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DMT and Zhuan Falun

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Rising Star
OG Pioneer
A few days ago I came upon a post describing the similarities between some DMT experiences and what is described in a spiritual cultivation book entitled Zhuan Falun. Well I decided to download a copy and I have to say if you have ever tried DMT, smoked or otherwise you'd be wise to check this book out, it really seems to answer alot of questions regarding the DMT experience and what is really going on. Here's the post in question: [quote:71f73b3f34] [color=cyan:71f73b3f34]Hi Guys, I've recently been reading a pretty cool cultivation book "Zhuan Falun" which you can download for free here: http://www.falundafa.org/eng/books.htm In it they talk about all sorts of pretty radical and interesting stuff like the difference between a person's master soul and subordinate soul, the six levels of third eye vision, other dimensions, demonic and alien interference and many other things. The thing that struck me as pretty amazing was the similarities between DMT experiences and some of the cultivation states that one achieves by practicing Falun Gong, there were quite a few, here are just some of the similarities I have found: 1 ) The description given of reaching a certain state in Falun Dafa seems to kinda resemble the crysanthemum that mckenna and others witness under the influence of dmt. Heres a excerpt: "The gong column will be rather high then and a great deal of supernormal abilities will have been developed, all of which possesses a shape and form. The three flowers appear on the crown of the head, with one resembling a chrysanthemum and another a lotus. The three flowers spin individually while revolving around each other at the same time. Each flower has an extremely tall pole on top of it that reaches to the sky. These three poles also rotate and spin along with the flowers. The person will feel that his or her head has grown heavy. At this point the person will only have taken the last step of In-Triple-World-Law cultivation" and: "At this stage, another cultivation state comes about, and its called Three Flowers Atop the Head.� Its a really noticeable state, and its just striking. Even folks whose Third Eyes arent that high can see it. There are three flowers on top of the head. One of them is a lotus flower, but its not the lotus flower of our material dimension. The other two are also from other dimensions, and theyre really beautiful and wonderful. The three flowers circle atop the head, going clockwise, then counterclockwise, and the three flowers rotate on their own, too. Each flower has a big pillar, and the diameter of them is as wide as the flower. The three big pillars go all the way up to the heavens. But theyre not gong pillars, they just take on this form, and theyre really amazing. If you see them youre sure to be stunned. When you cultivate to this stage your body is pure and white, and your skin is smooth and delicate. When you get to this stage youve reached the highest form of Triple-World-Law cultivation. But its still not the peak-you still have to cultivate on further, you still have to go forward." from: www.falundafa.org/book/eng/flg_2.htm And mckenna's version: And you fall back into this hallucinogenic space, and what you see is a slowly rotating red and orange kind of thing, which, over the years we've nicknamed, uh, "The Chrysanthemum." and: "A chrysanthemum - a swirling floral pattern. Overlayed patterns of colours. You watch the chrysanthemum and if you've taken enough D.M.T., after about fifteen seconds, you are physically propelled through it into a kind of tunnel-like space. You seem to be catapulting forward through some kind of labyrinth-like, ubular, unfolding, coloured, fluctuating space." 2 ) This one involves something that Falun Gong Practitionars call the Falun, Heres a description: The Falun of Falun Gong is an intelligent, spinning body of high-energy substances. It rotates according to the order of the entire grand movements of the cosmos. In a sense, the Falun is a miniature of the universe. In the center of the Falun there is a Buddha School symbol of srivatsa,(in Sanskrit, srivatsa means the gathering of all good fortune� (refer to the Ci Hai dictionary)), which is the core of the Falun. Its color is close to golden yellow, and its base color is bright red. The base color of the outer ring is orange. Four Taiji symbols and four Buddha School srivatsa are arranged alternately in eight directions. The Taiji that consist of red and black colors belong to the Dao School, while the Taiji consisting of red and blue are of the Great Primordial Dao School. The four small srivatsa are also golden yellow. The base color of the Falun changes periodically from red, to orange, to yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. These are extraordinarily beautiful colors (refer to the color insert). The colors of the central srivatsa and the Taiji do not change. These srivatsa of different sizes rotate on their own, as does the Falun. The Falun is rooted in the universe. The universe is rotating, all galaxies are rotating, and so the Falun is also rotating. Those whose Third Eye are at lower levels can