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dmt color tone potency

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Rising Star
DMT color tone and potency SWIM's personal experiences have been very misleading,... does apperance of DMT give a user an insight on potency? siwm has bio assey on !) super white dmt 2) off white dmt 3) yellow dmt 4) orange dmt 5)brownish dmt 6)redish black dmt and as one expects the white to be the strongest and most pure, that wasnt always the case. have others experienced this...? it seems the less airy or light the dmt is vs the most compact the more potent. could this be a advantage of recrystalization and not purity? what have others personally experienced ........by the way the orange was the strongest oddly enuf............
Ive had really strong experiences also with orangey dark coloured dmt, tho it was harsher to smoke, I thought it might have been something to do with it being so compact, ive yet to do any recrystallization, but got a wad to try, but still got a good bit of white crystals so im in no rush to recrystalize the darker stuff I have. For a while I was thinking the darker stuff was stronger then was told it could be cos its compact so im not sure, not been smoking as much as I used to when I first started though, have to get back on it!!
Sometimes color has to do more with concentration than impurity. Case in point: take some white/clear crystals and melt them down gently to form a nice little rock. It will probably turn off-white if not yellow. Start with yellow and you'd probably end up with something orangish that, while probably harsh, will blow your top off.
After few burns, the purest white crystals becomes a dark brown goo... but it's still very potent ! But it's indeed interresting to check if after-extraction colors have an influence on the trip. So far, my friend would say that he noticed only differences between the yellow-gold crystals and the other colors (white, yellowish, orangeish, brown). Of course jungle spice is in a different area.
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