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DMT and Christianity Mismatch?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I simply cannot understand how DMT realms and Christianity can coincide??

To me DMT obliterates the dichotomies created by Christianity and especially the Bible.

Multiple dimensions, not just Heaven and Hell, many different kinds and types of entities, not just angels and demons.

I can understand becoming Christ, as I have become Buddha before.

I suppose Christianity proposes nothing but either/or, it is either this way or that, black and white dichotomies, and so I cannot understand how DMT which provides endless possibilities for realities, existences, creations, etc., can match up with something so set in its ways?

The UDV and the Santo Daime are both Christian churches which drink ayahuasca. Can someone please enlighten me on how to explain this.

I am open but confused on the subject.

Hi Disembodied,

I highly recommend checking out the Zhuan Falun post I have created in the Spirituality section. There is a book there that you can download that I think you will find very interesting and that covers some of those questions you have raised.
There is a big big difference between the teachings of Christ, and the entire word of the Bible and a big difference between Christ and Christianity for that matter.

Jesus only really taught 2 messages - Love God, and love all people as if they were yourself.Not a bad message.

Spice and Christianity can indeed mix and overlap. You may have seen a few threads where people have mentioned encounetring Archangels while mid-flight. Worth a try - might as well test their reality instead of being left in doubt or at worst, with wrong conclusions. Feeling the reality of some of the Arch-Angels was the first thing that started to drastically change my perception to the Abrahamanic religions and the Bible. A lot of irrelevant and misinformed opinions in there, but also some great stories,metaphors,and insight between and beyond the lines.

It's all about discernment. As with any school of thought,doctrine or tradition, there are bound to be parts that sound obsolete now or things that just don't sound as if they were from higher sources and have been misconstrued by humans either purposefully or not. Not really sticking up for it because of course there are countless examples which can be bought up which sound fruitless today, but there are certain areas that may just overlap and co-incide with the bigger picture. Don't believe it all, but don't dismiss it all.

J Krishnamurti always said > "Truth is a pathless land"

Which i find true, however, people generally tend to follow the paths of others who appear as if they have touched upon a more transcendental truth.H
with enough intelligence, one can rationalize one'self into any ludicrous belief system.
especially if you are well-versed in apologetics.

we like to think it all boils down to fear, but sometimes i feel that may be over-simplifying it.

i will say that i have had some psychedelic experiences that correlated with EARLY christian beliefs (back when they were an orgiastic sun-worshiping cult), but i still don't know what to make of them. prior to this experience i considered early christian beliefs (and really, all sun-worshiping traditions) the most laughable of all. a notion that was obviously shattered (as psychs are wont to do to such reality-defining notions)
d-T-r said:
Jesus only really taught 2 messages - Love God, and love all people as if they were yourself.Not a bad message.
"If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." - luke 14:26
" And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life." - matthew 19:29

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household." - matthew 10:34-36

"Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." - luke 14:36

christ teaches any message you want him to teach, if you cherry-pick hard enough.
I was very confused at my experiences in the beginning, and then I learned Eastern philosophy via Alan Watts. It all made sense then with much less problems. Funny thing is, is that I learned the Eastern philosophies after the fact, not before, so it couldn't be that my learning influenced my experiences beforehand.

If pressed, I still believe in the mathematics of higher dimensions to explain it best. Us 3-Dimensional creatures briefly experiencing higher dimensions through DMT.
I don't understand why anyone needs to believe in fairy tales like Christ, the devil, saints, tarrot cards, witches, etc....etc.... Those sort of belief systems should have disappeared in medevil times I think.
Spirituality is a different story. We ARE spirits and working on ourselves and with others we love to become wise, healthy, happy, loving spirits is what its all about imo. Who needs things like bible stories written by crazy monks a thousand years ago?...lol....ridiculous.
You can hurt yourself thinking on this one too hard. But ultimately I have no issue fitting the Christian paradigm into hyperspace. Angels, seraphims, cherubims, I have encountered many of the biblical beings in my journeys. Where it gets tricky is I have also encountered aliens, mantids, elves and Goddesses. I once became an alien orb. How do you reconcile these things, what are angels doing in the same realm as aliens? I don't know, this is one of the reasons I continue to use dmt. For all we know jesus was an alien:twisted:

Personally its all about the old testament to me.
I believe that the modern christian church and the original Christ were completely different in my opinion. What we have nowadays in the Christian church of what was originally intended to be. If you look at the story of the man who Baptized Christ, John the Baptist then you will see a very shamanic type of character who lived in the wilderness and ate wild locusts and honey.
He would baptize people out in nature instead of at the sanctioned baptismal pools that were commonly used and this was looked on as blasphemous by the Pharisees.

