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DMT d-/eludes/issolves democracy

Migrated topic.
DMT is profoundly religious and motivates people to better themselves, treat others respectfully and search for true happiness... rather than chase the myth of perpetual economic growth and consumerism. I would say this puts it at odds with the Western state... perhaps not so much with its own indiginous states where its use is culturally supported. The Western state wishes to maintain the cultural status quo, a 'Christian' (hypocritical hence the quotations) status quo, wanting only to 'improve' things enough for re-election. The Western state is oppressive because it's idea of what is improvement may not be the correct one, and DMT would be seen as a threat to the prevailing Western culture. The state is filled with people chasing power and control (not all of them, but some) and this endeavour seems at odds with what DMT teaches SWIM.

I'm not sure if a 'postmodern national state' even exists... postmodern would imply some understanding of cultural relativism and tolerance, rather than a continued attempt to enforce dogmatic religious morals onto others (attitudes towards drugs being the most obvious one).
Exactly, and what about turning the hole question upside down and asking ,,What is the relationship of a man to a state?".
That´s a politological concept of state. Forced the authority? This does implicate use of force.
What I mean is relationship between visionary plants and postindustrial society, often antagonic, although.
hey man, no offence but you have been starting loads of topics lately asking some pretty peculiar questions, without giving much input yourself appart from some quite 'loose' sentences here and there.. maybe try to keep a discussion going, focusing on less things at once, giving your own more extended view on the subjects, and then it might be more productive

As for the subject.. I think the state and governments as we encounter them right now are indeed antagonic to the insights brought by psychedelics, which focus more on self-control as opposed to external control, consciousness development as opposed to memorization of knowledge and blind specialization, respect to nature as opposed to torturing nature to get what we need, global thinking as opposed to nationalism and protectionism, etc etc.. Though I think that if consciousness did evolve, there would still be some sort of general organization, but I dont think it would be the pseudo-democratic system we live in now.
I read this recently and it fits:

"For in reason, all government without the consent of the governed is the very definition of slavery." ~J. Swift
States should never exist.
That´s right, but seems like that in near future mankind will have to live in tribes. Haven´t You read Food of the gods?
Point of this discussion? Um... I´m trying to prove that possesing of the DMT can make you an outlaw.
Actually, it doesn't make you an 'outlaw'. The concept has been around since medieval times and I expect much earlier, back to tribal society. An outlaw is someone who is placed 'outside of the law', meaning that people no longer have to treat them as someone protected by law. Hisotrically, once you are designated an outlaw, you have no state protection anymore. You are fair game. You can be murdered, raped, tortured, stolen from etc with impunity.

In the USA people still use the term 'outlaw' from the frontier days, now just to mean a criminal, but the two terms aren't strictly the same. I don't know if outlaw had the European meaning on the frontier, but I'm guessing it did at least when settlement began.

I know I'm being pedantic! I just find the ancient practice of outlawing very interesting... and barbaric. Tribal society was generally an awful state of affairs. Of course there are many ills now that there weren't then, but comparing the two I'd much rather live now than in the stone age.
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