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DMT crashing out while reducing MHRB?

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Esteemed member
I'm cooking a 100g batch of shredded (not powdered) Mimosa in a little vinegar (pH ~ 5) and I divided it into two halves: one for crude tea, the other for my first ever spice extraction, the intention being to compare the effects of the two.

It's supposed to be a very potent batch of bark. After the first boil I drank 5ml of *unreduced* (!) tea with harmalas and felt DMT effects with very sharp visions of technological creatures.

I'm reducing the 1st half and after egg-white fining and running through a coffee filter it turned clear, even when cold. I was amazed at how clean it was.

I reduced it further and now - at 250ml volume (for 50g bark) - a white powder is precipitating.

I poured it off from the pot into a pyrex jug and there is a white sediment at the bottom of the pot (picture 1), and I could see a white precipitate falling to the bottom of the jug (picture 2 shows the precipitate with most of the liquid decanted off).

Could this be DMT crashing out, due to the high concentration? I've never seen anything like this before.
If it's not DMT, what could it be?


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I collected and dried the powder from the pyrex jug, it weighs 845mg. There was a little bit of oil in it, but most of it is a powder with small chunks that crumble easily. I'm going to bioassay it and report back.

The white layer at the bottom of the pot dissolved after pouring back the tea into it with the bulk of the powder removed.
If it's acidified brew I doubt its DMT, solubility in water is too great. Maybe it's some kind of low water solubility natural salt, calcium, oxalates, who knows, something that is either in the plant or in your water.

But just in case, and out of curiosity,you can still separate it and keep it, you could try playing with its solubility, like do an extraction, and see if it behaves like DMT, or you could use TLC or at least ehrlich reagent to see if it turns purple.
endlessness said:
If it's acidified brew I doubt its DMT, solubility in water is too great. Maybe it's some kind of low water solubility natural salt, calcium, oxalates, who knows, something that is either in the plant or in your water.

But just in case, and out of curiosity,you can still separate it and keep it, you could try playing with its solubility, like do an extraction, and see if it behaves like DMT, or you could use TLC or at least ehrlich reagent to see if it turns purple.
These are much better as best practice to determine what you have before one ingests an unknown. What you have is likely benign considering source, however it is unlikely to be what you think or active in any way.
Thanks guys, I don't have a TLC kit and don't think it could tell me how much DMT there is in it (there must be some, even if only as an 'impurity' ). A bioassay of 30mg or so will probably be the easiest way to get an idea and if the results seem promising, I might proceed to an extraction.

Yes, whatever it is, it should be benign - it comes from MHRB tea after all, so nothing I wouldn't drink if it hadn't crashed out, although at a much higher concentration.
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