I personally favor the theory that Christ used marijuana and possibly even ergot wine as a sacrament.
This automatically puts the original Christ at odds with the counterfeit Jesus character that has been dreamed up by people who don't care to know what the original OT and NT actually says.

I don't think DMT and mainstream conservative Christianity is compatible at all but I also think mainstream Christianity is a completely fabricated mutation that bears no resemblance to the original idea. I do however believe that if a person does enough research then the picture of the true Christ will begin to emerge and to me it's definitely compatible with the psychedelic experience.

Words like heaven and hell stem from really bad translations of the original OT that have been handed down through the ages I also have learned through research.

One other thing worth mentioning is Christ taught his students to explain spiritual phenomena by using parables instead of talking about it directly. To me this is the definite best way to talk about spiritual phenomena, by metaphor.....
I don't know about the conspiratorial parts of this thread, but I agree that Christianity isn't a good match for DMT use. I say this because I know many ex-Christians that took dmt and as soon as they came out of the trip they renounced their religion... so yeah. DMT matches much better with nature centered religion, modern Christianity seems to be centered around keeping everyone in line with fear/guilt.

adam said:
Personally its all about the old testament to me.
tuthmosis was a liar and a plagiarist.
who stole and modified egyptian and sumerian mythologies.
you might prefer the original texts more....

also re: christ.

we all know the etymological origin of christ (anointed one) is christos (an annointing) the root of which is cris (oil - think cris-co)

oil, you may recognize as having properties of walking on water.

also, a hymn to the soma, from the Rg Veda (Book 8 hymn LXVIII)
“1. This here is Soma, never restrained, active, all conquering bursting forth, a
Seer and Sage by sapience.
2. All that’s bare he covers over; all the sick he medicines, the blind man sees,
the cripple walks

really the only thing we DO know about christ is that he exists (even atheists can't debate this - much as some think otherwise). he could be an alien (early nag hammadi texts describe him as a shape-shifter) or mycelium, or oil, or the son of god.

any claim about his nature is mostly unfounded (though it would seem he is an amalgam of repeated mythologies)
😁 I agree with the above 2 posts. Nature is where its at. Nature doesn't tell you what you can and cant do. And I was christian for 15 years and never got anything out of it. Just a few years centering my life around nature and I've observed several positive effects on my life. :thumb_up:

Yes, nature as explained by Lao Tzu or Alan Watts is all we need and all there is, including higher dimensional DMT experiences.

I just wonder why the Hell the UDV and Santo Daime are Christian churches???

How could they possibly be, I saw God and angels the other day while doing some D and staring into the blue sky with clouds, but there were also Buddhas and Hindus and aliens and the whole mix.
DisEmboDied said:
I was very confused at my experiences in the beginning, and then I learned Eastern philosophy via Alan Watts. It all made sense then with much less problems. Funny thing is, is that I learned the Eastern philosophies after the fact, not before, so it couldn't be that my learning influenced my experiences beforehand.

My learning did not influence my experiences before hand either. I have had very powerful Buddhist themed/ Hindu/ Native American/ Mayan experiences but I also encountered the archetypal Christ energy which profoundly effected my ability to be empathetic and compassionate towards other life forms.

In fact... I was not at all genuinely compassionate towards my fellow life forms before meeting the Christ energy while on mescaline on one occasion long ago. That experience did not make me want to go to church or anything...it made me feel vibrantly alive and deeply concerned for the welfare of all other life, even the lives of those I would normally hate. I never understood the whole "love your enemies" thing until I came face to face with the Christ spirit.

Also DisEmbodied wrote:
I just wonder why the Hell the UDV and Santo Daime are Christian churches???

It is my understanding that the Santo Daime church claims to have spirits as members as well as people. Any Sentient being can be a member as long as they recognize the Authority of Christ.
The native American church has some heavy Christian influences as well.

I mean no offence to DisEmbodied or anyone and I am not trying to say my belief is better than anyone elses I just feel like there is a lack of understanding when it comes to this subject and people can be quick to judge Christians as if they were all alike.
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