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Just add more naphtha to reduce the emulsion. Then you'll get a clear layer of (new) naphtha ontop of the black-foam, and this WILL take-up some of the dmt-freebase in the foamy emulsion. When you add more naphtha, and pull 2 or 3 more times, the emulsion will settle with each pull.      [b:15a0c8019a]BUT  !   .. for crying out loud  ... quit just SHOVELLING the lye in there @! All of you lye-eaters..!> What are you doing that for..!? are you adding it to settle the emulsion..!?[/b:15a0c8019a]    The blind leading the  blind !      Although, the 'blind' leading themsleves here, suits me fine .. We'll set them SAFE, and straight... presuming they can read enough to figure out WHAT THEY STILL HAVE TO LEARN ! ...    Please, if I may derail this thread a bit, tell us, o-wise-chemists of dimitri extraction ... ! WHY are we using lye, anyways .!?  Just 'because' .>?! Since it helps clean stains off the jars.!? .. or is it for specific reasons.?      .. I have ranted enough about doing these tek's in ignorance, so could someone else answer - "why do we use lye" ..!>   ... and perhaps mention what pH has to do with it... !? .. what does pH have to do with emulsions..!?

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