using the tank.
That's fantastic! I'm eager to try a tank myself, but the nearest place is about 3 hours away. Maybe this summer I will take a weekend drive to try it out.

Generally, i think all of these experiences are based on the same thing. DMT. Deep meditation allows (i believe) for endogenous dmt release. When this happens, we experience 'trips' similar to NDEs, OBEs, or ayahuasca or dmt trips. The use of deprivation tanks or binaural beats are simply methods to separate ourselves from any and all distractions so we can really focus on deep meditation (which is necessary to get that dmt release).

All of this is simply my belief, as there presently has been no proof one way or another. I'm studying these things myself now, and hopefully in a few years or so once I obtain my PhD I'll be able to study these things more specifically and maybe even find the proof!
I agree 100% I have had the theory that DMT has ties in more places then we know almost since I started researching dmt

I wish I had time for college. I can't work part time at this job and I don't want to do full time school and work.


When choosing tanks to use. Make sure that they have the salinity at 40% the tank I did was less with a salinity of like 20% and my head, being the heaviest body part, was having a difficult time stating afloat. And it completely defeats the purpose of "sensory deprivation" if you have to use your arms or neck muscles to keep your head up. This other place I'm gonna try has their tanks at 40%
When choosing tanks to use. Make sure that they have the salinity at 40%

Thanks! I'll be sure to find out before traveling to try one out! I've heard with some salt, a blindfold, and lukewarm water you can make them in your bathtub, but I'm definitely going to experience the real thing for my first time.

Thanks again!
3toedsloth said:
When choosing tanks to use. Make sure that they have the salinity at 40%

Thanks! I'll be sure to find out before traveling to try one out! I've heard with some salt, a blindfold, and lukewarm water you can make them in your bathtub, but I'm definitely going to experience the real thing for my first time.

Thanks again!

Well the main point of the tanks is in the name. "sensory deprivation" that means all of them. Sight sound touch ect. The problem with a bathtub is the water temp is not regulated and by te time yiu are benefitting from the deprivation the water is already cold and you can sense that greatly.

In a real tank you lose sense of your body. You feel like you are floating because you don't feel the water and cannot see. The longer you float and the better you get at it you can actually have an OBE. It makes meditation almost automatic and it's also extremely good for you physically from the Epsom salt and your joints from floating.
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