you'll get a lot of folks donplaying the value of the lazyman's tek. these inveterate psychonauts usually have a state of the art vaporizer and have mastered their delivery technique. as a beginner, lazyman's tek is good for two reasons.
1. it's easy as pie.
2. it pulls and retains some of the plant oils that remain in the final product after evap. i can tell you from personal experience that, if you are going to be smoking your spice in a regular old glass pipe, the waxy orange spice that the lazyman's tek yields is a much better option. the plant's oils seem to protect the dmt from the flame and allow for it to vaporize more slowly. you can get farther from the less pure spice with less actual dmt used than if you just load up pure freebase into a bowl. even a substrate and a top layer wont protect the pure freebase from disappearing the instant a flame gets anywhere near it. the plant's oils seem to insulate it quite effectively. this opinion is based on several bioassays of the spice by myself and my friends. all report a more intense experience with a smaller dose by weight when smoking the orange spice in a traditional bowl. hell, one friend even used a one-hitter with a little tobacco and had a nice ride on the orange spice.
it seems counterintuitive, but it works.
obviously, for purer spice, you'll need to freeze precip. but, hey, baby steps. do you have a GVG? no? go the lazyman route this time. test the waters.
my two cents.