I don't post here often, and don't often imbibe, but one thing i love about you guys here at the nexus that keeps me coming back is the admirable orientation to spiritual concerns that you have.
I'm going to be here at the computer most of the day doing coursework, but i'm always interested in hearing some of you guys so I just thought as an aside i'd throw this out there and see what comes back:
What place does knowledge of the form knowing-that or knowing-what (as distinct from procedural 'knowledge how' ) have for your way of being in the world? Is your epistemological bias:
Is there such a thing as innate knowledge?
Is all knowledge recollection?
Is knowledge just a social fabrication furnished by the contingencies of history?
Is it a partial view of some kind of 'akashic record'?
Does the mind have a pre-established affinity with truth?
Is it composed of free-floating mind-independent entities that visit you at their whim?
Is it merely justified true belief?
Is it always secondary to the striving of malicious human wills?
Does knowledge reveal or obfuscate the phenomena it's supposed to address ?
Or something else .. ?
> How has DMT changed what you 'know' about knowing ?
I'm going to be here at the computer most of the day doing coursework, but i'm always interested in hearing some of you guys so I just thought as an aside i'd throw this out there and see what comes back:
What place does knowledge of the form knowing-that or knowing-what (as distinct from procedural 'knowledge how' ) have for your way of being in the world? Is your epistemological bias:
Is there such a thing as innate knowledge?
Is all knowledge recollection?
Is knowledge just a social fabrication furnished by the contingencies of history?
Is it a partial view of some kind of 'akashic record'?
Does the mind have a pre-established affinity with truth?
Is it composed of free-floating mind-independent entities that visit you at their whim?
Is it merely justified true belief?
Is it always secondary to the striving of malicious human wills?
Does knowledge reveal or obfuscate the phenomena it's supposed to address ?
Or something else .. ?
> How has DMT changed what you 'know' about knowing ?