Rising Star
The pictures shown were made with a $9.99 LED RadioShack 60-100x Pocket Scope.
I recommend you all get one as it is useful for various things and invaluable for those just curious about the world around them. Speaking of which; here are some pictures of raw spice after Noman's STB with Naptha and 30min/4hr/6hr freeze precipitation technique. Then a double Re-xtal on the ones I think you can guess which.
The ones that fill the whole screen, relatively, are taken at 100x magnification.
I recommend you all get one as it is useful for various things and invaluable for those just curious about the world around them. Speaking of which; here are some pictures of raw spice after Noman's STB with Naptha and 30min/4hr/6hr freeze precipitation technique. Then a double Re-xtal on the ones I think you can guess which.
The ones that fill the whole screen, relatively, are taken at 100x magnification.