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DMT independence via Phalaris brachystachys

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Phalaris brachystachys seems to be an ideal plant species for gaining DMT independence. Tryptamine concentrations can be at least 2 to 3 times that of Mimosa hostilis, and the alkaloid profile is said to be very desireable consisting of almost only n,n-dmt. P. brachystachys is a semi-hardy fast growing annual grass that can be grown in virtually any climate. To harvest, simply cut and re-cut. Also, juicing grass is much easier than harvesting, stripping, grinding,and boiling root bark. The possibilities are incredible.
i've grown this species, yes. as far as extractions, i can speak of real-world scenarios where it might be juiced for oral consumption. that is the extent of my imagination thus far.
I saw some murmuring about gramine and bufotenine in this plant which would kinda rule it out for anahuasca. Got any more info ?
If the alkaloid content is *at least* like MH, it should be no problem to extract some crystals from it, maybe with some defats. Any proofs that it is feasable ?
Ferdinand , a reliable poster at edot, had this to say: "My cat has made an extract from brachystachys grown and stressed by him. 65-70g wet correlated to three pretty good doses. Wheat juice grasser yielded a smokeable tar, but my cat defatted, then toulene'd."
heyoka, considering the genus, i would imagine there must be some amount of those two in there. however, i would not rule it out as an oral admixture just yet. in one scenario, no purge was experienced yet considerable nausea was. of course, we are talking about ayahuasca here, so one would not expect to have no bodyload (depending on purity of extraction i suppose). caution and working ones way up would be wise though. blue halo, a scientific study has been done by researchers Festi and Samorini. at this point, only a few people seem to have posted bioassay reports on various message boards. all those have been extremely positive.
1 to 2 months of course, to establish a long-term usable plot, you would want to let the root structure mature before beginning a clipping regimen. but if you have a quantity of seed to play and test with, you could plant a few planters full and begin harvesting at around 3-4 weeks, if in a hurry.
It takes to containers then? My friends experiments with arundinacia in containers have not been happy. It grows and comes back from its roots, but has yet to set any seed and if its clipped, it goes dormant until next season.
yes, it does well in containers. it is shorter in height than arundinacea. perhaps <1 meter as apposed to 2m. MG potting soil did fine. average soil or even just dirt should do fine. i've never grown arundinacea from seed, b/c it's just so variable. i have a Big Medicine and AQ1 potted that i started from clones. they're still young. i would suspect that for robust regrowth after clipping, good root structure would need to be established. however, even young plants have regrown quickly for me. until the summer temperatures reached into the upper 90s F. that hurt 'em.
I searched old Entheogen Review Articles for Phalaris Brachystachys. I found a few positive reports. One report speculating that his rue/pb effect may have been related to 5-meo despite an alkaloid test showing results identical to psychotria viridis. I also found this report which would seem to be cause to proceed with caution: "Phalaris Brachystachys EH, of MA made an ayahuasca brew using 30 gm of fresh P. brachystachys (grown from JLF seeds) and 5 gm Peganum Harmala seeds. It came on within two hours and was pleasant for about an hour, but soon became extremely intense, with continuous diarrhea and vomiting, left side of body numb, racing thoughts, anxiety, etc. This went on for 36 hours! After coming down, some pleasant visuals returned to cycle in and out over a period of two days: "It even woke me out of sound sleep with strong sounds of weird things. I've never experienced this before, never wish to again. Either I'm very sensitive or this strain was kick ass." Effects for three and a half days sounds like something else beyond the Phalaris brachystachys or rue has found it's way into the equation. This report sure as hell isn't gonna stop swims from investigating further.
yes, this is in the new Online version of Trout's book, which I announced in the Forum (Announcement thread at the top)! Brachstachys: did you stumble across this yourself, or from the announcement thread? -z
yeah zhah, i noticed it stickied up there just after i posted. i think i first saw it when someone on another forum recently made reference to it. it's very informative.
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