Hi! I know it's been a while but here is my response. you might not see this xD
I will speak a little to the 'microdosing' of DMT
as well other medicines that I think MIGHT be able to help if feel that you are in a fragmented place (or whatever you feel it is!)
I am also very much a novice. I'm an inexperienced young hooligan. these are only my thoughts and experiences as an extreme psychedelic noivce!!
"however, now we face a different challenge. one that neither cubes nor Lucy have been capable of resolving: managing schizophrenia and other multiple personality abilities."
I used to have a borderline skizophrenic mind, that's what the doctors said at least. On top of that I had various PTSD experiences like assault, sexual abuse, and environmental triggers, that had 'snapped' me at various points in life. There is a vigiliance and fragility in that sort of psyche I had which made it so sensitive to everything, hyperactive, and flikery.
I was lucky that a San Pedro (Mescaline) medicine ceremony was able to just, seemingly flood with me warm psychedelic ecstasy and balm those fragile piercing elements to my soul. It melted me and merged me more together. I sat with a trusted girlfriend, and the shamans sister in attendance was really entrusting when I met her. After the San Pedro Medicine Ceremony, I noticed my mind was more smooth soaft and 'dull' at it's peripherary where it touches the world and deep down more soft and whole and resilient. I was
no longer experiencing the PTSD's, panic attacks, chronic anxiety, suicidality or even a single thoguht of depression(depression and suicidal feelings did return a year or two later albeit not nearly as strongly anymore, complicated xD), and I also was not hypervigiliant anymore. I highly recommend San Pedro for people seeking to stabilize and integrate as a result of that singular experience, however San Pedro can be many things so I would still exercise caution. LSD, Mushrooms, and micro/macro ayahuasca had been unable to stabilize me in that way. If anything I feel like they can make me more expanded, sensitive, and vulnerable, which is not really what I want when I feel i'm shards of a mirror to begin with~
"in our experience, microdosing with cubes or Lucy tends to exaggerate the issue when tackling multiple, divergent personalities." << exaclty...
Having someone (two people actually) that I trusted at that medicine ceremony, with San Pedro (and Tobacco) really allowed me to throw myself off the edge and land in ecstasy.
"have you, or do you know of anyone who has tried microdosing DMT (organic natural botanical form)?"
Microdosing 'DMT' is a super joy of mine. More even than Mushrooms or LSD.
My experience with 'microdosed dmt' albeit crude so far, has been that you really just learn so much about whatever it is you engage with. It is a lot less 'intoxicating' for me than LSD or Mushrooms. It comes across
hyper clear. There is no emotional bias ~ it feels to me like a crystal diamond that lets all colors of emotion pass through. ALL.
For instance ~
When i dance I notice better the emotions entangled with each tiny movement or gesture. Mind you these experiences are not unique to microdose DMT. I can also trance out very easliy.
When I listen to music, I can hear the universe speaking to me more. I get synesthesia it's awesome.
When I speak I am more mindful of the energetic content of my speech.
When I look into the eyes of others whether human or animal I see the beauty of their spirit more as well as their personhood and whatever place they are in.
When I do makeup (I love makeup art) or I paint, I see details, 'flaws', and the contrasts of beauty more clearly. I see into texture, line, and color more. I am a better painter.
When I meditate, imagine, nap, or shamanic trance it's easier to travel.
When I experience triggering emotions or stressful experiences it's much MORE articulated and penetrating, impressionable. For instance if someone around me is triggered and angry, i can feel fear where it belongs perhaps, in our disconnect in that moment. Fear which is it's own teacher ~
In addition the microdose allows you to draw upon that clarity for any endeavor your sober mind would like to embark upon. They can collaborate so well in real time.
When I am with people I am kinder too.
The DMT challenges & enables you to really approach every step, every facet, every nook and cranny of your life form a psychedelic standpoint, with one foot in sobriety.
A microdosed DMT involves much more to make happen than LSD or Mushrooms microdosed, as you might now. I'm sure there are ways to make it very 'natural'. For instance, you could make MAOI brews to drink, and smoke/nebulize small amounts of DMT(or DMT-Fumarate). This would allow you to separately re-up on either the MAOI portion or the DMT portion of your sustained microdose, infinitely, while including some of the other natural voices in the B.Caapi or whatever plant is your MAOI. If you vape/smoke/aerosolize/nebulize the DMT (or DMT-Fumarate) then perhaps you can avoid nausea. I would like to explore that method more as nausea can be a big problem when you are in certian public situations or engaged with something, and I think you might be able to avoid it by making the serotonergic agents inhale only (not oral)
Having the capacity to bring the spirit of DMT into EVERY area of daily life teaches me a LOT about my life. I haven't been doing it much recently however but I am getting back into it. DMT Microdosing is one of my favorites from the outset at the moment.
I hope some of these thoughts could contribute to the discussion or provide helpful to you!!!
Much Love,