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DMT from pee

Migrated topic.


What r u really afraid of...
I read somewhere that the DMT we extract and smoke is from the vegetative (plant) realm
and it set me to wonder how we could maybe use our urine in an extraction or I don't know
figure out a way to make it from the human realm. I know this is probably thee most
stupidest thing ever written in the nexus but it's really been on my mind. Maybe it would make our journeys in hyperspace more navigable and understandable. I know we can get ammonium carbonate, phosphorus, and potassium nitrate from urine. I also read we can get salt out of urine by just putting a container of urine in a refrigerator overnight. The salt precipitates out and sticks to the walls of the container. You can then pour out the liquid and the salt will stay stuck to the walls. I have no idea just kinda just throwing a few things out there...
You misunderstand, the title was a joke, what I mean is using the salt from urine as part of an extraction. I mean some of us send our intentions to our bark before a brew or extraction.
Sorry, but it is hard for me to not see the rest of the post as a joke too. Oh well, to each his own..

Anyway, the solubility vs. temperature curve of sodium chloride is rather flat, so cooling would not cause much precipitation even in a saturated solution. Note that urine is far from a saturated sodium chloride solution, so you would at least have to boil and reduce a lot. Keep in mind that urine is more than yellow salty water, it also contains a lot of proteins. The proteins may precipitate long before the salts.

Here is a youtube video about retrieving chemicals from urine: piss piss bang bang.

The only practical suggestion that I can think of is to dilute the urine with at least an equal volume of ethanol. The ethanol has a very low solubility for sodium chloride and will push it out of solution. This might not work so well with other alcohols or acetone, despite these also having a low solubility for sodium chloride. In those cases, the salt may cause a separation of solvent phases (called salting out.)
DMT pee.........
seems i recall a thread not long ago about DMT anal administration also.
doesnt help us girls much, but for the guys i see potential.

( ^ sorry couldnt resist)
notsure said:
You misunderstand, the title was a joke, what I mean is using the salt from urine as part of an extraction. I mean some of us send our intentions to our bark before a brew or extraction.

Why do you want parts of your piss in your DMT?
steppa said:
notsure said:
You misunderstand, the title was a joke, what I mean is using the salt from urine as part of an extraction. I mean some of us send our intentions to our bark before a brew or extraction.

Why do you want parts of your piss in your DMT?
this thread was de-railed before it began ... if you can... get a pure sodium chloride salt out of your urine then yes you can use it in an extraction, sure why not. That's not what the original post said/implied though,...

Synthesis would probably be more practical than extraction from urine, blood or pineal glands or whatever other mammalian sourcing that can be theorized ... but what do I know.

steppa said:
Why do you want parts of your piss in your DMT?

Why not? A lot of people put care and love into their extractions and a lot of ceremony can be involved in various parts of the tripping process. There is a lot to be said for the psychological impact on the effects of the finished product based on suggestibility from the good vibes that have been put into the work. As long as it is safe to do so why not use by-products of our own bodies in an extraction? It can help to bond with the spice. I think that although it may not be to everyone's tastes it is a deeply spiritual commitment.
notsure said:
I don't know
figure out a way to make it from the human realm.

One would wonder about, i didn't know the full name for it until now, other than eye sleep, or sleepies! I specifically mean the eye crust not the other ones mentioned, although, who knows!

I feel like it is at least possible that, for example if there is any amount of DMT in this mixture, it would not be known to everyday people! A mundane description of it would be presented publically. Perhaps it is easy to test for experienced chemists to see what is actually in there!
Now I know where the yellow dmt comes from! :lol:

(more dirty talk under the spoiler button)
Dude1: Dude2, bro! Check out this dmt that I just finished extracting!
Dude2: Cool tnx!
Dude1: *passes pipe*
Dude2: *puff* *puff* *puff*
<a few minutes later>
Dude2: Whoah! Nice, but that dmt vapor tastes just like shit!
Dude1: Well yes, I did put some "deeply spiritual commitment" into the extraction.
hug46 said:
steppa said:
Why do you want parts of your piss in your DMT?

Why not? A lot of people put care and love into their extractions

Yeah. That's why I guess most people refrain from adding piss to it. Of course that's just my personal opinion. Everyone may add whatever he want's. But let's ask some questions:

Is it smart?
Does it serve a purpose?
Which purpose?
Could this purpose be fullfilled in another, simpler way?
steppa said:
Is it smart?

If it is done in a safe manner then i feel that smartness doesn't come into the equation. A connection with an extraction and the subsequent experiences that the extract induces transcends intellect.

I can understand peoples reticence in relating to their DMT in this manner but there are plenty of people that drink their own urine. When i was a kid there was a group of us that would build camps on building sites and in woods and one of my friends, who was quite an intellectual, would always design intricate toilets as part of the camp. He was obsessed with toilets and toilet related matter. He once climbed a tree and attempted to defacate on me as i stood below. I don't know what his diet consisted of at the time but his excrement was still sitting there weeks later complete in all it's glory. No noticable decompostion appeared to have taken place (although it had turned a rather fetching shade of green).
The last time i heard about him, he and his girlfriend had introduced faeces into their sex life. Now this kind of thing really isn't my cup of tea. I tried watching a scat film on the internet (purely out of curiosity) but i couldn't get past the introductory still shots. I guess it takes all sorts to make a world and there are plenty of "smart" people who are into bodily effluent in it's various forms and also the variety of ways in which the effluent can be interacted with.
I will add that my more open minded approach to this topic could in part be related to my relationship with this friend (he was like a very dysfunctional older brother) during my formative years.