see the Falun spinning like a fan; those whose Third Eye are at higher levels can see the whole image of the Falun, which is extraordinarily beautiful and brilliant, and this encourages practitioners to cultivate more diligently and make faster progress. Picture of the Falun emblem and a more in depth description: http://www.falundafa.org.il/ver_01/english/falunemblem_eng.htm And here is a DMT Report that sounds very similar to this Falun that is described above: "I found myself being driven into this small square room with very real walls made of continuoulsy changing, sharp, perfect geometry. Everything was backlit like a fluorescent tube of pure cold light. So much movement. I began to realise that there was a wheel about two feet in diameter to the left of me. It was like a swastika with its outer arms rounded to form a wheel with four extra spokes in between. It also had a depth of about eight inches but this kept changing as it spun one way then the other, its geometric patterns also changing like a cuttle fish. Though it did not look like a being, I could feel it had personal intent, it was conscious! In fact, its movements seemed intended to fill me with one-way non-verbal information! Scary." 3 ) Heres a description in the Book of a high level enlightened being and it's characteristics: "When a person gets to an extremely high level, after hes gone beyond Triple-World- Law cultivation, an eye thats like a compound eye appears. To be more specific, a large eye develops over the whole top half of his face, and there are countless small eyes in it. Some Great Enlightened Beings at really high levels have cultivated an incredible number of eyes, and theyre all over their faces. All of their eyes see out of that one large eye, they can see whatever they want to, and when they look they see all levels at once. Nowadays zoologists and entomologists study flies. Theyve seen that a flys eyes are big, and that under a microscope they have countless small eyes in them. They call that a compound eye. When you get to a really high level that cultivation state might appear, but you have to be way higher than a Tathagata to have that happen. An ordinary person wont be able to see it, though, and somebody whos at an average level wont be able to see that its there. To them the person looks the same as a normal person since its in another dimension. This is about breakthroughs in levels, or to put it another way, its about being able to break through different dimensions." And here is a piece of artwork of what this artist encountered while under DMT: http://spectraleyes.com/gallery/artworx/spectraleyes_001 4 ) Here's another description in Zhaun Falun of enlightened beings in the higher realms: "You know, in Tantrism Tibetan lamas take doing hand signs seriously. But if you ask a lama what hand signs are, hell tell you that its meta-yoga.� And what exactly is that? They dont know themselves. Its actually a language of Great Enlightened Beings. When there are a lot of people, they make those large hand signs, which are incredibly beautiful, and they make all kinds of large hand signs. And when theres a small audience they use the small hand signs, and theyre beautiful, too, they use small hand signs in all kinds of poses, and theyre really involved and rich since theyre a language." And here's another artist depiction of a being in DMT space making striking yoya like hand gestures: http://spectraleyes.com/gallery/artworx/namaste 5 ) Here's an excerpt from Zhuan Falun which talks about a certain cultivation state that occurs after practising diligently for a while: When you cultivate to this stage, your body has pretty much been transformed by high-energy matter, or to put it another way, youve reached the highest level of Triple- World-Law cultivation, and your mortal body has been cultivated to its peak. When you get to this stage another cultivation state comes about. And which state is that? The gong youve brought out is quite rich and plentiful, and all the supernatural abilities (innate abilities) a human being has during cultivation of the human body, or, during Triple- World-Law cultivation, they all come out, but most people who do their cultivation in the setting of ordinary people are locked. Also, your gong pillar has grown pretty high, and all forms of gong have been strengthened by your powerful gong and become quite powerful. But they can only have an effect in this dimension of ours, they actually cant affect things in other dimensions, and thats because theyre just abilities that come out from cultivating our mortal human bodies. All the same, theyre pretty rich and plentiful, theyre found in every dimension, and the different forms a body takes on in different dimensions have gone through fairly big changes. The things that the body has, what the body in each dimension has, those things are rich and plentiful, and they look scary-some people have eyes all over their bodies, and even all the pores in their bodies are eyes, they have eyes all throughout their whole dimensional field. And here's a pic by Alex Grey which sounds very similiar to the description given above: http://alexgrey.com/shop/sophia.html 6 ) Here's an excerpt from the book on something they call "Cosmic Language": Cosmic