Does it serve a purpose?

Yes, for some it may very well serve a purpose.

Which purpose?

See my previous post.

Could this purpose be fullfilled in another, simpler way?

If we are looking at this in a lowest common denominator kind of way,,,, theoretically (and i am not expressly recommending this to anyone) there is nothing simpler than pissing in an extraction vessel.

pitubo said:
Dude1: Dude2, bro! Check out this dmt that I just finished extracting!
Dude2: Cool tnx!
Dude1: *passes pipe*
Dude2: *puff* *puff* *puff*
<a few minutes later>
Dude2: Whoah! Nice, but that dmt vapor tastes just like shit!
Dude1: Well yes, I did put some "deeply spiritual commitment" into the extraction.

Yes Pitubo. Thankyou very much for that. It was very amusing but it does not detract from the fact that an individual's ability to take the piss out of themselves can lead too long term spiritual benefits.
ya know this is really no worse
than the people who grow shrooms on dung (piss soaked)
and fetishize it to a great degree without even realizing it.

although we dont see it here,
i have seen threads suggesting one eats spores and then craps out the sub ready to go.
after a certain point, you suspect theres more to it than just a grow,
and it becomes apparent it is some sort of acting out........

probably related to potty training.

personally, i always avoid urine and feces when doing lab work.
you would think its a no brainer.
and i seriously wonder about peeps who cant operate without a honeypot.
hug46 said:
I can understand peoples reticence in relating to their DMT in this manner but there are plenty of people that drink their own urine.
I fully respect the personal choices that people make for themselves. But would you serve your own urine to others? Would you share your "yellow spice" with others? Many people do share dmt smokes with friends.

hug46 said:
Yes Pitubo. Thankyou very much for that. It was very amusing but it does not detract from the fact that an individual's ability to take the piss out of themselves can lead too long term spiritual benefits.
I just couldn't resist the funny thoughts about some commonly discussed dmt related themes (color of some extractions, smell of burnt dmt) and this topic. Humor too, has long term health and spiritual benifits. 😉
pitubo said:
hug46 said:
Yes Pitubo. Thankyou very much for that. It was very amusing but it does not detract from the fact that an individual's ability to take the piss out of themselves can lead too long term spiritual benefits.
I just couldn't resist the funny thoughts about some commonly discussed dmt related themes (color of some extractions, smell of burnt dmt) and this topic. Humor too, has long term health and spiritual benifits. 😉

Yes i appreciate the benefits of humour in relationship to spiritual well being and my above comment that you are replying to was meant in a deadpan way. Unfortunately if one adds an emoticon to a statement to imply that the comment was a joke it loses the deadpan effect and if there is no emoticon this can also lead to confusion over whether a comment was supposed to be funny or not but that is a risk that i am sometimes willing to take when attempting to communicate with the written word.

Would i serve my urine to someone else? No i don't think that i would. I am not a drinker of my own urine so wouldn't expect anyone else to take pleasure in it.

When i was a teenager i had a friend that urinated into a bottle and, just as another friend walked into the room, friend A pretended to take a gulp of the bottle while making an exclamation of pleasure in relation to the deliciousness of the liquid inside the bottle. Friend B grabbed the bottle gulped down the still warm urine and promptly spat it out in disgust. Now it could be argued that friend B deserved everything he got for just grabbing the bottle without asking but i still thought that it was a pretty heartless prank.

Maybe if i was shipwrecked with someone and we had no drinking water and were minutes away
from dying i would share my urine with someone. Maybe in the future if there is a water crisis today's urine drinkers will become humanity's last vanguard of hope. True recyclers.
Some years ago I was staying in a large building with the nearest functional toilet four floors downstairs. During nighttime, I had relieved myself into an empty milk carton. The next morning, after getting up and clothed, I walked down to the working toilets in order to flush the contents of the carton. Only meters away from the toilet door, a lady, holding a freshly made cup of coffee, walked up to me and exclaimed: "Oh look how wonderful! You've brought me milk for my coffee!" Next, she was already grabbing for the carton and I had to push her away almost. She didn't understand how I could be so mean to not share a bit of the milk with her - until I explained.
I can relate to your story Pitubo. I would imagine that most nexians have been caught in the distance of toilet/drink container conundrum. I don't know how flimsy milk cartons are where you are from but they used to be those crappy cardboard tetrapak ones in the uk. Terrrible for urinating in, not resealable and the small ones only held a pint.

I have managed to over fill a pint glass with my urine. When i was a teenager i was at a rock concert in London. The toilets were too far from where i was, the main band were just starting and i didnt want to move from my allotted space. The house lights had gone down so i thought what the heck and relieved myself into a disposable plastic pint glass. The glass started to overflow and i tried to pass it on down the row i was in. The guy next to me (the same friend who did the urine in the bottle trick in my previous story) violently pushed the glass away and unfortunately it went all over some guy in front of us. Who, for some reason as far as i can remember,didn't seem to mind that much.

I also once ate sugar that had been soaked in cat's piss and ate baby excrement (by accident, my sister convinced me that it was marmite) but that's another story and i don't want to completely derail this thread with these kinds of torrid anecdotes.
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