Language "What is cosmic language� ? Its about a person suddenly being able to speak gibberish,like mumbo jumbo, and even he doesnt know what hes saying. People with telepathic abilities can get the general idea, but they cant make out the specifics of what hes talking about. And some people can speak a few languages. Whats more, some of them think theyre just incredible and think theyre really talented and have an ability. Lets be clear, thats not an ability, and its not a cultivators talent, and it doesnt stand for your level, either. So whats it about? Its actually that your mind is being controlled by a foreign spirit. But for some reason you think its pretty good, you like having it, and youre happy to have it. And the happier you are, the tighter its grip on you. If you think of yourself as a true cultivator, how could you just let it control you? And its level is really low. So a true cultivator shouldnt invite this kind of trouble. Human beings are the most precious, and theyre the wisest of all creatures. How could you be controlled by those things? You dont even want your body anymore-how sad! Some of those things latch onto the body, and some dont latch onto the body but they still manipulate you and control you, even though theyre at a little distance. When you want to speak it, theyre all too glad to do that, so youll go and spew mumbo jumbo. And it can be passed on-another person comes along and wants to learn it, he gets up his nerve and opens his mouth, and he starts spewing it, too. Those things actually come in nests, and when you want to speak it one of them will pounce right on your body and help you speak it. So hows that allowed to happen? Again, like I said, it wants to raise its level, but theres no hardship over there so it cant cultivate or improve itself. So they came up with an idea-to help people do good things for others. But they dont know how. Yet they do know that the energy they send out can have the effect of slowing peoples sicknesses down a little and relieving the pain sick people have at the time, but it cant cure the ailment. Thats how it is, and they know that using a persons mouth to send it out can have that effect." And here are some excerpts from Mckenna's experiences: 1. "And they're right here, and they're worse than in your face, because what they do is, they jump into your chest and then they jump out." ( In the book they mention " when you want to speak it one of them will pounce right on your body and help you speak it") 2. "Instead, what happened was there was an encounter with what can only be described as an elf hive" (In the book they mention "Those things actually come in nests") 3. "And the creatures, the tykes, are singing. They are speaking in a kind of translinguistic glossilalia. They are actually making these objects with their voices. They are singing these things into existence. And what the message is, is 'Do what we're doing. You can do what we're doing. DO IT.' And they get quite pushy about this. They say, you know, 'Damn it, DO IT!' And you're saying, 'Bu...bu...bu...bu...' And they say, 'No, DO IT! Do it NOW! DO IT!' And you say, 'I can't handle this,' you know, and then this kind of reaction goes on for awhile. Well, then, I actually, I don't take credit for it, it was not willed, but like something comes up from inside of you. Something comes out of you, and you discover you can do it, that you can use language to condense objects into existence in this space. It's the dream of all magic, but here it is folks, happening in real time. And then they're just delighted. They just go mad with delight and turn somersaults and turn themselves inside out and they all jump into your chest at once." (interesting how the tykes so eager for a person to do it, this from excerpt (6) above comes to mind): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So hows that allowed to happen? Again, like I said, it wants to raise its level, but theres no hardship over there so it cant cultivate or improve itself. So they came up with an idea-to help people do good things for others. But they dont know how. Yet they do know that the energy they send out can have the effect of slowing peoples sicknesses down a little and relieving the pain sick people have at the time, but it cant cure the ailment. Thats how it is, and they know that using a persons mouth to send it out can have that effect." -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/color:71f73b3f34] [/quote:71f73b3f34]
Now I know where you got your avatar, blackclo! Way cool. :) Yes, the correspondences between DMT experiences and Zhuan Falun are striking. It does sound like the practice increases or releases DMT in our bodies. I do know though that on the spiritual path, it is said that it's counterproductive to get too hung up on "evidence" of such development, such as the experiences described in Falun Dafa. Contact with our God-self is the point. In putting so much emphasis on these things, practitioners of this discipline could actually be impeding their progress. But, again, yes, very interesting connections with DMT experiences. Hmm, I'll have to practice singing objects into existence, like Terence's tykes... :D
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